06. Hate To Feel
My heart is still broken
Forever my soul is frozen
Still watching the rain to fall
Forever standing in the cold all alone
I'll stay here to the end
Another day to start
AdorationPretend you're in my heart
Pretend we'll never part
Everything beautiful dies
With you inside of me
With you I'll never be
Anything else than you
All The BeautyAll the beauty I feel
All the beauty in the world
Ain't nothing compared to you
I'm in love with you
I'm in love with you
All the beauty I see
Beautiful OneLove me like I love you
Show me your paradise
Hold me when I hold you
Desire for you
Kiss my sweet lips
Lead me to the sky
Teach me about all your things
Empathy For how long can I keep you spinning
In this downward spiral?
I know it's much too late but still
Still I keep using you
And how far will I let you slip
In this bottomless pit?
I cannot rest my thoughts on you
EverythingEverything I tried to be
(My heart in silence weeps)
Let the poison into me
(My heart in silence weeps)
All the beauty my sins cost
(My heart in silence weeps)
Everything that I have lost
ExistenceIt's over it's finished, I am dead inside
I'm not gonna feel anymore
I am dead, please bury me, I am dead
Our relation-creation of dark passion
I am forever subdued and tranquilized
Your desertion-converting from my eyes
Falling for YouAs the signs grow stronger
And our fate clearer
Take no precautions
Follow your leader
As our love grows deeper
And we fill each other
Still admire the darkness
Forever Will Be GoneHeavenly memories, born from my desire
Dark is the path deprived
of all but blood-torn hearts
Hellish remembrance is the truth
that shuts my eyes
Blackened, my life, but still I live to breathe the lies
HopeJust lay me down in shadows deep
But I don"t fall asleep the voices say
I"ll sleep a while before we meet
This is my last time anyway
Don"t let me dream of things I fear
I know now, hope was never true
To lessen pain I keep it near
I Make The MistakeI Make The Mistake
Now close your eyes...
You're present in my sleep you hunt me when I'm awake.
My soul you seem to keep.
My heart will weep again and again and again...
I Want ToI Want To Die
I'm too tired of this life
All I need is my big sleep
You are so far away
You love someone else
Another day passed me by
I Want To DieОна не станет пожирать красивые роллы за твой счёт, не бойся. Не станет просить купить ей вон те цацки, призывно посверкивающие с витрины. Не будет пилить тебя тем, что у тебя до сих пор нет машины/квартиры. Зато обеспечит тебе полный вынос мозга, возможно, даже без дальнейшего восстановления всех его нормальных функций. Так что выбирай пути попроще, и, предлагая девушке странной наружности познакомиться, десять раз подумай.
Выбирайте функциональный комбайн, тягловую лошадь или декольтированную болонку, господа. Не ходите кривыми дорожками и не играйте в психологов. Жизнь-то одна, потратьте её достойно. )
IdentityEndless strife - turns me into a stranger
See your eyes - yes I think you've been here
Revelation - maybe I'm longing to be
Solitude - this is my oblivion
Your fragrance to me - seduction
In The End DecidesFor the concept of the supplement - which here determines that of the representative image - harbors within itself two significations whose cohabitation is as strange as it is necessary. The supplement adds itself, it is a surplus, a plenitude enriching another plenitud, the fullest measure of presence. But the supplement supplements. It adds only to replace. It intervenes or insinuates itself in-the-place-of; if it fills, it is as one fills a void. If it represents and makes an image, it is by the anterior default of a presence. The sign is always the supplement of the thing itself. The supplement will always be the moving of the tongue or acting through the hands of others. In it everything is brought together: Progress as the possibility of perversion, regression toward an evil that is not natural and that adheres to the power of substitution, that permits us to asbent ourselves and act by proxy, through the hands of others. Through the written. This substitution always has the form of the sign. The scandal is that the sign, the image, or the representer, become forces and make "the world move". Blindness to the supplement is the law. We must begin wherever we are and the thought of the trace, which cannot take the scent into account, has already taught of the trace, which cannot not take the scent into account, has already taught us that it was impossible to justify a point of departure absolutely, Wherever we are: in a text where we already belive ourselves to be.
In The Sun5. IN THE SUN
I feel like I am dirt to you
You hate me cause I love you
Just tell me why I'm so low to you
Didn't I mean anything
Your happiness is my sorrow
MemoryEverything dead, dead between us comes alive
And what I say will end up stinging in my own eyes
Under this dark, dark conscience I still strive
I've cried a pool of fear and into this I dive
Lift up your head if you're asleep
Lay down your head if you're awake
Mortally BelovedMortally Beloved
Thank you for everything
Every moment you shared
I appreciated your stay
Every smile you gave away
Thank you for leaving
My Shadow SelfWhat truth there is left,
what hope might still live
I think I can feel it,
I think I believe it
What love might have lived,
what heart might still beat
I think I can feel it,
Of Keeping The Fire DownNow in hand,
a choice ahead.
Buried in sand.
Once blessed, now dead.
Wake from my dream
so it may seem still I regret
And I make sure is?
What I wouldn’t give for-a chance to feel
What I wouldn’t give for-a chance to heal
What I wouldn’t give for-a chance to cry
What I wouldn’t give for-a chance to die
What I wouldn’t give for-a chance to hate
SanityYour shadow on the wall, I'm searching for answers
I think you turn me around
My cold, cold love feeds my intention
In my heart there's a hellish creation
SensesIt's no surprise, I'm tainted now
I'm left here in chains
I've become what I despise
Decayed and senseless
The Bitterness in my heart, I take no heed
I can't feel the rain
I've become my own disguise
SerenityI had to get my mind off you
I had to stop pretending 'cause we're through
I'll go somewhere you can't reach me
Somewhere you cannot hurt me
I had to see through your lying
The way you treated me is why I'm dying
I'll never think of you again
So I Betray The MissionI forget to tell all the bones in your body the end is near
A kiss to bid your heart farewell, there's nothing left of me to sell
I forgive the end for its suffocating hope and fear
Before I ever wave goodbye – cross my heart and hope to die
You commit to leave all you love behind without a tear
Tomorrow is a different day, another chance to fade away
Still It Has Only Just BegunStill It Has Only Just Begun
On the outskirts of my mind, there's really nothing left
Integrity's gone, I've lost myself again
On the outskirts of my mind, there's really nothing left
Hell is loose, and it's only just begun
To Choke You KnowDid I ever listen to you?
Did I ever stop to think?
Could I ever kill you harder?
Could I bury you any deeper?
With every look I crushed you whole
With every smile I grained your bones
The darkness makes me stronger
While Everything DiesSchon es sieht nach Regen aus
Now I have burned the skies for you
Now I have drowned the world for you
How could I know you earth and sky
Now life is death and light is dark
My sins have left their precious mark