BeerFriday, the week was long
can't wait to get my twist-off off
one sip and all the bull shish is gone
um-hmm, Hey, Freddie, I'm already ready
For another down here…beer
Saturday, mown the grass
some people think it's a pain in the back
Drinking Class"Drinking Class"
We're up when the rooster crows
Clock in when the whistle blows
Eight hours ticking slow
And then tomorrow we'll do it all over again
I'm a member of a blue collar crowd
Hard to Loveтекст песни Lee Brice - Hard To Love
I am insensitive I have a tendency to pay more attention to the things that
I need.
Sometimes I drink to much, sometimes I test your trust, sometimes I dunno
Why you're staying with me?
I'm hard to love, hard to love, I don't make it easy, I couldn't do it if I
I don't danceI’ll never settle down,
That’s what I always thought
Yeah, I was that kind of man,
Just ask anyone
I don’t dance, but here I am
Spinning you around and around in circles
It ain’t my style, but I don’t care
I’d do anything with you anywhere
Love Like Crazy
They called them crazy when they started out
Said seventeen's too young to know what loves about
They've been together fifty-eight years now
That’s crazy
He brought home sixty-seven bucks a week
He bought a little 2 bedroom house on Maple Street
Parking Lot PartyJohnny's firing' up his coleman grill
we've got 24 tall boys on the chill
Yeah, 14 of 'em's mine
A little marshall tucker on the radio
(can't you see)
You know we're just catkin' a little groove before the show
Yeah, ain't playin' nothin' slow.
Picture Of MeI grew up on the edge of a cornfield at the end of a long dirt road
Carolina plow boy, ain’t had a free summer since I was ten years old
Mama made us pick our own switches so we could feel the sting of doin’ wrong
That set me straight on the road I’m still on
I am who I am
The product of a good woman loved by a real good man
I’ve learned what I’ve learned
These Last Few DaysThese last few days
What can I say
You've had me thinkin' in circles
In crazy not like me ways
My favorite thing
Lately has been waking up with you
Talkin ourselves to sleep again