Lazard все тексты (слова) песен, переводы, видео, клипы
- 4 O Clock In The Morning
it's four o'clock in the morning...
you light up...
you light up another cigarette
it's four o'clock in the morning
- I Am Alive
In a bar in San Francisco
We are dancin' in the night
And her ruby lips are sayin'
Love me right now!
As she wrappes her arms around me
It all seemed to be alright
You are yesterday and gone
While she's right here and now
- Your Heart Keeps Burning
My Heart Keeps Beating
I'm Sure I Can't Be So Wrong - So Wrong.
Your Heart Keeps Burning
Why Are We Waiting So Long - So Long?
When I First Met You Everyday's Routine
Went Through Complete Revers
Nothing Remained Of The Former Boredom
Your Appeal Affects Me.