Le CantoSolo un Nombre será eterno
Solo El la era cambio
Sol un Rey tiene un himno
Que por siempre se escachará
Y le cando al Dios
Que trae la salvación a las naciones
Reyes, mares se postran ante El
You Are Good1. Your kindness leads me to repentance
Your goodness draws me to Your side
Your mercy calls me to be like You
Your favor is my delight
Every day, I'll awaken my praise
And pour out a song from my heart
BeautifulHere before your altar, I am letting go of all I've held...
of every motive, every burden, everything that's of myself.
And I just wanted to wait on You, my God.
I just want to dwell on who You are.
Beautiful, beautiful, oh, I am lost for more to say.
Beautiful, beautiful oh Lord,
You are beautiful to me.
Here in your presence, I am not afraid of brokenness.
Breathe On UsThere is a shaking
Let hearts awaken
Our God is moving
Forever changing us
There is a trembling
There is revival
The sound of worship
So great and glorious
Cada EstrellaMire el sol alumbrar
Y las nubes desfilar bajo tu control
Porque tuyos son
Mira mi alma y mi fe
Todo en mi yo rendiré
Bajo tu control porque eres mi Dios
Así como cada estrella
Dwelling PlaceYou excite me
You surprise me
You pursue me
You move me
Like a whirlwind You lift me
Like a whisper You kiss me
For in You I find my dwelling place
Everyone Needs A LittleCome all ye weary and ye broken
Come to the table of the Lord
Come sing the song of the forgiven
Come lay your burden on the word
Come and find peace
Everyone needs a little rest
Everyone needs a little joy
Everyone Needs A Little-каждый нуждается в небольшомCome all ye weary and ye broken
Come to the table of the Lord
Come sing the song of the forgiven
Come lay your burden on the word
Come and find peace
Everyone needs a little rest
Everyone needs a little joy
Forever-Навеки Ты прославленНавеки Ты прославлен!
Kari Jobe – Forever
Вселенная скорбит, И солнца свет померк — Любимый Божий Сын повержен. На крест Ты пригвожден, Стекает кровь за нас, Проклятий вес понес Царь Славы!
Hands To The HeavensWe are Your church
We are Your sons and daughters
We’ve gathered here to meet with You
We lift our eyes
We lay our hearts before You
Expectant here for You to move
Heal Our LandYou take, our lives
Flawed yet beautiful
Restore, refine
Lord You're merciful
Redeem, revive
HealerТы держишь меня в этот момент,
Ты успокоишь бушуещее море,
Ты идешь со мной через огонь,
И врачуешь всякую болезнь мою.
Я верю в Тебя, я верю в Тебя.
Я верю, Ты мой целитель
Я верю-Ты все что мне нужно
HereCome and rest here
Come and lay your burdens down
Come and rest here
There is refuge for you now
You'll find His peace
And know you're not alone anymore
He is near
I Am Not Alone(Verse 1)
When I walk through deep waters
I know that you will be with me
When I'm standing in the fire
I will not be overcome
Through the valley of the shadow
Oh I will not fear
I'm SingingOnly one name lasts forever
Only one fame stands alone
Only one key has an anthem
That goes on and on and on
And I'm Singing to the God who brings redemption to the nations
Kings and oceans bow to Him in praise
And I'm Singing to the God who wrote the book on our salvation
JoyfullyYou lead me by the waters still
You lay me down to rest upon your faithfulness
My Sheperd, simply take my hand
Your song restores my soul
For Your name, you make me whole
Joyfully I lift my voice in praise to Thee
With heaven watching over me,
Let Your Glory FallA longing stirs in my soul
Draws me near
Calls me close
Deeper into this love
That won't run out
Won't dry up
Oh, let it rain
Oh, let it rain
Love Came Down
Когда в сердце пустота и не слышен голос Твой
Вновь колена преклоню, чтоб найти Тебя
Если стал тернистым путь и нет сил идти вперёд
Руки к небу вознесу с верой в сердце
И я вспомню, что Ты сделал для меня
Lover Of My SoulKing of glory come
I surrender all
Hear my sinful soul
I love You Lord, I love You Lord
King of Heaven come
Let Your presence fall
You're saving, You're strong
Mi SalvadorOh señor danos fe
Avívanos, haznos ver
Nuestras voces clamarán
Huesos secos vivirán
Eres bueno, Eres fiel
En tu abrazo encuentro
Amor de verdad
My BelovedYou're My Beloved
You're My Bride
To sing over you is My delight
Come away with Me My love
You're Beautiful to Me
So beautiful to Me
No Sweeter NameNo sweeter name than the Name of Jesus,
No sweeter name have I ever known
No sweeter name than the name of Jesus.
