John Leyton все тексты (слова) песен, переводы, видео, клипы
- Johnny Remember Me
When the mist's a rising
And the rain is falling
And the wind is blowing cold across the moor
I hear the voice of my darling
The girl I loved and lost a year ago
('Johnny remember me...')
- Riversong
we can all sing a riversong
if you like you can sing alone
we can all sing a riversong today
when you down
and you don’t know what tot do
it’s tie remedy that i can give to you
- Six White Horses
Give me six white horses and a golden chariot
To carry me to my love
Through water and flame I must travel
From the sea to the heavens above
With six white horses and a golden chariot
Ride through wind and rain
I'll never give up searching
- Wild Wind
Hey there, wild wind
Blow away my blues
Take all the troubles
That I wanna lose
Far away, wild wind
Hear him howling
Way across the plain
He's taking back