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  • Текст песни Neil Young with Crazy Horse - Walk like a giant

    Исполнитель: Neil Young with Crazy Horse
    Название песни: Walk like a giant
    Дата добавления: 06.03.2018 | 19:15:23
    Просмотров: 10
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    На этой странице находится текст песни Neil Young with Crazy Horse - Walk like a giant, а также перевод песни и видео или клип.

    Кто круче?

    I used to walk like a giant on the land

    Now I feel like a leaf floating in a stream

    Me and some of my friends

    We were gonna save the world

    We were trying to make it better

    We were ready to save the world

    Then the weather changed

    And the white got stained

    And it fell apart

    And it breaks my heart

    To think about how close we came

    I wanna walk like a giant on the land

    The tracks ahead were long and straight

    We were riding on the desert wind

    We were pulling in the spiritual

    Riding in on the desert wind

    We can see it in the distance

    Closer every minute

    We saw the lights of spiritual shining

    Getting closer every minute

    The we skip the rails

    And we started to fail

    And we fold it up

    And it’s not enough

    To think about how close we came

    I wanna walk like a giant on the land

    Я ходил по миру гигантскими шагами.
    Я чувствую себя листиком в летящем потоке.
    Я хочу шагать как великан, хочу идти по миру гигантскими шагами.
    Я и мои друзья,
    Мы спасаем мир.
    Мы пытались сделать его лучше,
    мы были готовы его спасти.
    А потом погода сменилась
    И чистота заржавела,
    Она выпала из нас.
    Сердце щемит от того,
    Что мы были так близко!
    Я хочу шагать по миру как великан!
    Я хочу идти по миру гигантскими шагами.

    Следы впереди вели нас прямо за горизонт
    И мы оседлали ветер пустыни.
    Мы ушли в духовный мир,
    Оседлав ветер пустыни.
    Мы видим это, оно далеко,
    Но ближе с каждой минутой.
    Мы видели огни духовного света,
    Мы ближе с каждой минутой.

    Мы сходим с рельс
    И уже начинаем лажать
    И мы сворачиваем,
    И этого не хватит,
    Этого не хватит,
    Чтобы понять, как близко мы были.
    Я хочу идти по миру гигантскими шагами.
    Хочу пройтись по нему поступью великана.

    I wanna walk like a giant on the land/
    I used to walk

    Now I feel like

    Me and some of my friends

    We were gonna save the world

    We were trying to make it better

    We were ready to save the world

    Then the weather changed

    And the white got stained

    And it fell apart

    And it breaks my heart

    To think about how close we came

    I wanna walk like a giant on the land


    The tracks ahead were long and straight

    We were riding on the desert wind

    We were pulling in the spiritual

    Riding in the desert

    We can see it in the distance

    Closer every minute

    We saw the lights of spiritual shining

    Getting closer every minute

    The we skip the rails

    And we started to fail

    And we fold it up

    And it's not enough

    To think about how close we came

    I wanna walk like a giant on the land

    I walked around the world in giant steps.
    I feel like a leaf in a flying stream.
    I want to walk like a giant, I want to walk the world in giant steps.
    Me and my friends,
    We are saving the world.
    We tried to make it better
    we were ready to save him.
    And then the weather changed
    And the purity rusted,
    She fell out of us.
    Heart aches from that
    That we were so close!
    I want to walk the world like a giant!
    I want to walk the world in giant steps.

    The tracks ahead led us straight beyond the horizon.
    And we saddled the wind of the desert.
    We went to the spiritual world,
    Riding the wind of the desert.
    We see it, it is far away
    But closer with every minute.
    We saw the lights of spiritual light,
    We are closer every minute.

    We go off the rail
    And we are already starting to fake
    And we fold,
    And this is not enough
    This is not enough
    To understand how close we were.
    I want to walk the world in giant steps.
    I want to walk on it by walking a giant.

    I wanna walk


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