SelvmordEn flod siver ut av mine årer, mörkt blod, denne varme søte strømmen som gir livet,
Siver obønnhørlig utover, stivner på bakken, dekker den lik nattens stjerner om dagen!
Sneen med sin klare, skarpe kulde, faller lydløst, dekker min dodelig oppskårede
Kropp, og I dypet av denne skog, graver den ned som nattens stjerner om dagen!
Aldri mer sol, på min hud, ikke mer tårer, I min sjel, ikke mer vodsomt hat, I min
Bevissthet, ingen vissen kjaerlighet, I mitt sorte hjerte! ...og I drømmenes, slott,
Følger den store, ravnen min reise, tross alt beundrer, je denn vinteren som
Forvandles til en var jeg aldri får se!
Shadows from the Past...A rain of tears streams down what was my face, the last sparkling stars in this
Gloomy ocean.. All is darkening, blackness covers the sky and falls to earth,
Merging with the dark poison which rises from the depths of my naked soul...
Shadows from the past dancing in dark flames, under the silent and icy reflection
Of the moon, before disappearing in the nauseous swamp in which everything ends...
The Thousand Tongues of MedusaShe's got the long fangs of a boar, two smooth golden wings, she's got bronze hands,
With sharp claws, her poison blood running through her ophidian corpse is magic, it's a
Cure, a real fucking venom linked to Gaia, it gives life to a warrior, a winged horse, nobody
Resists her diabolical eyes! Convulsions of pain and hate, endlessly cripple her frost face...
She lives far to the east, where eternity begins, in the Esperidian garden, close to the land
Of the dead. The thousand tongues of Medusa! Hidden in the shadows, humid and cold,
You wait without mercy, to petrify all life, your face is a mirror, which reflects the deep
Anguish of those who stare at you, even Ares doesn't resist.. Whoever stares at your face,