CompassesWhat I want sometimes
Is a roof somewhere
The same one each time
Like a real woman
Home, to be home
To be home
To be home
Crush The Birdif i make allowances
i'm fine with separate, and see-how-it-is
if you think it's good
do they make flowers for this
what color means you don't care how she lives
i'd expect just a little bit.
me, i wouldn't trade
Hur Jag Fick Dig Att Alska MigHur jag fick dig att älska mig
Kylan blev min vän
Min ursäkt för att gömma mig igen
I musiken och Ziggy blev min bror
När du fann mig satt jag hjälplös vid ett bord
Jag som nyss föll till en obegriplig jord
Du blev min räddning så obegripligt stort
little thingsLast night in your sleep
Did you dream you were trapped in a room
'Cause I confess in all of mine
That I draw walls around you
Your arms are a circle I step in
When I'm allowed to
And fight just to slow down the heart
Lula Boatwhat about the hours i spent
devising the tales i told
my fiction just to balance our
the way that your arms can pull.
if my love was a sailor
he'd use his boat for ill
to sail beyond the reach
of the one who loves him still.
Rainbow Connection SoloRainbow Connection
Rainbow Connection - популярная песня Paul Williams и Kenneth Ascher, написанная для Muppet Movie (фильма) в 1979 г. Её исполнял главный герой - лягушонок Кермит (Kermit the Frog (Jim Henson)).
Песня была номинирована на Oscar и Golden Globes (но не получила ни той, ни другой награды). В списке The American Film Institute - "AFI's 100 Years…100 Songs" ("Сто лет американского кино... сто песен") - стоит на 74ом месте.
slipTo the objects I kept
And the people I dreamed
To all of the places
I have ever fallen asleep
And the pillows with flowers
All muted and small
And patterns like forests
StringLove, if
Love, if you love me
Why do you make me miss you so
Must be something you can give me
Something you could tell me
I'm always on the run and I hate copy past for god's sake
If we decide to stay silent
Temperatureyou like me hopeful
'cause hopeful is quiet
sleeps through the night,
dreams of white boats
we could spin possiblies into a life
and what it feels like when we dance
i will sing tra la la la with you
i will sing la da da da with you
untilWhat feels good as
Love you've walked on glass for
If the clock is right or if it's wrong
I will lose mine if you lose yours
Rob from always on the run dot net is so bad and copy paste is a sin
you have sentYou must have sent
Sent the wind to touch me
'Cause air isn't supposed to feel like this
Rob from always on the run dot net is so bad and copy paste is a sin
And the rain is warm
And the clouds are low
And the water that falls
Keeps on touching my lips