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  • Текст песни Maroon 5 - With You

    Исполнитель: Maroon 5
    Название песни: With You
    Дата добавления: 18.10.2018 | 19:15:26
    Просмотров: 4
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    На этой странице находится текст песни Maroon 5 - With You, а также перевод песни и видео или клип.

    Кто круче?

    Can you see me
    Floating above your head
    As you lay in bed
    Thinking about everything
    That you did not do
    Cause saying I love you
    Has nothing to do with meaning it

    And I don't trust you
    Cause every time you're here
    Your intentions are unclear
    I spend every hour waiting for a phone call
    That I know will never come
    I used to think you were the one
    Now I'm sick of thinking anything at all

    You ain't ever coming back to me
    That's not how things were supposed to be
    You take my hand just to give it back
    No other lover has ever done that

    Do you remember
    The way we used to melt
    Do you remember how it felt
    When I touched you
    Oh cause I remember very well

    And how long has it been
    Since someone you let in
    Has given what I gave to you

    And at night when you sleep
    Do you dream I would be there
    Just for a minute or two do you?

    You ain't ever coming back to me
    That's not how things were supposed to be
    You take my hand just to give it back
    No other lover has ever done that

    Heartache heartache I just have so much
    A simple love with a complex touch
    There is nothing you can say or do
    I called to let you know I'm through with you

    Как я парю над тобой,
    Пока ты лежишь в постели
    И размышляешь обо всём,
    Что ты не сделала?
    Произнести слова «Я люблю тебя»
    Ещё не значит по-настоящему любить.

    Я не доверяю тебе,
    Потому что когда ты рядом,
    Мне непонятны твои намерения.
    Я жду твоего звонка каждую минуту,
    Хотя знаю, что жду напрасно.
    Раньше я думал, что ты та самая,
    А теперь я устал даже просто думать.

    Ты никогда ко мне не вернёшься –
    Этому суждено было быть с самого начала.
    Ты берёшь мою руку, а затем её отпускаешь –
    До тебя никто из моих любимых этого не делал.

    Ты помнишь,
    Как мы таяли друг от друга?
    Ты помнишь, что чувствовала,
    Когда я дотрагивался до тебя?
    А я очень хорошо помню.

    Сколько времени прошло
    С тех пор, как ты ушла к другому,
    Который теперь дарит тебе то, что раньше дарил тебе я?

    Ночью, когда ты спишь,
    Тебе снится, что я рядом,
    Ну, хотя бы минутку или две?

    Ты никогда ко мне не вернёшься –
    Этому суждено было быть с самого начала.
    Ты берёшь мою руку, а затем её отпускаешь –
    До тебя никто из моих любимых этого не делал.

    Сердечная рана, сердечная рана… Мне очень больно.
    Это просто любовь с непростым моим к ней отношением.
    Не важно, что ты скажешь или сделаешь,
    Я позвонил, чтобы сказать тебе, что между нами всё кончено…
    Can you see me
    Floating above your head
    As you lay in bed
    Thinking about everything
    That you did not do
    Cause saying i love you
    Has it

    And I don't trust you.
    Cause every time you're here
    Your intentions are unclear
    I spend every hour
    That I know will never come
    I used to think you were the one
    Now whats that?

    You ain't ever coming back to me
    That's not how things were supposed to be.
    Give it back
    No other lover has ever done that

    Do you remember
    The way we used to melt
    Do you remember how it felt
    When I touched you
    Oh cause I remember very well

    And how long has it been
    Since someone you let in
    Has given what I gave to you

    And at night when you sleep
    Do you dream I would be there
    Just for a minute or two do you?

    You ain't ever coming back to me
    That's not how things were supposed to be.
    Give it back
    No other lover has ever done that

    Heartache heartache i just have so much
    A simple love with a complex touch
    There is nothing you can say or do
    I'm through with you

    As I soar above you,
    While you're lying in bed
    And you think about everything
    What didn't you do?
    Say the words "I love you"
    Still does not mean to truly love.

    I do not trust you,
    Because when you're around,
    I do not understand your intentions.
    I'm waiting for your call every minute
    Although I know what to wait in vain.
    I used to think you were the one
    And now I'm tired even just thinking.

    You will never come back to me -
    It was destined to be from the very beginning.
    You take my hand and then let it go -
    Before you, none of my favorites did this.

    Do you remember,
    How do we melt away from each other?
    Do you remember how you felt
    When did I touch you?
    And I remember very well.

    How much time has passed
    Since you went to another,
    Which now gives you what I previously gave you?

    At night, when you sleep,
    You dream I'm here,
    Well, at least a minute or two?

    You will never come back to me -
    It was destined to be from the very beginning.
    You take my hand and then let it go -
    Before you, none of my favorites did this.

    Heart wound, heart wound ... It hurts a lot.
    It's just love with my uneasy attitude towards her.
    No matter what you say or do,
    I called to tell you that it's all over between us ...


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