Buongiorno PrincipessaBuongiorno, principessa! (буонджОрно, принчипЭсса) - Добрый день, принцесса!
Buongiorno Principessa!
Здравствуй, принцесса!
Se canterai
Nella notte che non passa mai
Ti bacerò
Sono belle le labbra che ridono
I Will Wait for YouI WILL WAIT FOR YOU
If it takes forever, I will wait for you
For a thousand summers, I will wait for you
Till you're back beside me, till I'm holding you
Till I hear you sigh here in my arms
Anywhere you wander, anywhere you go
KemalСлова: Никос Гатсос
Музыка: Манос Хадзидакис
Послушайте историю Кемала,
Молодого принца востока,
Потомка Синдбада Морехода,
Который думал, что может изменить мир,
Но горьки желания Аллаха
Sometimes I Dream2.sometimes i dream
i'm lost in time,
where heroes go
and no one speaks
in broken words,
and lovers aren't afraid to know
each breath that calls,
each star that falls,
When marimba rhythms start to play
Dance with me and make me sway
Like a lazy ocean hugs the shore
Hold me close and sway me more
Like the flowers bending in the breeze
VinceroNei sogni che facevo da bambino
vivevo la mia vita come un re,
avevo giorni pieni di sole,
non c'era mai dolore.
Vincero, perdero
la mia vita vivro
io da solo dovro caminare.