35 - Dawn Of AnguishEnjolras
The people have not stirred
We are abandoned by those who still live in fear.
The people have not heard.
Yet will will not abandon those who cannot hear.
Let us not waste lives
Let all the women and fathers of children
Go from here.
A la volonte du peopleENJOLRAS
À la volonté du peuple et à la santé du progrès
Remplis ton coeur d’un vin rebelle et à demain, ami fidèle
Nous voulons faire la lumière, malgré le masque de la nuit
Pour illuminer notre terre et changer la vie
Il faut gagner par la guerre, notre sillon à labourer
Déblayer la misère pour les blonds épis de la paix
At the End of the Day[THE POOR]
At the end of the day you're another day older
And that's all you can say for the life of the poor
It's a struggle, it's a war
And there's nothing that anyone's giving
One more day standing about, what is it for?
One day less to be living.
Bring Him HomeGod on high
Hear my prayer
In my need
You have always been there
Castle On A Cloud[YOUNG COSETTE]
There is a castle on a cloud,
I like to go there in my sleep,
Aren't any floors for me to sweep,
Not in my castle on a cloud.
There is a room that's full of toys,
There are a hundred boys and girls,
Do you hear the people singEnjolras
Do you hear the people sing?
Singing a song of angry men?
It is the music of a people
Who will not be slaves again!
When the beating of your heart
Echoes the beating of the drums
There is a life about to start
Empty Chairs, Empty TablesMarius
There's a grief that can't be spoken
There's a pain goes on and on
Empty chairs at empty tables
Now my friends are dead and gone
Here they talked of revolution
Here it was they lit the flame
Heel alleenEn nu ben ik opnieuw alleen,
Opnieuw alleen, in 't onbekende..
de grijze straat, de grijze stad,
waar moet ik heen tot wie mij wendde?
de nacht trekt naderbij,
ik beeld me in,hij is bij mij..
soms loop ik eenzaam door de nacht als burgers slapen vol vertrouwen,
I Dreamed A DreamI dreamed a dream in time gone by
When hope was high and life worth living
I dreamed that love would never die
I dreamed that God would be forgiving
Then I was young and unafraid
And dreams were made and used and wasted
There was no ransom to be paid
In my life
She has burst like the music of angels
The light of the sun
And my life seems to stop
As if something is over
And something has scarcely begun.
Le grand jourVALJEAN:
Le grand jour,
Une autre vie, une autre destinée,
Délivrés d'avoir à fuir à perpétuité.
Mais au jour du jugement ultime,
Chaque homme doit révéler ses crimes
Au grand jour.
Lege stoelen, lege tafels Dit verdriet is niet te delen
Deze wond doet altijd pijn
Lege stoelen, lege tafels
Nu mijn vrienden niet meer zijn
Hier ontstond de revolutie
Hier ontstaken zij de vlam
En ze zongen van een toekomst
Little People - GavrocheGavroche:
They laugh at me, these fellows, just because I am small.
They laugh at me because I'm not a hundred feet tall.
I tell 'em there's a lot to learn down here on the ground.
The world is big but lil' people turn it around.
A worm can roll a stone.
Mijn hart zingt voor jouMarius
Mijn hart zingt het uit.
Mijn hart zingt voor jou.
Ik voel me heel onzeker nou.
Schande, ik weet
ik weet niet eens hoe of je heet.
Oh mademoiselle.
Zeg je naam,
Mijn luchtkasteelkleine cosette:
's nachts vlieg ik naar mijn luchtkasteel.
Als God de heer me vleugels geeft.
Vloeren die hoeven niet geveegd.
omdat `t kasteel geen vloeren heeft.
Overal speelgoed wat er zweeft .
Jongens en meisjes zijn er veel.
Niemand die iets te snauwen heeft.
Mon Prince Est En CheminCOSETTE
Ils vont venir bientôt et je n'ai pas fini
de laver, brosser, de cirer le parquet
et puis sans un répit j'irai servir aussi
Pourtant elle me battra quand même
je sais mais j'ai pris l'habitude
et ça me fait moins mal que ma solitude
One day moreValjean
One day more,
Another day, another destiny,
This never ending road to Calvary;
These men who seem to know my crime
Will surely come a second time,
One day more...
Plumet attackEPONINE
'Parnasse, what are you doing
So far out of our patch?
This house, we're going to do it
Rich man, plenty of scratch
You remember he's the one
The ABC Cafe - Red And BlackIt is time for us all
To decide who we are
Do we fight for the right
To a night at the opera now?
Have you asked of yourselves
What's the price you might pay?
Is it simply a game
For rich young boys to play?
The Final BattleArmy Officer [from beyond the barricade]
You at the barricade listen to this
The people of Paris sleep in their beds
You have no chance
No chance at all
Why throw your lives away?
The Sewers - Dog Eats DogTHENARDIER
Here's a hint of gold
Stuck into a tooth
Pardon me M'sieur
You won't be needing it no more.
Shouldn't be too hard to sell.
Add it to the pile
Add it to the stock
Trinkt Mit MirTrinkt mit mir auf all die Zeit
Singt mit mir, die Nacht ist weich
Träumt von all den Mädelsdie man gern hätt
Denk an all die Mädels
in eurem Bett
Did you see them
Going off to fight?
Children of the barricade
Who didn't last the night?
Valjean Arrested, Valjean Forgiven~Employer~
You'll have to go
I'll pay you off for the day
Collect your bits and pieces there
And be on your way.
You've given me half