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  • Текст песни Meav - Greensleeves Ирландская музыка XVI века с песней

    Исполнитель: Meav
    Название песни: Greensleeves Ирландская музыка XVI века с песней
    Дата добавления: 28.08.2014 | 18:59:22
    Просмотров: 83
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    На этой странице находится текст песни Meav - Greensleeves Ирландская музыка XVI века с песней, а также перевод песни и видео или клип.
    О происхождении песни известно немного. Мелодия, написанная анонимным композитором XVI века, стала основой для многочисленных вариаций. Написание текста баллады часто приписывают английскому королю Генриху VIII, который якобы адресовал эти стихи своей возлюбленной, предположительно Анне Болейн, ставшей второй женой Генриха. Она не поддалась попыткам короля совратить её, и этот отказ отражён в словах песни. Однако также есть мнение, что песня относится к периоду правления Елизаветы, поскольку итальянский стиль композиции, в котором она написана, попал в Англию лишь после смерти короля.

    Впервые текст «Гринсливс» был опубликован в 1566 году в Лондоне в сборнике «Приятные сонеты и истории», который был переиздан под названием «Горсть приятных наслаждений» в 1584 году. Этот вариант, дошедший до наших дней, включает 18 четверостиший и рефрен, однако обычно принято считать, что только четыре четверостишия и рефрен являются подлинными. Всего же существует огромное число куплетов (по некоторым оценкам до 1800), обыгрывающих одну и ту же тему — сетования автора на возлюбленную, покинувшую его несмотря на все его старания.

    Существует множество пародий на неё и на другие темы; Greensleeves — одна из самых пародируемых филкерами песен.

    Название песни отражает прозвище неверной возлюбленной, к которой обращается автор. Считается, что зеленые рукава могли являться атрибутом одежды куртизанок в средневековой Англии. В Кентерберийских рассказах зелёный цвет упоминается как «цвет лёгкости в любви», поскольку после «свободной любви» на одежде девушки оставались пятна от травы.

    Alas, my love, you do me wrong,
    To cast me off discourteously.
    For I have loved you well and long,
    Delighting in your company.

    Greensleeves was all my joy
    Greensleeves was my delight,
    Greensleeves was my heart of gold,
    And who but my lady greensleeves.

    Your vows you’ve broken, like my heart,
    Oh, why did you so enrapture me?
    Now I remain in a world apart
    But my heart remains in captivity.


    I have been ready at your hand,
    To grant whatever you would crave,
    I have both wagered life and land,
    Your love and good-will for to have.


    If you intend thus to disdain,
    It does the more enrapture me,
    And even so, I still remain
    A lover in captivity.


    My men were clothed all in green,
    And they did ever wait on thee;
    All this was gallant to be seen,
    And yet thou wouldst not love me.


    Thou couldst desire no earthly thing,
    but still thou hadst it readily.
    Thy music still to play and sing;
    And yet thou wouldst not love me.


    Well, I will pray to God on high,
    that thou my constancy mayst see,
    And that yet once before I die,
    Thou wilt vouchsafe to love me.


    Ah, Greensleeves, now farewell, adieu,
    To God I pray to prosper thee,
    For I am still thy lover true,
    Come once again and love me.
    On the origin of the song is little known. Melody, written by an anonymous composer of the XVI century , has become the basis for numerous variations. Writing text ballads is often credited with the English king Henry VIII, who allegedly addressed these verses of his lover , presumably Anne Boleyn , second wife of Henry became . It did not yield to attempts to seduce her king , and this failure is reflected in the words of the song . However, as it is believed that the song refers to the period of the reign of Elizabeth , as an Italian style of composition in which it is written , was in England only after the death of the king.

    First text " Grinslivs " was published in 1566 in London in the collection of "Pleasant sonnets and stories ", which was re-released under the title " A handful of pleasant delights " in 1584 . This option , which has come down to our days, includes 18 quatrains and refrain, but usually it is assumed that only four quatrains and refrain are genuine. Overall, there is a huge number of verses (by some estimates up to 1800 ) , a play on the same theme - the author laments on the beloved, who has now left it in spite of all his efforts .

    There are many parodies of it , and other topics ; Greensleeves - one of the most parodied filkerami songs.

    Song title reflects nickname wrong sweetheart , which is referred to by the author. It is believed that green sleeves could be an attribute of clothing courtesans in medieval England . In the Canterbury Tales green color referred to as "the color of lightness in love," because after the " free love " on clothes girls were grass stains .

    Alas, my love, you do me wrong,
    To cast me off discourteously.
    For I have loved you well and long,
    Delighting in your company.

    Greensleeves was all my joy
    Greensleeves was my delight,
    Greensleeves was my heart of gold,
    And who but my lady greensleeves.

    Your vows you've broken, like my heart,
    Oh, why did you so enrapture me?
    Now I remain in a world apart
    But my heart remains in captivity.


    I have been ready at your hand,
    To grant whatever you would crave,
    I have both wagered life and land,
    Your love and good-will for to have.


    If you intend thus to disdain,
    It does the more enrapture me,
    And even so, I still remain
    A lover in captivity.


    My men were clothed all in green,
    And they did ever wait on thee;
    All this was gallant to be seen,
    And yet thou wouldst not love me.


    Thou couldst desire no earthly thing,
    but still thou hadst it readily.
    Thy music still to play and sing;
    And yet thou wouldst not love me.


    Well, I will pray to God on high,
    that thou my constancy mayst see,
    And that yet once before I die,
    Thou wilt vouchsafe to love me.


    Ah, Greensleeves, now farewell, adieu,
    To God I pray to prosper thee,
    For I am still thy lover true,
    Come once again and love me.


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