4th Arra of DagonPainted and inscribed on flat stones
Abhorrent to the deep ones
Abhorrent to their great father
Is the symbol to guard against Dagon
Created by the elder things
Long ages past
To guard against Dagon and his spawn
Annihilation of the WickedThe Dominion of Seker.
Barren Desert of Eternal Night.
Shunned by Ra.
Behind the Gate Aha-Neteru.
The Wastelands of Seker.
Eldest Lord of Impenetrable Blackness.
Death God of Memphis.
He of the Darkness and Decay of the Tomb.
As He Creates So He DestroysAt the Seething and Fiery Center
He sits upon his Ebon Throne
Within His Halls of Darkness
Which No Man has Seen and Survived the Vision
Both Blind and Bereft of Mind
He Pipes Unceasingly on his Reed Flute
And the Notes that Rise and Fall in measured Patterns
As He Creates, So He Destroy"Как Он Созидает Так Он И Разрушает"
В кипящем и огненном центре
Он восседает на своем черном троне
В своих залах тьмы
Что ни один человек, увидев, не пережил увиденного
И слепой и лишенный рассудка
As He Creates, So He DestroysAt the seething and fiery center
He sits upon his ebon throne
Within his halls of darkness
Which no man has seen and survived the vision
Both blind and bereft of mind
He pipes unceasingly on his reed flute
And the notes that rise and fall in measured patterns
Black Seeds Of Vengeance***
The scourge of Amalek is upon you
The seed of Amu hath oppressed you
They hath urinated upon you
And made you to eat feces
They know not Ra
They are the enemies of Asar
They hath defiled your tombs
Cast Down The HereticBlasphemer, Heretic, Defiler of the Sacred Ones
Thou art Deprived of Your Limbs
Thy Nose Shall be Split
Thou art Cast Down and Overthrown
Ra-Harmakhis Destroyeth Thee
He Damneth Thee and Driveth Hooks into Thy Body
Isis Sayeth in Mighty Voice, "The Number of They Days are Cut Short.
The Bones are Broken to Splinters They Vertebrae are Severed."
Defiling The Gates Of IshtarImpure am I Impure I spill my seed Upon barren earth And spit in the face of the Goddess Unclean am I Unclean I copulate With the hands of the God And defile the gates of Ishtar Unblessed am I Unrepentant Defiant Buh Luh Uh Si il Inanna As Gi Su Ak Gis Tes Gis Tes Unwashed am I Unwashed I lay violent hands Upon the Altar of the Goddess In filth I lay In filth I desecrate And profane the Temple of Ishtar And blaspheme in the presence of whores Baad Angarru Ninnghizzhidda Open the gate that I may enter Open Lest I attack the gate Open Lest I break down the walls Open the gate Lest I 'cause the dead to outnumber the living Open the gate Lest I 'cause the dead to rise and devour the living
Die Rache Krieg Lied Der AssyricheIa Namtaru
Ia Lammia
Ia Asaku
Ia Pazuzu
Ia Zixul zi Azkak
Ia Gula zi Pazu
Alal uggae Utukku Xul
Divine IntentRise in splendor
Arms upheld unto the sky
Blindly I follow
Soon all will be revealed
Searing transcendant
Visions of divine intent
Worshiping obediant
Enduring the Eternal Molestation of FlameLet not my Corpse Rot in the Necropolis
Let not my crimes be raised against me Whilein the Earth
Make my flesh and bones safe from Maggots
And Any False God who Trepasses my Tomb
You whose heart has been Seized from thy breast
Save me from the Ravages of Deacay
The CrawlingFeinds Who Take away Limbs
Execration textMut The Dangerous Dead
Trouble me No Longer
I Inscribe Thy Name
I Threaten Thee With The Second Death
I Kill Thy Name
And Thus I Kill Thee Again
In The Afterlife
ExtinctWhisper silence in my Ear
Uncover the truth of Insignificance
