- Mercy to Mankind -Mawlaya Salli Wassalim da-Iman Abadan
Ala Habi Bika Khairil Khalqi Kullimi (2x)
(O my Lord send peace and blessings upon your Beloved (PBUH)
The best of all creations.)
Have you read about the time, he stepped from his house,
There was trash at his door
Calmly he gathered trash that was scattered,
I am nearYa Allah - Subhannahu wa ta'alla (Glorious and exalted)
Ya Allah - Samee' Li-duana (The One who hears our prayers)
My Lord - I know that you hear me
Ya Rabbi (oh My Lord) - Cause He says
When they ask about me, my servants, I am near
LabbaykLabayk Allah, Huma Labayk.
It’s a journey for Allah that I wanna make.
Bound to the sound when the Hajjis go round,
In the place where we face they put their heads to the ground.
Bowin’ in submission with conviction of steel.
It’s a feeling of peace, I someday hope I can feel
Small DeedsEver been on a drive? Inside in your ride
And your looking through the glass, see a car on the side
The engine's broken and the car is smoking
And the dude is shaking cause the heat is baking
Or this cat's (guy) gotta flat, and the spare's all whack
No jack in the back, and no clue where he's at
There ain't no real rush, but you roll right by
Not even asking the guy if he needs a supply
ZAMiLOONiA nasheed sung by Native Deen & Zain Bhika!
He stepped inside his home, so he overwhelmed with fear
An angel came with words from God, things were still unclear
Saying read - read, but he couldn't read, amazing words he heard
A trembling deep inside his heart, confused by what had occurred