15 Levelsall I' m thinking about is love
all I' m dreaming about is love
15 levels of love
under inside above
on the surface of love
15 levels of love
Twilight sunset sunrise
forming life on your eyes
Deep EndNo step without your word
No step without your sight
You're my policy of thoughts
I have no fate no right
You're not enemy not mate
Buy I couldn't see my fate
I have no fate
FakeI feel I'm something like a smoke
Everyone hates me
My homogenic mind is broke
Everyone escapes me
I'm constellation uncertain
My destination's my fortune
Forecasti'm cast away
there's so grey day
my feelings are coloured in grayscale
my tasks and my aims are entirely failed
to break up my process i've no result
to break up my process is too difficult
FruitDid you ever wonder who was made out of what
I doubt that god made boy and girl was made out of his rib
Boys are made of honey and cinnamon
Girls are made of sugar and red pepper
Sometimes you need to search so hard to find a taste you’d adore
And try a lot of sweets to understand which one’s tastier for you.
I feel your scent, it’s worrying, exiting, breathtaking oh lord!
I’d eat you right here, right now, in a moment
I'm tired of an idea of being on the edge
I think we're being distracted from some important things
By all of these amazing facts about the end of the world
I think we should relax and meditate in peace.
I say FUCK IT, I’ve had enough
Humans ExecuterHuman is a simple executer
Human is a social computer
Physically extremining
bloody faces
time remaining
HurricaneYour eyes became so cold
Wind’s getting stronger look
Leaden clouds are beetle over us
Your eyes are leaden too
Your hands became so cold
Leaden clouds are beetle over us
Your eyes are leaden too…
In my mindЖизнь полна таких моментов, когда — если даже кажется, что ничего не происходит — что-то происходит все равно.
Какое-то «вдруг» или «однажды». Что-то попало в поле зрения, кто-то сказал слово – что-то щелкнуло и история пошла по другому сценарию.
Иногда эти моменты очень знаковые, иногда происходят незаметно. Если ты видишь такое, ты можешь быть потрясен. А можешь спокойно жить дальше.
Иногда они так и проходят незамеченными, но это не значит, что их не было.
Leave me nowKOOQLA – это проект российского музыканта Артема Харченко, известного под именем R-Tem, созданный в 2009 году при участии таинственной Куклы-Музы. Спустя год KOOQLA возвращается на сцену культового клуба "16 Тонн". За год проект успел получить премию "Золотая Горгулья", как лучший электронный проект, сменить голос, а так-же поделиться дебютным альбомом с более чем 300 000 слушателей.
ManiacMy panic increases because of diseases
My body's in crisis my panic increases
My panic is still here
And disaster's too near
My panic is still here
But I have no more fears, no more fears
MuteDespair’s too strong
Disaster’s too close
Decision’s so wrong
That I don’t wanna take it.
Despair’s too strong
That I don’t wanna take it.
Despair’s too strong
That I don’t wanna take it.
my panic increases because of diseasesManiac
my panic increases because of diseases
my body's in crisis my panic increases
my panic is still here
and disaster's too near
my panic is still here
MyselfWe’ve got an artificial body
Drawn emotions on the face
We won’t smile,
Staying calm and organized.
Sleeping quietly in our boxes
Working hardly in our boxes
Dreaming of a freedom
Dreaming of a feeling
NightNight is the way to walk away
Night is the way to move along
Night is the way to walk along
The barriers and taboos that brings us life
Night is the unbearable sore deep within
Night is something we can't change
Night is the way to bring us dreams
ParanoiaIt's too queerly quiet day
I've been seeking everywhere
What's the matter and what's up
la -la-la
I've been thinking all the day
Why the things are too unfair
I'm sick and I'm fed up
la -la-la
SilenceKeep silence
Why should I keep it all the time?
Why should I be like every robber in jail
such a robber in cell
Why should I keep it all the time?
it keeps me
Faster penetrate