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  • Текст песни Mandinga feat. Glance - Cinema

    Исполнитель: Mandinga feat. Glance
    Название песни: Cinema
    Дата добавления: 03.05.2014 | 04:30:36
    Просмотров: 215
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    На этой странице находится текст песни Mandinga feat. Glance - Cinema, а также перевод песни и видео или клип.
    Cinema … cinema … cinema …
    Cine m-a facut sa plang
    Toate noptile la rand
    Cinema … cinema …
    Viata ca la cinema …

    Ca o busola nu mai stiu care e calea
    Candva eram ghidat de tine iti ascultam chemarea
    Si acum mai simt doar un fior pe spate
    Si-mi bantui fara mila gandurile toate
    Ajunte! Opreste-te!
    M-am saturat pana peste cap
    Sa nu pot sa inchid ochii noptile
    Iau o tiga*a, ma las pe spate
    Si timpul zboara …

    5, 6, 7 dimineata iar
    Vorbesc cu Jack ceaiul pare inca prea amar
    Si asa o ard in fiecare dimineata
    Ca timpul zboara altfel cu zambetul pe fata
    Hai sa o lasam asa
    Poate in alta zi ne vedem la o cafea
    Sau la un popcorn intr-un cinema
    haha …

    Cine m-a ranit asa
    Cine mi-a rupt inima
    Cinema .. cinema …
    Cine m-a facut sa plang
    Toate noptile la rand
    Cinema .. cinema …
    Viata ca la cinema ..

    Ma simt pierdut astazi lipsa ta ma doare
    Rememorez toate vorbele amare
    N-as fi crezut cuvintele pot fi criminale
    Si-n casa mea ma simt ca intr-o inchisoare
    Da _ sa spui ce simti pe fata par a nu mai fi in trend
    Si trenul meu pare a fi plecat din gara
    Yo incotro sa plec acum ca as veni dar timpul zboara

    Iti explic unde ai gresit
    Cand m-ai mintit ca m-ai iubit
    Poveste clasica noi suntem de nedespartit
    Exagerezi nu mi se pare
    Dar nu mai cauta iubirea prin buzunare
    Infine, renunt la tot, pastrez distanta
    Fustrarile tale au invins speranta
    Nu mai aud ce-mi spui, ce zici, imi vad de viata
    Imi vad de viata … o noua viata ..

    Cine m-a ranit asa
    Cine mi-a rupt inima
    Cinema .. cinema …
    Cine m-a facut sa plang
    Toate noptile la rand
    Cinema .. cinema …
    Viata ca la cinema ..
    Cinema ... cinema ... cinema ...
    Who made ​​me cry
    All nights in a row
    Cinema ... cinema ...
    Life as a movie ...

    Like a compass not know that 's the way
    Once you listen you were guided by calling
    And now just feel a chill back
    And my thoughts all haunt mercilessly
    Ajunte ! Stop!
    I'm fed up
    I can not close my eyes nights
    Take a pan * a, let me back
    And time flies ...

    5, 6, 7 am and
    Talk with Jack still seems too bitter tea
    And so a burn in the morning
    As time flies or the smile on the face
    Let's leave it
    Maybe another day we see a coffee
    Or a popcorn in a cinema
    haha ...

    Who did it hurt
    Who broke my heart
    Cinema .. cinema ...
    Who made ​​me cry
    All nights in a row
    Cinema .. cinema ...
    Life as a movie ..

    I feel lost today your absence hurts
    Remember all the words bitter
    I would have thought the words may be criminal
    And my house feels like a prison
    Yes _ to say what you feel on the face appear to be in trend
    And my train left the station seems to be
    Yo where to go now that I come but time flies

    I'll explain where you went wrong
    When you lied to me that you loved me
    Classic story we are inseparable
    I 'm not exaggerating
    But do not look for love pockets
    Infine , drop everything , keep distance
    Your frustration defeated hopes
    I can not hear you say , what you say, I see life
    I see my life ... a new life ..

    Who did it hurt
    Who broke my heart
    Cinema .. cinema ...
    Who made ​​me cry
    All nights in a row
    Cinema .. cinema ...
    Life as a movie ..


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