'Til The EndI will fight ‘til the end
Doesn’t matter what the world brings against me
I will fight ‘til the end
Doesn’t matter what people say
I will love ‘til the end
Even as the love grows colder
I will hope ‘til the end
Even if everything seems hopeless
08 My GodAll of who You are reaches the darkest parts
Lifting the weight and erasing the scars that had a hold on me
Here I am bearing all, tearing down every wall
So amazed by Your grace and the way You're still holding me
Whoa whoa, whoa whoa
My God, You are the unchanging love
My God, Your heart sends hope from above
All The TimeWith every moment of every day
My heart is aching with words to say
I can't explain it, the way I feel
All that you've given has been so real
I couldn't breathe some, I couldn't breathe
Something more to live
I didn't want none I didn't want
Nothing more than this.
Beautiful OneWonderful, so wonderful
Is your unfailing love
Your cross has spoken mercy over me
No eye has seen no ear has heard
No heart could fully know
How glorious, how beautiful you are.
Beautiful one I love
Beyond MeasureThe fog has finally cleared to see,
The beautiful life you've given me
To feel the breeze of my newborn's gentle breath
With one to walk hand in hand,
To share this life that you have planned
It's like a storybook with dreams
That are meant to see every next step is an extraordinary scene
Breaking My FallSo easily I fall, so easily you reach your hand out
So quickly will I drown, in all the pools of all my reason
So easily will I fear, so easily will your peace surpass me
So quickly will I trust, in anything I think is worthy
How many times you make the waves calm down
So I won't be afraid now
I saw you're breaking my, breaking my fall
BreatheYou fill my empty soul
I'd give you all control
You take this heart o fmine
And make the pieces whole
You broke this fear inside
I'll leave these cares behind
You take this simple mold
And sanctify my mind
Can't Be MovedI can’t lean on the earthly things
‘Cause it’s broke and gonna fade
And I can’t stand on the dirt below
‘Cause this dust gonna blow away
You say, hey now, follow Me, gonna go to the promise land
You say, hey child, don’t forget that the Lord is coming back
When everything in this world is falling
Capture MeYou search inside the deepest parts
You radiate the darkness in my heart
I can't hide no more
You took this life that was once frail
And gave a strength where hopelessness won't prevail
And there's life no more abundantly
Christ In MeIn this obsession with
The things this world says make us happy
Can't see the slaves we are
In all the searching all the grasping
Like we deserve much more
Than all these blessing we're holding
So now I'm running free
Into an ocean of mercy unending
Empty meHoly Fire burn away,
my desire for anything
that is not of you and is of me.
I want more of you and less of me.
Holy Fire burn away,
my desire for anything
that is not of you and is of me,
Even WhenYou know and you see, the times of my defeat
When I fail to realize your kindness
Reaches through all my fragile fears of wasting any years
And I see you go beyond my silent feelings
Even when I wrote my life away
You still receive me
Even when I wrote my life away
EverytimeI spin around
I can hardly see
To catch a glimpse of this moment
I hear the sound of this simple plea
To wait at the feet of your love
Every time I'm on my knees pleading for your strength
Feels LikeI fail in every single way
But every time I hear You say
"Faithful one, come to this place
The place of rest where you belong"
Anticipate the final day
When I fall into Your warm embrace
With everything that I've been through
Give Me JesusIn the morning when I rise,
In the morning when I rise,
In the morning when I rise
Give me Jesus
Give me Jesus
Give me Jesus
You сan have all this world
Just give me Jesus,
Give You GloryWe have raised a thousand voices
Just to lift Your holy name
And we will raise thousands more
To sing of Your beauty in this place
Well, none can even fathom
No, not one define Your worth
As we marvel in Your presence
He KnowsHe Knows (оригинал Jeremy Camp)
Он знает (перевод Aeon)
All the bitter weary ways
Все эти проторённые пути,
Endless striving day by day
Бесконечные дни борьбы,
You barely have the strength to pray
Healing Hand Of GodI have seen the many faces,
I fear in the pain.
I have watched the tears fall plenty,
From heart ache and strength.
So if life's journey, Has you weary and afraid.
There's rest in the shadow of his wings.
I have walked through the valleys,
The mountains and plains.
Here I AmYou are waiting for us to move
There is so much more
Deeper than I've ever known and known before
When we draw near
I see the mysteries of who You are
Reveal my heart to be renewed
Until nothing's left but You
Only You
Here I Am To WorshipLight of the world, You step down into darkness
Opened my eyes let me see
Beauty that made this heart adore You
Hope of a life spent with You
And here I am to worship, here I am to bow down
Here I am to say that You're my God
You're altogether lovely, altogether worthy
I Know You're CallingA broken image is sometimes what I see
But the hand that made me is the hand that won't leave me
You've begun a good work that only has begun
And you always lead me, lead me to your son
What I want to know everything you are
What I want to see your will for me and I know you'll show me
And I know you're calling, I see your arms stretched wide
I Still BelieveScattered words and empty thoughts
seem to pour from my heart
I've never felt so torn before
seems I don't know where to start
but it's now that I feel Your grace falls like rain
from every fingertip, washing away my pain
I will give You all my worship09 Я воздам тебе всю славу (You are worthy all of my praise)
Я воздам Тебе всю славу
C Am7 D G
Вознесу хвалой превыше небес.
