Keiichi Okabe все тексты (слова) песен, переводы, видео, клипы
Amusement ParkTwulu fata noi
Dwun hyo hantorrya
Moi trassi mahyall
Fsurei haul
Pla kasi ta mil
Suw raissil Qun ranta
Shonm sho loifty Manta
Ashes of DreamsOnce there were trees full of birds,
Meadowlands vibrant with flowers;
Carefree the songs our children once sang
Gilding our minutes and hours.
Clouds came and covered the sun,
The breath of the baleful unease
Turning to ashes flowers in their fields,
Silenced the birds in their trees.
Kowareta sekai no utaKie yuku sukui
Todaeru karada
Sora wa ima mo kuraku
Tomatta tokei naranai kikai
Koe todokanakute
Kore ga boku no noroi
Okashita tsumi no fukasa ga
Song of the AncientsKuwata (Fothal)
Tsuno wovalai
Tsuryzhi (Zaghram)
Voral elechai
Quonduvai (Ontzuvrai)
Unvu fertun blonuwai
The Weight of the WorldKie yuku sukui
Todaeru karada
Sora wa ima mo kuraku
Tomatta tokei
Naranai kikai
Koe todokanakute
Kore ga boku no noroi
Weight of the WorldEe ser les hii san mian nei escalei lu push to lei
Schmosh juna wu ria eh je chon nur
Nasico whosh pier wan nei wananba ri na qua lei
Sila schmer ya pit pa lu
(Chorus) Un schen ta tii pia pa ke lo
Angelei myoch schalen drei mo blony yei
Nat mia sweisch pa ya lei
Wretched WeaponryIshfva hera darsi eshnai
Saltan vurl strah
Naslidi pu yetre sali
Borshe mya nah
Morshezh vi punah dar leche
corscor lu vir