70's Rock Must DieI was cruisin' in a car
Down Melrose Boulevard
When I stopped all the traffic
I was laughin' so hard
Standin' on the corner
Was this rock n roll dude
In leather pants thinkin' he was cool
He had the jacket
Drug Raid At 4 AmSheets off
Flashlight in your eyes
Guns in your gut
Strip down
Body search
Cough up
Or stomach pump
Faith Hope And TreacheryDisconnected, dysfunctional
Soulmates with nobody else
Sing a song for the New Ice Age
Greed has made us lonely
I Wanna Be A Drug-Sniffing DogI wanna be a drug-sniffing dog
So I can snort coke all day long
Bite my master when it suits me
Get off on diminished capacity
I wanna be a customs man
Snoop through your stuff 'cause I can
Sneaky peaky pry through your private lives
Stroke your panties, jackin' off at lunch
Pineapple FaceRed Alert from the Dairy Queen
To the Vatican from Panama City
Yeh... Yeh...
Calling Pope John Paul, ole buddy, ole pal
Hey - lemme crash at your place for a while
Yeh... Yeh...
I know I've shot your priests all full of holes
But you forgave the guy who shot you
The power of lardLard
You can see it
In the clouds up in the sky
Floats by in clusters
In our water supply
They're Coming To Take Me AwayRemember when you ran away and I got on my knees and begged you not to leave because I'd go berserk?
Well, you left me anyhow and then the days got worse and worse and now you see I've gone completely out of my mind.
And They're coming to take me away Ha Ha
They're coming to take me away ho ho he he ha ha
to the funny farm where life is beautiful all the time, and I'll be happy to see those nice young men in their clean white coats
and they're coming to take me away ha ha
War Pimp RenaissanceWar Pimp Renaissance
War Pimp Renaissance
War Pimp Renaissance
War Pimp Renaissance
Yippee Tai-Yai-Yai Yo
Evil Commie empire's gone
Yippee Tai-Yai-Yai Yay