I Will Trust In YouI Will Trust In You
When I can't see You, I know you're here
When I can't feel You, I will not fear
I will trust in You and I will not be afraid
And when the battle is close at hand
I know You're with me to help me stand
I will trust in You and I will not be afraid
I'm aliveI felt so overwhelmed with guilt
I don't know how many times that I'd fight it
Well, I tried it and barely survived it
I fell in the nearest pool of shame
Took the blame and everything that surrounds it
Well, I found it and I drowned in it
Oh, I never thought I'd erase this
In Your PresenceAs I stand here in your presence,
Of your beauty I will always stand in awe,
I reach my hands out to the heavens, yeah,
And I lift my voice to you alone, To you alone,
As I bow my head before you,
I lay my burdens down at your nail pierced feet,
Every ounce of you radiates your glory,
InnocenceInnocence is calling
The way it's always been
I can feel my heart is reaching
I can see the calling to show your heart
Within because I know your blood is healing
All I am today and all I am is what your hands
Have made me
Jesus, You are the weyAll creation cried out with longing
With groans only You could comprehend
And with wisdom, You always answer
And give the words of life so unfailing
And Your glory shines all around us
Your faithfulness shown for all to see
When we think of all of Your wonders
Lay down my prideEvery single word I say
You know it before I speak
You know every thought
The deepest part of me
You draw me closer than I see
Your presence is every thing I need to be
The child that you've created me to be
Let It FadeLet it fade(Пусть это испарится)
Have You Been Walking On A Surface That's Uncertain?
Have You Helped Yourself To Everything That's Empty?
You Can't Live This Way Too Long.
There's More Than This, More Than This.
Have You Been Standing On Your Own Feet Too Long?
Have You Been Looking For A Place Where You Belong?
Living WordIn this life there is one guarantee
This broken world will only leave me empty
But there’s a life that healed my heart
And it holds firm when I’m falling apart
I will stand on the truth
In the living word of God
Mary Did You KnowMary did you know that your baby boy will one day walk on water?
Mary did you know that your baby boy will save our sons and daughters?
Did you know that your baby boy has come to make you new?
This child that you've delivered, will soon deliver you.
Mary did you know that your baby boy will give sight to a blind man?
Mary did you know that your baby boy will calm a storm with his hand?
Did you know that your baby boy has walked where angels trod?
More than enoughChorus:
All of you, is more than enough for
all of me, for every thirsting
every need, you satisfy me,
My desireYou want to be real, you want to be empty inside
You want to be someone laying down your pride
You want to be someone someday
Then lay it all down before the king
You want to be whole, you want to have purpose inside
You want to have virtue and purify your mind
Not AshamedYou are the fullness of the beauty I seek
You are, You are
You are the healer of the broken and weak
You are, You are
Even though few may stand and proclaim
Your great name
It's the life I want to live
Nothing Else I NeedWhen I think of all I've seen nothing
Compares to what you give
And to drink of what you bring you quench
The thirst for me to live
I am satisfied by what tenderness you've
Shown to me and I empty all that I am
And you fill my life you're everything to me
One Day At A TimeOne day at a time i will walk this road i've traveled so far
One day at a time well i know i will carry on
One day at a time i can see you took my life this far
One day at a time I will take this faith along
All this hope i breathe is given by the hand that carries me
Until I'm complete and i'll take all i will
To understand this plan you have for me, for me
Open Up Your EyesOpen up your eyes
and see these warning signs
Breaking through your heart and all the reason of your mind
Open up to find
your action leaves behind
The very hope that's given for the world to feel alive
OvercomeSeated above, enthroned in the Father's love
Destined to die, poured out for all mankind
God's only Son, perfect and spotless one
He never sinned but suffered as if He did
All authority
Every victory is Yours
All authority
Overcome - Ты победил38. ТЫ ПОБЕДИЛ / OVERCOME
Оставил Свой трон
Явил нам любовь Отца
Ты принял смерть,
Пролил Свою кровь за нас
Агнец святой, без порока и без пятна
Был без греха,
Не могу дождаться прогулки с Тобой
И почувствовать красоту твоей любви
И полноту Твоей благодати
Не могу дождаться, когда буду по-настоящему живым
Чтобы быть в том месте, которому принадлежу
Чтобы знать, что я боролся за правильные вещи
RestoredAll this time I've wandered around
Searching for the things I'll never know
I've been searching for this answer that
Only will be found in your love
And I feel it my heart is being mended by your touch
And I hear it your voice that's shown my purpose in this world
You have restored me from my feeble and broken soul
Revive MeConsider my affliction and please deliver me
Plead my cause and redeem me
Salvation's not for the wicked
For they don't seek Your word
Great are Your tender mercies, Lord
Revive me, according to Your loving kindness
Revive me, that I may seek Your word
Right HereAll the world is Watching
All the world does care
Even when the world weighs on my shoulder now,
These feelings I can bare
Because I know,
That you’re here,
Everywhere I go,
ShineJesus, humble Savior, perfect Maker,
There is no greater story
Holy Spirit, burn inside me, give me passion
That pours out to every nation, yeah
Shine Your light, shine Your light, I am Yours Lord
Lift me up, lift me up, I am no more
Let me live, let me live inside Your glory, glory now
So In LoveSo many times I've fallen
So many ways I've failed you
So many times I've stepped out on my own
I know I'm undeserving
But I feel You are preserving
The only good that I have shown
Speaking Louder Than BeforeHear now this declaration
From out across the nations
We need to wake up and understand
Many hurting hearts are crying
But our voices seem to be dying
Can you see the battle raging on?
