Dazzling Dreamshere we are again, drunk again at the back of a bus
two teenage lesbians holding hands
so in love, or not
youth is on full display
while everything else fades away
and that's the way it was, it warmed my little heart
witnessing life as art
Les Neuf Soeursthose thoughts did come to me
like passing through a dream
birds travel gracefully, gifts from a foreign sea
pleasures from other lands
pictures from distant sands
it never came to be, she never came to me
Nightly YouthsGet your tail up you nightly youths
to court the eve, unwed, uncouth
glass will break when I tell the truth
we both know what it’s like to be lied to
you’ve been lied to
let your heart out and find your way to me
Real GothsReal goths don't dance
We just sulk to circumstance
and sit in darkened corners and fumble with our hands
Real goths don't sing
We won't sing for anything
Just curse it all in lower tones and occasionally scream
Sun at my back
She, Untamedto cherish the night and abandon the day
to act so cute in a stupid way
to speak a single word will only lessen the mood
the pleasure is great when the passion is crude
coursing through her veins
un-willed and un-tamed
pretty face and a bitter tongue
strangle the shadowsbehold the child un-named
who knows no shame
and sees the world through open eyes
let's hope he turns inside
and strangles the shadows in his mind
no god up in the sky
and no devil beneath the sea
Sudden Changesjust standing there among the trees
my broken heart, my broken dreams
trying hard to breath the air but choking on all this despair
another place, another time
another girl, another guy
there is one thing i dont understand, what would it take to be your man?
Unburden YourselfI don’t mind your indifference
in fact I want a bit more physical distance
All my charms and friends fail me
or could it be that I don’t have any?
cause all my friends are underground
I don’t mind your indifference