Jed Whedon and the Willing все тексты (слова) песен, переводы, видео, клипы
AncestorsBranches and grass, our hut
Covered in ash and mud
Pierce me with cattle bones
Drinking their milk and blood
The fire dances with our ancestors, the stars
See how they glow
See how they glow
DronesSun rises slow
Water rides the air
Gathering in the clouds
Forming raindrops
Or heavy snow
Sun melts the snow
Gravity kicks in
To Be MoneyHistory of the Forgotten Things'2010
Piece above the fireplace for which they
paid a mint. Polish it so I can see myself
in the silver finished print. Plant a tree.
Watch it grow. Cut it down to size. See,
the chest is hollow. Profit by all means
and cover my eyes. To be money.