StaySTAY (Оставайся)
Well I can feel within your soul,
The more you reason, the more you've shown he's there,
You can see the only way of falling down,
Is when your looking everywhere,
So far from this, you can live,
So far from this,
SurrenderPurify this tensed soul
I'm tired of living life of fool
Softener this harden clay
To be Your servant this I pray
A reflection of You I long to be
So Your Kingdom I will seak
And I surrender to Your throne
Take my lifeHere I am before you now
like a child reaching out
Here I am I'm giving all I can
Well breaking my pride I feel I'm through
Shattered inside I run to you
And now I give it all to you
Take You BackThe reason why I stand
The answer lies in you
You hung to make me strong
Tho my praise was few
The AnswerSo many questions, the world is reaching
So many hurting, so many lost
With all this thriving, who can we lean on?
Creations crying, out from the dark
I know the answer, to every question
The one solution, to every fear
I know my helper, where it comes from
Jesus, He is the answer
The WayAll creation cried out with longing
With groans only You could comprehend
And with wisdom, You always answer
And give the words of life so unfailing
And Your glory shines all around us
Your faithfulness shown for all to see
When we think of all of Your wonders
There Will Be a DayЯ пытаюсь ухватиться за этот мир всем, что я имею,
Но я чувствую тяжесть того, что он несет и боль, которая пытается схватить.
Много попыток, которые кажутся бесконечными - Его слово провозглашает истину
О том, что мы войдем в покой с чудесами заново,
Но я держусь за эту надежду и обещание, которое Он приносит,
Что будет место, где не будет больше страданий…
There will be a day with no more tears, no more pain, and no more fearsI try to hold on to this world with everything I have
But I feel the weight of what it brings, and the hurt that trys to grab
The many trials that seem to never end, His word declares this truth,
that we will enter in this rest with wonders anew
But I hold on to this hope and the promise that He brings
That there will be a place with no more suffering
This ManIn only a moment truth
Was seen revealed this mystery
The crown that showed no dignity he wore
And the king was placed for all the world
To show disgrace but only beauty flowed from this place
Would you take the place of this man
Would you take the nails from his hands
TonightIn this time
I know I need to be more broken
Then I find
I feel this passion grow
To face all that's been lost
It's not to late to give control now
I don?t know why I wait
UnderstandEvery time I fall down on my face
I see the One Who bore all my shame
Well To know that You are everything I need You to be
You're my ever present help in time of need
I know You understand it all
So why don't I get back on my feet again
I know You understand it all
Walk by FaithWould I believe you when you would say
Your hand will guide my every way
Will I receive the words You say
Every moment of every day
Well I will walk by faith
Even when I cannot see it
Well because this broken road
We Are The DreamersI have a dream
That the Earth would shake with the sound of Heaven
I have a dream
That the world would know the kind of freedom
That breaks through every chain
With every debt erased
With hearts that are wide awake
What It MeansI've been here a thousand times before
Face down on the floor
Wondering how I even reached this place again
But You have shown so endlessly
How Your love pours over me
No picture can re-create the beauty that I see
Show me what it means
When You Are NearThere’s no need to say a thing when I’m before you.
In this silence I feel refreshed with peace.
Break this noise that binds the voice that tries to speak.
Open my eyes to see Your gracious, sovereign reach.
It’s hard to talk when I feel that You are near,
When all is quiet it’s the beauty that I hear.
Without You спокойствиеI'll walk beside You
As you lead me through still waters for my soul
I place my hope in all You are, yeah
And I know You'll guide me
To places where there's beauty to behold
There's no other place I'd rather be, no
Wonderful MakerYou spread out the skies over empty space
Said, let there be light
To a dark and formless world
Your light was born
You spread out your arms over empty hearts
Said, let there be light
To a dark and hopeless world
Your son was born
You Are The LordYou open your eyes
And we see into Your kingdom
The promise of grace
And You lead us into freedom
We're bound in Your love
And all sin has been forgotten
At the foot of the cross
Where our ransom has been given
Бютифал ГадПрекрасный Бог
Прекрасна, удивительна,
Верна Твоя любовь
Ты милость на кресте Свою явил.
Всем сердцем и желанием
Мне не постичь того,
Как славен и прекрасен, Ты, Господь!