Arise My LoveArise, my love, my lovely one come,
Winter is past and the rains are gone.
The flowers appear, it's the season of song,
My beautiful one, arise and come with me.
Who is it that appears like the dawn?
As fair as the moon, as bright as the sun?
Show me your face, let me hear your voice.
My beautiful one, arise and come with me.
Come to the TableCome to the table and savor the sight
The wine and the bread that was broken
And all have been welcomed to come if they might
Accept as their own these two tokens
The bread is His body, the wine is the blood
And the one who provides them is true
He freely offers, we freely receive
El ShaddaiEl Shaddai, El Shaddai, Elyon no Adonai
(God almighty, God almighty, God in the highest, oh LORD)
Age to Age your still the same
By the power of the Name
Forgiving EyesSurrounded with shouts the cruel accusations
Dragged to the court no hope of salvation
All hope was lost for those who had caught me
Knew what I was, They knew all about me
I thought it seemed strange as we entered in
They stopped a young rabbi to ask His opinion
Caught in the act, their reason for hating
My body could feel the stones that were waiting
God Will Provide A LambMichael Card - God Will Provide A Lamb
Three day's journey to the sacred place
A boy and a man with a sorrowful face
Tortured, yet faithful to God's command
To take the life of his son
With his own hands
Heal Our LandForgive oh Lord and heal our land
And give us eyes to seek Your face and hearts to understand
That You alone make all things new
And the blessings of the land we love are really gifts from You
If My people will humbly pray and seek My face and turn away
From all their wicked ways
Then I will hear them and move My hand
Joseph's SongHow could it be this baby in my arms
Sleeping now, so peacefully
The Son of God, the angel said
How could it be
Lord I know He's not my own
Not of my flesh, not of my bone
Still Father let this baby be
Only His WoundsThe Author of Life,
The King of all Kings
Was wounded, and beaten, and hung on a hill
The Truth of the world
The sacrifice made
Has risen, was given the power to save
Only His wounds can heal the broken
Song of GomerMichael Card Lyrics - Song Of Gomer
Don't know what he sees in me
He is spirit, he is free
And I, the wife of adultery
Gomer is my name.
Simply more than I can see
How he keeps on forgiving me;
The Death of a SonEli, Eli, Lama Sabachthani
Eli, Eli, Lama Sabachthani
Why are you so far from saving me?
So far from the words of my groaning
By night and by day I cry out in pain
So why do you not answer?
The ProphetMichael Card - The Prophet
Reluctant ride in the middle of the belly of a whale
A wheel on fire in the middle of the sky
Abandoned baby kicking on the side of the road
And a wife has died but you're denied the right to cry
Three men walk out protected from a furnace of flame
The Sunrise Of Your SmileReject the wordly lie that says,
That life lies always up ahead,
Let power go beofre control becomes a crust around your soul,
Escape the hunger to posess,
And soul-diminishing sucsess,
This world is full of narrow lives,
I pray byt grace your smile survives.
Chorus- For I would wander weary miles,
Then They Will KnowI will speak
I will wait
I will send prophets among them
That they might hear
That they might see
And understand how much I love them
Then they will know that I am Father
WhyWhy did it have to be a friend
Who chose to betray the Lord
Why did he use a kiss to show them
That's not what a kiss is for
Only a friend can betray a friend
A stranger has nothing to gain
And only a friend comes close enough
To ever cause so much pain