Binge DrinkingI remember
Spending my life
On a bender
Since I was a teenager
Losing my mind every time that
I want to be in the limelight
Watch me do things every night
Like a drifting flight
Burn in EarthWelcome you little sinner
This is the new Hell, the Earth
Let me introduce your inner self, my guest
And burn with it
This is a fair punishment
You must pay for what you did in life
You never valued what you had then
Until you died
First World ProblemsMy past made me be who I am
What if I was born in another land?
My family, my friends, my choices, my thoughts
Made me be where I stand
I overthink and I worry in excess
I wonder every day if they're serious concerns
I've never known hunger, misery and crimes
But now it's hard to have a sound mind
It's so SlowIt's 4 in the morning
And I can't sleep again
Something in my mind
Just keeps me awake
I just opened my eyes
And I feel a little strange
Everything is dark
And I can't see the lane
Janari AzkarraEsnatu berri naiz eta goseak nago
Zer dago hozkailuan?
Berdin zait, ez dut ezer prestatuko
Nahiago dut deitzea
Ooohh ooohh
Janari azkarra! Janari zakarra!
Janari azkarra nahi dut
Oraintxe bertan behar dut
The PlantFind what your passion is
And make it your job
Be careful with this
And know when to stop
Do what you love
No matter what they say
But if you overdo it
It may turn into something that you hate