DisappearerCrossed wires and missed connections, false hope and true despair.
No direction, loose ends left untied, haunted by premonitions never realised,
I close my eyes, I push you to the back of my mind, inside I'm screaming to drown out the sound of your voice, imagined memories of the things I'll never have.
No reverie, living nightmare, I lost everything, slipped through my hands, time is a thief, hope is a liar.
Summer in the city left me cold and empty, we both know how this story ends.
It's just a question of when, it's just a matter of time.
I close my eyes, I push you to the back of my mind, inside I'm screaming to drown out the sound of your voice,
Dreamland Welcomes YouNo escape from this cycle of hate
Cursed to waste our lives chasing hopeless dreams
We were promised happy endings
Under false pretences the end is always out of reach
We've had the wool pulled over our eyes
We've been blinded by the lights for too long
You can fool most of the people most of the time
I know I'm being lied to.
Green EyesNo thanks for the memories
You'll find me just the way you left me
Open hands, arms outstretched eyes closed
A wretched monument to false hope
Isolated, empty, frustrated
Fallen by the wayside of the road
You'll find me easy to forget
I just wish I could say the same thing.
MagnoliaYou used to make my teeth rattle, my spine shudder, my hands shake, the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end, my bones ache.
Every inch of my skin would burn from within, when you spoke I'd listen, I'd walk any distance to hear what you'd say.
I submit, I surrender, I admit it's a heavy price to have to pay.
And while it'd be easier for us both if you'd just forget me, I can't erase your face from my memory, I can still trace the contours of your body in my bedsheets.
Don't move your lips, I want to forget every conversation, every sentence, every word you ever said.
Won't look back, won't remind myself how I felt, I'll tell myself I hate you, that I'm better off without.
Pan-Am SmileIt's easier to sleep, thirty-five thousand feet above the sea.
Air miles and turnstiles click, you close your eyes, adjust your seat.
No smoking signs, destination times, "Leave your baggage at the terminal 3".
A one way ticket to escape: take flight, leave life behind on the runway.
"Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention please, this is your captain speaking.
We are experiencing a total loss of control.
All of our engines have stopped, cabin pressure is falling fast, your oxygen masks are located above your seats.
SaccharineForget your past!
Suckled on a saccharine teat, spoon-fed half-truths to lull you to sleep
Sugar coated, overdose, it's grotesque so bloated on fantasy.
I can't redeem you, save yourself. x2
Reality's too bitter a pill for you to swallow so you wallow in your fairytale world
Medicated misery and ceaseless sorrow, you carved out your own personal hell.