A Lover SpurnedA lover spurned
A lesson learned
On love you’ve got
Your fingers burnt
Shed bitter tears
Now love has turned
The sweet revenge
A ManI really must stop always being the child
Chasing his youth his heart, nose to the wind
I really must cure my tender nostalgia
Bury deep my stars beneath the veil of night
I must postpone my Spanish chòteau
Dreams that befuddle like an old wine
I must also give up those sunny states
To become a man
A Salty DogAll hands on deck
We're all afloat
I heard the captain cry
Explore the ship
Replace the cook
Let no one leave alive
Across the straits
Around the Horn
A World Full of PeopleWhy can't I be on my own
Just me and the world alone
Oh why can't I be on my own
Just me and the world alone
Oh why is the world filled with people
It makes for a painful life
You'll disappoint me if you don't disappoint me
Almost DiamondsYou kissed my grateful skin
And left a chain of bites and bruises
I'm sorry when you grin
Almost diamonds for the losers
I'll swim inside your tears
And wander through your rooms of silence
The motive crystal clear
Your tongue is love
AloneWe find love, you and I
It's a new game to play
Then we tell our first lie
And see a love go away
And we find
We're alone
AnarcomaA stiletto scrapes the pavement
Leaving a red streak of paint
Breaks a sweat upon the sailors
To them she is a saint
Tattoo on the muscle
That says
'in love forever I'
She'll take them and she'll break them
Beautiful LosersHere's to the bruised and the broken hearted
Here's to dear friends now departed
Here's to the lonely here's to the lost
Here's to those who love at a cost
Here's to the bitter and the reviled
Here's to the rejected child
Here's to those who don't have a hope
Bedroom ShrineI'm praying at my bedroom shrine
Saying the words to make you mine
All the candles and the flowers
To brighten up my lonely hours
Wishing you were in my arms
Instead of only in my head
Praying at my bedroom shrine
Looking at a photograph
Bedsitter ImagesThe subway station's closed again
Sleeps beneath its veil of rain
my footprints broken trail behind
Steals the nightlights from my mind
The dark deserted streets then clear
Today has lived and died in here
So I leave the chapel gloom
Black KissBlack kiss
Kiss deep
Your sleep
Dark love
You crave
Black kiss
I gave
Born to CryYou and I
Were born to cry
Always seem
To be saying goodbye
You and I
Were born to lose
You and I
Were born to bruise
Broken BraceletsLibby's in the car
Choking on the fumes
Sprawled across a black piano
Hollerin' the blues
Morally low and dying slow
What a way to go go go
It's the little surprises I like in life
Broken Hearted and BeautifulWaves break over the shore, her heart breaks over him
Fickle love, faded fantasies, sweet dreams turning sour within
She touching 44 and he not so sweet 16
And though she loved him more it seemed this love had never, ever been
Oh, you know your still beautiful
Cara a Cara(english translation)
Full moon
The herd is in calm
No sun nor sand
Only night and beast
Sleeping in the fields
Begging to live
Passing so much pains
Child StarLost little child star
You stand on the stage
Your head in your hands
While you cry
You feel so afraid
That your beauty will fade
Into the indigo sky
Glamorous, beautiful, tragic and doomed
Come OutHey handsome you
I'll take a guess
You're sitting pretty but an awful mess
Alone on earth
Unwanted guest
An ugly duckling in a peacocks nest
Come out
Desperate HoursTonight's the night it said in my stars
That love would be round the next bend
I felt for a while that my run of good luck
Would never come to an end
This world was not made for me, no no no no no no no
There was you, there was i, and the sea and the sky
There was really no need to pretend, I saw
EarthlyYou came out of the ether
Like a mythical creature
You came out of the ether
And into my heart
An elemental creation
With a royal carnation
And into the Eden
My life did depart
End In TearsYou know it in your heart
Do I really need to say
Although we try again
It always ends
The same way
Ends in tears
Ends in tears
You know it always ends in tears
For One MomentThe hurt I hurt
Is nothing like
The hurts I've hurt before
The things I feel
Do not feel
Like things I've felt before
And the loneliness and the emptiness
And the hopelessness are fine
FriendshipEach time when you, my friend, caress me,
With your sincere and warming gaze
It seems that sky declares expressly
Love for the Earth and streams of sunshine rays
In times of joy, in times of sadness,
The smokes of laughter, the gleam of tears
This magic world despite its madness
Fun CityFun city
I left my home
With a pain in my heart
Not a word of goodbye
To the ones that I loved
I'm taking a train
Away from the rain
To the lights and the smoke
GloriousI heard a story
That no one told
A revelation
To behold
It gave me answers
It showed me the way
It made me stronger
Every day
Gyp the BloodAnd here I sit
A cowardly boy
Adventure only dreams
A captain of
A pirate ship
A million crimson themes
Heart in VelvetHeart in velvet
Wrap my heart in velvet
Put it in your pocket
Take it out each evening
Kiss it and love it
Wrap my heart in velvet
Save it for tomorrow
I'm ComingFrom chrysanthemums to chrysanthemums
Our friends, they are departing
From chrysanthemums to chrysanthemums
Death gallows our dulcine'es
From chrysanthemums to chrysanthemums
Other flowers try the best they can
From chrysanthemums to chrysanthemums
Men lament while women wail
I'm Sick of You Tasting of Somebody ElseTalk about a bleeding piano
Right, this is a lovely little song now about the ups and downs of life
Come on
Come on
If You NeedYou've understood nothing
If you need trains to fleet to adventure
And white ships to take you away
To see the sun in your eyes
To see the songs you can't sing
If you don't believe in tomorrow
Just Good FriendsDrawing back the curtains
Sluggish city daylight in the afternoon
Here's that special silence
Just before you walk out of the hotel room
Each time we're so close I assume
That we'll never be again
Oh, how long must we pretend?
