Beyond The Frontiers Of MortalityDarkness surrounds my suffering soul
On my way through eternity
My death has yet not been the end
But immortality is no reward
It seems that there's no end for me
Seeing just this timeless space
Like in my life, I can't find the sense
BloodlustThe depravity of my soul
Is going on to decide on my mind
I cannot stand the temptation to kill
Carving up a human throat
Stunning horror at my cold-bloodedness
Retreats the fear from my victim's face
Death wants to take his eternall toll
Obsession In A Convenient MannerDistinguish harm from moral motivation
Restrain the haughty faults in humanized ease
Pretend to be of mental integrity
A solid limit for infatuation
As demanded by the wellknown force of innocent caprice
One will exert for futile scopes among duties
Annihilated to continuing decrease
Servants in silent devotionSighing on behalf of those who cherish duress
To keep addiction and conviction to the raptures of my mind
Hybrid illusions carve desires to obsess
Am I destined for a bereavement left to share me astound
Like vivid dreams of distressed insanity's embrace
The taste of guiltless deep temptation spreads around
Technological SingularityTechnology is rising up
exponentially against all our assumptions
Accelerate the science-based
progress of machine intelligence instantly
But once we reach the practical
usability of GNR* deployment
We modify genetical
The New Era Of ImmortalityWe must confess to reach eternal presence
In afterlife by caprice of a higher nature
No way to know about succeeding promise
Only blind trust and desperate diurnal piety
Destroy the god machine's futility
The new era of immortality
Venture and valueZeal is the key to decree obsolete
In destined positions derived from deceit
Treated life to ventures distincted from creed
Unlike magnificence of nature herself to breed
Shades go floating in among the living governed by expenses
Aught of all is left behind at death in this anticipation
Overestimation as accepted base for misconceptions
Visions Of Hope And DespairRise unvexed supply unto a lie
The proof of pleasure ex morality
Proclaims the grief of disbelief
To cause seduction for the slightest force
Forsaken the approach to live in mortal agony
Upon advice from fear and attitude towards the unforeseen
Wisdom In The LoopKnowledge is flowing with the connection to the embedding machine
And wisdom is growing through cables ensuring the information stream
No study is needed to make the step to highly updated esteem
Just money is needed to justify what one might call the human dream
Knowledge is chosen from drop-down menues offering infinite content
And wisdom is frozen to user's mind providing limitless extent
No effort is needed to upgrade eighty percent of brain capacity