As Afterwards the Words Still Ringthe fear is growing there in the candlehouse. like a spreading serpent, tentacled and silent. we hear the speak of the angel as she settles on down to hallowed earth, saying, "Begin those labors of contentment and ease." as she walks forward, slowly. or is it the wind? chiming through the mobile composed of drifted wood? you ask a question... collecting shells along the pebbled beach cannot have paved the way for this afternoon's fright. oh no... although our eyes find acute solitude while affixed on the oyster shell. the vision all around. enveloping the shell is indeed a chaotic slaughter of color and black definition. there is an explosion, a crashing rain, and a collapse of earth. burning white as sun bleached sand on the eyes of the metallic incense. the snow is beginning to fall. many particled and infinite. the snow is meeting the hardended clay and sand. many particled and infinite. in many instants of transformational kissing, the snow meets the creek. there is a man trudging his shattered way along the far side of that creek. moving closer, we see that the man has been beaten and bloodied. although it is well into the early hours of darkness, we see that the man is a black man. an African who has been enslaved. an African who has been enslaved and broken from his mother's side. a human being dragging frozen iron chains and ankle braces through the near freezing water of the creek. earlier he had made the decision that frozen feet are better than feet ripped worn. ripped and shredded worn by the mouths of crazed bloodhounds. so now he trudges. a curse can be heard coming from the man's palsied lips. candlehouse. like a spreading serpent, tentacled and silent. we hear the speak of the angel as she settles on down to hallowed earth, saying, "Begin those labors of contentment and ease." as she walks forward slowly. or is it the wind? or is it just the wind chiming through the mobile? a curse can be heard coming from the man's palsied lips. the snow will soon be collecting on the ground. and when that happens, the hunters won't even need the aid of the tracking dogs anymore, but they'll keep them. you can hear them say, "ain't nothing like a nigger before the dog..." damn the snow. inspired and driven by his hallowed sister moon. breaking this container as the dogs break the container. coccoon. i am alive. after its recession there is a deepness to the tide. after a life of spirit's tangibility has died. after the lungs. after the cold. after the cold when they poison their heads deep. like the spring. as afterwards the words still ring. as afterwards the words still ring.
Familiar PresidesI like you crow
Land up on that telephone pole
My shouldersslowly rise at an acute angle
Slowing me, slowing me
Flock of birds
Like a spotted sheet, thrown out to the wind
Tumble and preside
Gravitywaves caress the foamed shore below. resonating ultrasonic through the cliffs of their sound. the sun's shine is poured all around, drying the leaves and such. there is something about here, and it does me good. where we have color, eyes and movement, where sound is understood. we have living respiration, a breath echo vibration. solid sun inspiration and ground where forebears stood. here I am going, and here I will stay. I have a body to do my moving, to find my home wood. I am here to see tomorrow. I am here to breathe today. there is a rust nailed floor boarded with ancient oak wooden planks that rock and creak. Words eye. Singularity. you did not sing and I would not dream.
you are the shade breeze. you are the shade. you are the shade breeze blowing. the movers of the stream. Words eye. stops breath withholding the heart within its rib cage and it stops for a moment. Waves caress the foamed shore below, resonating ultrasonic through the cliffs of their sound. I was hoping that you would make it, and I'm happy that you could. I was hoping that you would make it. I am happy that you could. And I will see you again.
Guatemalasing along. the earth cliffs. all of them. sing strong, you are the color. you are the sound. you are the color. you are the sound that you see. Expose bank. expose bank. Eroded. cyclic rivulet gravitation, pulling. downstream. bound. soil cloud dripped and ripped. dripped and ripped. along and in between the large rocks that are still holding fast. incessant pull against the soft water. Sing Along. Sing Strong. (falling high for neo)-Tropical. towering, tree universal, fell. in the Amazon, there was no one there to hear. there was no one there to hear. you collect the woolen sunlight and sing.
Hate In Mehate in me
you can't define the word
love in it comes too late (???)
it's in between the two
Kick the CanA thousand, red warriors reluctantly ordered to begin
A charge that lead to slaughter amid chaotic blackened din
On a desert plain where I now stand rubbing dusty eyes
With the company of a deaf friend whose beginnings I despise
Kiss The Girls And Make Them DieThere was a fucking time, a blinded place
It was yesterday that a dying place
There is a hated time. a love'd face
It was never to late to kill a face
Return to that time to kiss that to make them die
Return to that time to catch it, to make them die
LocketToday there was a street where a walker walked alone
Whistling a tune that drifted up through a tree
and stirred up a bird before it was heard by a girl.
Today there was a vision of a house burning on a television
in a room inside an eye in a head topped by a brown curl.
A telephone ring in the middle of the night was said
to cause fright in a dark house lived in by a family of four.
Today is almost tomorrow and if I think not quite yesterday
Lyburnum Wits End Liberation Flynow i've realized i've seen a body divine
beckoning to me to come with mine
now i've realized i've seen a body divine
beckoning to me to come with mine
beckoning and its eyes lies away in sanctuary
beckoning and its eyes lies away in sanctuary
and i
how was i to know
MemorialMothers would awake to feed their children
Our brothers would awake to mend their nets and sails
Mothers would awake to feed their children
Our brothers would awake to mend their nets and sails
They had the boundless light of a new day dawning
And a burning living driving will
They had the light of a boundless new day dawning
mirrorwe could be from the same mother
you know maybe we are brothers
i don't think that he said anything although it was obviously said
and strongly and wise
god the strength you have
you know i always watch you anticipate you
we're the same when it gets down to it
MothTonight is falling away home, gone away.
tonight is falling away, starlight is fading into daylight.
today into daylight.
your freedom is founded, but at what a price to pay
your lover is hushed and she is torn away.
freedom is founded, but at what at a price to pay.
and here it is- one step following the other step, walking along down the avenue of the americas.
two eyes and a head following two arms and legs that are diggin a snow angel in th air.
The LifeTo live the life to live
Take my life and look at it, you can feel you can--
Drop this winde, spill the spit out upon the floor
Look at it, "Stand up you fool let Thunderbird soar."
To shine the boot that walks on the road
that leads to here
To stop, and sit and think about the way
things might have been
What They Lackplease don’t forget me
even though I didn’t die
no, don’t forget me,
even though to you I’m dead
no, don’t forget me
never mind, just don’t lie
don’t ever promise, envision, anything.