Litany for a ReturnMy love
My heart
My sweet, oh
My sky
My fire
My heat, oh
My work
My spring
Lonely Go-Go DancerLonely go-go dancer
Dancing in crazy foam
Surrounded by your acolytes
But going home alone
When did you last see
A sun-drenched afternoon
When did the morning light
Last invade your room?
Madame De La LunaShe's in my veins
Gold in my veins
She is my pain
And my joy
Time and again
Waxing or waning
I am insane
For La Luna
Melancholy RoseFirst I saw you
Love in a silk black slip
In dark waters
Sinking like a ship
Trouble on your lips
Murder in your song
Song of a mean man
Lovers come and gone
Midnight soulI'm tired of drifting
I'm tired of lying
I've been walking
When I could have been flying
Sitting and waiting
In a life slowly dying
When the sun comes up tomorrow
I'll ask my heart where to follow
Mother FistWell now i've been on my own for many a year
Seems like i'll never get loved
Got me a hand on this brother of mine
And i'm gonna get me the rub
Turn me the lights down to a purple glow
Put bessie smith on the wail
Bring me the five young daughters
And help my ship to set sail
Mr SadPoor Mr Sad
He's flown away
In search of his heaven now
Heaven knows why
And Mr Sad
Left me a note to say
If he finds his heaven now
He won't have time to cry
My DeathMy death is like a swinging door
A patient girl who knows the score
Whistle for her
And the passing time
My death waits like a desperate truth
At the funeral of my youth
We pray for that
And the passing time
My LoveSatin
Satin and velvet
Leather and lipstick
On the one that I love
Cheap gold
Chains made of cheap gold
Plastic and rhinestones
On the one that I love
Never to Be NextWholely naked
My my worn towel serving as loin cloth
Face turned red
Hands clutching at soap and froth
(Next, next)
I was barely 20
And we were over 100
Being the followers of the one who led
Night and Dark
Ночь и тьма
В моей душе всегда.
В ночном дожде похороню
Последнюю любовь свою.
Ночь и тьма,
Слёз не выдам никому,
Oily Black Limousine.Me and my lover out taking the night
In an oily black limousine
The rain melting our widows
Weave deep and seductive scenes
One Big SoulI'll be there in the summer sky
In the tears that you cry
I'll be there when the darkness falls at night
I'll be there in the snow and rain
Softly easing all your pain
I'll be there when you wake in the early morning light
Open All Night
Don't reject me
Don't send me away
Don't ever let me down
Be my torch
And burn for me
I need a little of your starlight
Orpheus in red velvetOrpheus in red velvet
Sing that song again
That song of jealousy and pain
Orpheus in red velvet
Sing that tearful tune
The one that’s coloured by the moon
Take me through hell
Satan's ChildYou always like to dress in black
To mourn the feelings that you lack
Sorrow, anger, hurt and pain
Forever on attack
Always saw the other view
Didn't know what you should do
Never got told the honest truth
You feel it twisted up your youth
ScarWhen you were afraid, I was there by your side
When you were alone, I was your place to hide
But always in your mind you were some place far away
You were someone else, I didn't really know what at all
When you told me how you would stay around for ever
You were already gone, didn't really want to be found
Dream talker
In a shady world
Of Disbelieving
Love seemed always
To be leaving
Dream talker
Snake Charmer[Verse 1]
Look in my eyes and watch me crawl
You're in my mind and in my soul
And I can't breathe as you take hold
You're a snake charmer
Snake charmer
Something Gotten Hold Of My HeartSomething's gotten hold of my heart
Keeping my soul and my senses apart
Something's gotten into my life
Cutting its way through my dreams like a knife
Turning me up, turning me down
Making me smile, making me frown
In a world that was war
Stories of JohnnyTry hard to make the world look bright today
Try hard to make my nightmares go away
Try hard to keep the fear away
The cold of day, try hard
Try hard to play the games the world would like you to play
But people, they don't really listen
Their smiles are the keys to the prison
Suicide SaloonIn a futuristic city,
At the Suicide Saloon,
I danced with a dead man
To my favourite funeral tune.
