Divide And RuleYou've been born to bane the lives,
Conquer lands and subdue the slaves.
Noncompliance with the karmic laws
Will bring the knife to the bones.
People sunk in inertia,
Struggling while with hystiria,
Fighting for the useless faith,
Food For Powderur final route is slightly coming to the end
All that we had yesterday, tomorrow is to rend,
Now the greatest terror is being gained momentum,
Hate is burning madly ,it has reached the centrum.
Take with you some ammunition we are leaving now,
Do you see there is no reason to stay here and bow
To the force of evil which lead us to perdition?
Ripping From Within Your GutsTell me the things that I need
Otherwise you are going to bleed
My knife for your blood has greed
Remember that my brutal ways
Will always succeed
Soon you will tell me the truth
Because I will kill you with no excuse
The HerdHow many years have passed away
And what do you see today?
Nothing has been changed.
Every second the mainstream,
Absorbs your soul from the screens,
It's how you become deranged.
You have made your own status of a special beings,
URAGunCharge the weapons! Fire!
Let the ground burn and tremble
Let they die bastards and liars!
Turn the earth into charred chamber!
It's UraGun!