Either Dream or Not I saw my home today
Everything was like yesterday
But that dream has gone
Now I have to wait
I wanna fall asleep
The story was so clear
And I'll never really meet with you again
I Will SurviveI won't see these pictures in your mind
You won't call me when you need to fight
H-ee-e-y dont feel you, just emptiness
H-ee-e-y don't hear you
I'm looking for a peace of mind
There's no chance for me so I have to give up
Paranoia is my sin
Joy Of LifeEven when it seems the end
Staring at your face
Take it easy, trust your feelings
Calm down, look around, oversee
The beauty of reality
It shines our hearts
I feel this grace, God's divine
The Sea of Hopes Up and down
Walking around
There's no chance for us
Let's move on, beyond your mind
Over you
Beyond the problems on your way
Step over
Мы Вартыя БыцьПрачнуцца раптам ад сну,
Зразумець, што ёсць сорам і жах
Мы шукаем надзею ў тым, хто можа быць вольным
З павагаю гледзячы ў вочы паскараем крок
да тых, хто жыве дзеля праўды і чакае нас зноў
Мы вартыя быць такімі якія мы на зямлі