In a blur of broken neon
I danced among the fruit machines,
On the dance floor of destruction
Among the broken dreams.
tears run ringsOn heavenly rain
You fell into my life
Unforgettable smile
Unforgettable lies
In the name of the cross
Or a banner of love
With the hand of a friend
Or under a blanket of trust
Tenderness Is A WeaknessShe was always alone
Kept herself under lock and key
Just her sorrows for all to see
She would break up and cry for me
Throw her away
Blow the ash from the ashtray
Leave her alone to play
Leave her alone to pray
Tenement Symphony V - The Days of Pearly SpencerA tenement, a dirty street
Walked and worn by shoeless feet
Inside it's long and so complete
Watched by a shivering sun
Old eyes in a small child's face
Watching as the shadows race
Through walls and cracks and leave no trace
And daylight's brightness shuns
Tenement Symphony VI - My Hand Over My HeartHeaven is here
Each night when I should be asleep
I put on my coat
And I walk the streets
I spend these hours
Escaping from my dreams
Afraid of what I might see
Fear has no beginning no end
The BullsOn Sundays the bulls get so bored
When they're asked to show off for us
There is the sun, the sand, and the arena
There are the bulls ready to bleed for us
It's time when grocery clerks
Become Don Juan
And all the ugly girls
The DevilOne day the devil came above ground
One day the devil came above ground
To study his interests
He saw everything
The devil, he heard everything
And having seen all
Having heard all
He returned to his home below
The HeelThe one who has me for his own
Is on the town and not alone
In his blue suit and his new tie
He slams the door without goodbye
Tonight my eyes are jealous green
Tonight I'm melancholy mean
He meets in secret rendezvous
Some dame to tell his troubles to
The Little White Cloud That CriedI went walking down by the river
Feeling very sad inside
When all at once I saw in the sky
The little white cloud that cried
He told me he was very lonesome
No one cared if he lived or died
He said sometimes the thunder and lightening
Make all the little clouds cry
The LockmanThe bargemen see
Me growing old
I see the bargemen
Aging too
We play the game
Of Tom Fools
Where the one
Who still is oldest
The PlagueI've spent many a night
Lying on my back
Waiting for the dawn
To pierce and crack
And the ceiling
Hanging from the sky
And I envy the boy
Who grabbed the toy
The Sea Still SingsI remember the sea I remember
How I thought she would sing forever
Though her voice it became a whisper
But the sea still sings in her heart
To the furthest shores of alaska
From the bow of a floundering tanker
Her shores in eternal winter
The SensualistYou say I'm your mystery
Please don't ever solve me
Because I won't be a mystery anymore
Something's holding my breath
Strikes the moment down
Gives me greater heights to reach
The Stars We Are
Do you remember
Those hazy amber days
We were but children
Having the time of our lives
We had no regard, no respect
A floor was a bed
And a bed held the mysteries of life
The Sun Will AriseThere is a ray of golden sunlight
Hidden by the shadows of the dark
And in a far descent only arisen
A wall that's keeping us apart
The night will go
And the morning will come for us
The night will go
The Town Fell AsleepThe town fell asleep
I forgot what it's called
At the spring
Where it wept a corner of sky drowned
The town fell asleep
I forgot what it's called
And night fell gradually
And time stood still
TragedyWhy did you have to go?
Why did you have to be you?
And do the things you always do
Each time it hurts inside
The things you say
The games you play
Makes me feel like my heart has died
Just like my world fell in around me
Two Sailors on the BeachHe wears in his heart
A fish from the China Sea
At times one sees it crossing
Diminished in his eyes
Being sea man he forgets
Bars and oranges
He looks at the water
Under your wingUnder your wing
You shelter me from night
You warm the cold and bring
On the sun
Under your wing
My dreams are all made real
And the pain I sometimes feel
Is gone
Vaudeville And BurlesqueI've had my fill of ugly words
I've had my fill of lies
When the only truth or beauty now
Is deep within your thighs
The roses are in bloom my dear
I haven't any fear
That you'll love me
Like you did last year
We Must LookBehind the dirt
Sprawled before us
Behind narrow eyes
And faces of fat
Beyond those hands
Opened or closed
That strain in vain
Nor raise their fists
Widow WeedsShe draped herself in widow weeds
Veil of black and buttoned sleeves
Hid her face from the world
A shadow where once had been a girl
Her husband of past twenty years
Had passed away leaving her in tears
Heart full of the future's fears