Paint the anguish of the Private Soul
Reveal pathetic Tragedy
As I sleep I dream of Death
Seething with Rage
Hittite Dung IncantationYou come to me
Because you believe I can cast off demons
To ward off the evil eye
To nullify some sick sorcery that is upon you
I mix the dung of a dog
Foul canine excrement
With barley flour
In Their Darkened Shrines - II. Invocation To Seditious Heresy[ Part II - Invocation To Seditious Heresy ]
And Here I Stand
I who would be master of the Black Earth
Have summoned you here secretly
You who are faithful to me
To share in the Black Kingdom that shall be
Tonight we shall witness
Iskander D'hul KarnonIskander D'hul Karnon
Idolator pagan
Possessor of the horns of Ammon
Conqueror of both the rising and setting of the sun
A the ends of the earth
Where the sun rises from the treacherous fetid sea
Iskander built the gates
Lashed To The Slave StickAsfetiu
Fiends, Criminals, Slaves, Blasphemers
The Word of Ra is Against You
Ye are Fettered and Bound with Leather Straps
Helpless, Doomed, Wailing in Unendurable Torment
Lashed to the Forked Slave Stick
By the Neck
Abata Ankh t Khet
Laying Fire Upon ApepFire be upon thee Apep
Ra maketh thee to burn
Thou who art hateful unto him
Ra pierceth thy head
He cutteth through thy face
Ra melteth thine countenance
Lo your skull is crushed in his hand
Thy bones are smashed in pieces
Liber Stellae RubeaeApep defieth Asar
This book of the most secret cult of the ruby star
Given to none save the shameless in deed as in word
No man shall understand this writing, too subtle for the sons of man
The ruby star has shed it's blood upon me
That which is to be denied shall be denied
That which is to be trampled shall be trampled
Oasis, dark sanctuary.
Night is born, heavy with passion.
Shaman dance by the light of the Moon.
Open your eyes to the song of the universe.
Slowly we drag ourselves out of the primal slime.
Slowly we arise to become mankind.
Multitude Of FoesSep Au Hetep
Ab Au Mekhar Gau t Metkh
Mekhar t Khhert Ua an Aqu
Mekri Sau t Athien Hapti
Tehem Er Sa Msa
I Call Upon Thee My Father Amun for I am in the midst of A
Multitude of Foes
Abandoned by the Legions of Amun and Ra
Natural Liberation of Fear Through the Ritual Deception of DeathNile
I Bow down to the Glorious Transcent One
Vajra Kumara
Whose Face Frowns with Wrath
In Order that My Living Being
Be Released from the Extreme Suffering
And all The Unremitting And Bitter Sorrows of Death
Papyrus Containing The Spell To Preserve Its Possessor Against Attacks From He Who Is In The WaterAmun
Lord of the gods
Thou who art of the four rams heads upon thy neck
Thou standest upon the spine of the crocodile fiends
To thine sides are the dog headed apes
The transformed spirits of the dawn
Drive away from me the lions of the wastes
Ramses Bringer Of WarWretched Fallen one of Khatti
Rise against the oppressing Sword
Encircled Abandoned Alone
I Smite the vile Hittite Foe
My Father Amon what carest Thee
For the Vile and Ignorant of God
My Father Amon what carest Thee
Revel in Their SufferingOur Cruel Masters
Overlords of the Black Earth
Have Fallen unto Ill days
Abandoned by their Gods
War has Ravaged Them
Corruption and Decadence Have Divided Them All
Their Pharoahs Their Scribes Their Priests Their Gods
Sacrifice Unto SebekSebek, Sochet, Suchos.
Dread Lord of the Marsh.
He Who Crawleth Amongst the Sacred Waters.
And Devoureth the Flesh of That Which is Sacrificed unto Him.
Tua Ashemu. Tua Ashemu.
Rekhes Au Sebek. Rekhes Au Sebek.
Tua Ashemu. Tua Ashemu.