You are the Life to my heart and my soul
You are the Light to the darkness around me
You are the Hope to the hopeless and broken
Nunca Paras De CantarCuando tanto espere y llorando cante fue tu mano que
me sostuvo Dios muy cansada al vagar donde no debí andar
fue tu mano que me sostuvo Dios fue y hay libertad al
rendirte plenamente y yo lo he vivido
Nunca paras de cantar y lo haces y los haces para mi tu
canto me hace revivir y lo y lo haces para mi. Dentro de
O The Blood.O the blood
Crimson love
Price of life's demand
Shameful sin
Placed on him
The hope of every man
*O the blood of jesus washes me
One DesireHere I am
Just for You, only You
Here I stand
Wanting You, only You
In Your presence Lord
I will find my strength
You're the breath in me
PureYour love is pure
Your love is precious
Your love is all i need
Your love surrounds me
Your love astounds me
Your love is everything.
I run to you
Que Bello AmorNo cambias Dios por la eternidad seras
Me calmas Dios Cuando estoy llena de temor
No se esperar inconsistente es mi fe
Y en mi dolor me trajistes a la cruz
Quien ama así?
Quien da su vida?
Por mi el fue el camino para guiarte
RiseVerse 1:
Lead us to You
Show us Your mercy
Your majesty lifted up on high
It tells of Your goodness
Your name is true
Your name is holy
Savior's HereYou bring hope,
You bring life.
Awaken hearts open eyes.
With our voices hear them rise.
We call these dry bones to come alive.
You are faithful,
You are truth we can always run to.
Somos La LuzHay secretos que guardar
Y temores que enfrentar
Nuestra identidad
No es la oscuridad
Somos hijos de la luz
Vamos ya levántate
Tu misión suprema es
Stars In the SkyTake the sun
Take the moon
Take the earth and watch it move
Under Your control
Cause You're all I know
Here's my life and all my heart
I give it all but every part
Steady My HeartWish it could be easy
Why is life so messy
Why is pain a part of us
There are days I feel like
Nothing ever goes right
Sometimes it just hurts so much
But You're here
Sweep Me AwayFather, I love Your ways
You came in Your mercy and died in my place
All I can do is bow
Because of Your goodness and Your sovereign grace
That You sweep me away, sweep me away in Your love
Where nothing else matters
Sweep me away, sweep me away in Your love
The Cause Of ChristThe only thing I want in life is to be known for loving Christ to build His church
To love His bride
And make His name known far and wide
For this cause I live
For this cause I'd die
I surrender all
For the cause of Christ
The GardenI had all
But given up
Desperate for
A sign from love
Something good
Something kind
Bringing peace to every corner of my mind
The More I Seek YouThe more I seek you,
The more I find you
The more I find you, the more I love you
I wanna sit at your feet
Drink from the cup in your hand.
Lay back against you and breath, feel your heart beat
This love is so deep, it's more than I can stand.
Tu Amor Vino A MiSi se engustia el corazon
Y tu voz no alcanzo a oir
Me aferrare a ti
Aunqe no pueda ver
Si la vida es un pesar
Y un tormento proseguir
Seguire confiando en ti
Tu BondadTu bondad me lleva a arrepentirme
Tu dulzura me acerca a ti
Tu perdon es mi inspiracion
Me deleito en tu amor
Al despertar yo te alabare y
Mi corazon te cantara
Que bella es tu bondad y
We AreEvery secret, every shame
Every fear, every pain
Live inside the dark
But that's not who we are
We are children of the day
So wake up sleeper, lift your head
We were meant for more than this
We rely on Your grace, AdonaiFather of life, seated on Your throne of grace
It's only by Your mercy we are saved
Lord, You have said if we call upon Your Name
We and our families will be saved
So we cry out Your Name, El Shaddai, God of grace
Lord Most High, Jesus Christ
We rely on Your grace, Adonai, crowned in praise
What A Beautiful NameYou were the Word at the beginning
One With God the Lord Most High
Your hidden glory in creation
Now revealed in You our Christ
What a beautiful Name it is
What a beautiful Name it is
The Name of Jesus Christ my King
What Love Is ThisYou never change, you are the god you stay you are
When I'm afraid you calm and still my beating heart
You stay the same, when hope is just a distant thought you take my pain
And you lead me to the cross
What love is this, that you gave your life for me
And made a way for me to know you
And I confess you're always enough for me you're all I need
When Hope Came DownWhen hope came down
Intro: G C
Verse 1
So This Is How It Was
a Silent Night like any other,
You Are For MeSo faithful. So constant.
So loving and so true.
So powerful in all You do.
You fill me. You see me.
You know my every move
and You love for me to sing to You.
Intro: || D#m H | F# | D#m H | F# | Hands to the heavens – Kari Jobe
| D#m H | F# C#/F | D#m H | C# ||
1. || D#m H | F# | D#m H | F# C# |
| D#m H | F# C#/F | D#m H | C# ||
2. ||: H | D#m | F# | C# :||
Instrum 1: || D#m H | F# | D#m H | F# ||
3. || G#m | D#m | F# | C# |