SarcophagusWho Dares Disturb My Blissful Sleep Again in Anger Must I Rise How Long Unknown I Lay Emtombed My World So Long Forgotten Did Disown Me Usurper I was Scorned Ah The Suffering They did Inflict Stained With Cosmic Black Sins The Sun No Longer Sets Me Free [The song, "Sacrophagus", could be thought of as a continuation of the Nephren-ka saga - perhaps a revisitation of the Lovecraftian mythos that this band has been exploring since our earlier work. In this latest chapter, whilst naively excavating in the Catacombs of Nephren-Ka, we have unwittingly awakened our protagonist from his long, restful interment. After wreaking his underworld vengeance upon us for disturbing him from his oblivion, he is tormented by memories of the unholy transgressions that had caused him his anguished eternal entombment... in all seriousness, though, I sometimes get the uneasy feeling that perhaps it would be best to leave Lovecraft's characters sleeping, undisturbed in an eternal dormant state - dead, as it were, but dreaming. Who knows what we might awaken?]
Serpent Headed MaskAa-herit Nebu Huit-Ra
We come before Thee wearing serpent headed Masks
In sanguinary worship we offer the Tcheser-t Senfiu
The sacrificial drink of the Gods of Blood
in a goblet carved from a human skull
Fiendish blood drinking reptile Lord of the Ankhit-Thekh
Seven Horns of WarI am Become
The Hawk Headed Lord
Arrayed in Blinding light
Upon a Dawn of Terror
Given Unto You
The Machines of Conquest
Engines of War
Snake Pit Mating FrenzyOne of Many
Swarming Writhing Entwined
Sinuous Coiled Mass
Agitated in the Heat of Mating Frenzy
Turning Twisting Churning Sea of Reptilian Flesh
Writhing Sliding Forked Tongues Darting
Entangled in Chaos
Sss Haa Set YothSss'haa Set Yoth- лидер людей змеи Valusia. Valusia - вымышленная страна в историях «Kull» Г.Лавкрафта. расположенная на западном побережье главного континента Thuria. Империя была основана на колдовстве и алхимии, но разрушилась с пришествием динозавров приблизительно 225 миллионов лет назад в течение Триасовой эры. Мужчины Змеи первоначально управляли страной Valusia, но были побеждены и почти истреблены в сражении за выживание против сил, которые предшествовали им.
Братство Змеи - культ, которому поклоняется жрец Nyarlathotep . Братство посвящено выполнению пророчения его основателя, фараона Nephren-Ka и египетского жреца Nyarlathotep в 14-ой Династии. Его лидерство имеет прежде всего египетские влияния, но в современные времена становится популярным и у других народов. У культа есть связи с Церковью Звездной Мудрости, Культом Кровавого Языка, и Братством Животного. Они образуют подгруппу, известную как Дети Сфинкса, который специализируется на бальзамировании мумий с головами животных.
Supreme Humanism of MegalomaniaI asset my claim of umcompromising empowerment
I am like as unto Atum lord of all
whose spontaneous self generation
Led to the appearance of the earliest gods
and thus the material universe
there is none higher
I appear in glory as that god
Surrounded By FrightDescendant world in a frenzy of evil
Slowly stripped of life
Raped of principles with a common reason
Justice for which we fight
Madmen stagger into power
Pulling strings from ivory towers
Vampire machines drain and devour
As screams strike the hour
That Which Is ForbiddenI Who Would Walk Across Dimensions as Yet Unknown
To Whom the Laws of Space and Time
Nay even Gravity Itself
are as Futile
As the Meaningless lives of Men and Insects
Who Hath Trod Upon the Imperishable Stars
The Black FlameWithdraw Thy Phallus Baboui,open the Gates of the Dust
For I am Burning in Aataakhu,chains bind me,flames encircle me
And burn my flesh open
For Me the Gates Shall Open,over the Fire of the Spirit
The Breth Drawn by the Gods,arise Apophis Return
That I Might Return,borne by the Flame
Drawn by the Gods Who Clear the Way,that I Might Pass
The Gods Which Sprang from the Drops of Blood,which Dripped From
The Blessed DeadLooked Down Upong With Scorn
We Work the Fields of the Masters
And Share Not the Bounty of the Black Earth
Destitute Servile Cast Out
Affording No Tomb
We Shall Be Buried
Unprepared in the Sand
The Burning Pits of the DuatI Hath Been Immersed Head Down.
In that, Which Floweth In Abundance from the Slaughtered Ones.
I Hath Been Made to Eat Feces and Drink Urine.
I Lay in Chains before the Undying Flames.
I am Helpless in the Presence of He Who is Master of the Pits of Fire.
I am Humbled and Broken in the Presence of Those
Who Shall Consume My Shade
The Essential SaltsThe necromancers of Giza
A cult of reanimators
Concerned with interrogation of the long dead
Corpses who may be revived and made to talk
And describe the contents of rare books
And gold hidden in the earth
Although they are often reluctant to reveal their secrets
And must be encouraged with fire and blade
The Eye Of RaIn my foolishness I had taken form of a mortal man
And entered time to live amongst humanity born of my tears
But now they have turned against me and my descendants
They overthrow the temples and curse my name
Now I return to the city of the sun
There enthroned gouge out my eye
Terrible is m pain horrifying are my cries dreadful is my towering rage
The Fiends Who Come To Steal The Magick Of The DeceasedThe great one has fallen on his side
Swarmed by the eight crocodiles
I know them by their names and their
Lives I save my father from them
Crocodiles of the west
Who live on the unwearying stars
Detestation of you is in me
The Howling of the JinnNafs I Ammara
Fana Azif
I am the Infidel
Fiendish Insects encircle Me
Howling Wind Wraiths
Surround my disembodied Ka
The Imperishable Stars Are SickenedFor Aeons Has the Hubris of man
Risen up as a Foul Stench
Offensive in the nostrils of the Gods
Before the Aweful Thrones of Eternity
A Ghastly Multitude of Haggard Spectres
Countless Victims of the Vast Crimes of Humanity
Have Gathered Around the Gates of the Underworld
The Inevitable Degradation of FleshI have come to you that you may Heal my corpse
Permit me to go down into the Earth Forever
Such as He who will not be Ravaged
May I not become Corrupt
May my Ka Ascend aloft May it descend only after it has perished
Such is he who is Decayed
Those Whom the Gods DetestThose Whom The Gods Detest :
I will not speak the spell for not dying again, nay
I will not speak the spell for not dying again
I am the murderous Seth
My hostility made manifest
In the rebelliousness that is humanity
To Dream Of UrDesolate and Forsaken,Eerily Moaning Dark Winds
Murmur Incantations,Dusk Calls Forth Shadows
Spirits of the Glorious Dead Lingering,Bound to this Place
They Whisper of Untold Sagas,of Long Dead Cities
the Seven Shining Cities Sacred to the Aphkhallu
of Ages Past when the World was Young
When Babylon was Blessed of Marduk
and the Sound of her Armies was the Blare of Ominous War Horns
Tribunal of the DeadI fear I may have Fallen out With the Regime
An Enemy of the State
My Name is Written Amongst the Disgraced
On a Clay Image of a Bound Human Captive
I Bring Incense To Appease The Forthy Two Assessors
The Tribunal of the Dead
I Bring Natron The Imbibing of Which Purifies
Unas Slayer Of The GodsPoureth down water from the heavens
Tremble the stars
Quake the bones of Aker
Those beneath take flight when they see Unas rising
The Akh of Unas is behind him
The conquered are beneath his feet
His gods are in him
His Uraei are on his brow
User-Maat-ReO Seti, Great One, My Father.
I Hath Finished for Thee Thy Temple at Abydos.
And Made Known the Lineage of the Blessed.
Those Who Came Before.
I Hath Exalted Mine Ancestors.
I Hath Honoured with the Blood and Sweat of Many.
The Legacy of Thy Conquests.
Utterances Of The Crawling DeadDemon who denies me
Who cuts off heads and severs necks
Who renders incoherent the words I speak
Sealing my mouth against the magic which resides in me
You who shall not see me
Kneel on your knees
Go with thy face behind thee
Von Unaussprechlischen KultenI Hath Dreamed Black and Grim, Desolate Visions
Of the Pre-Human Serpent Folk and Communed with Long-dead Reptiles,
Silently Watching Through the Ages in Cold, Curious Apathy..
The Unending Sorrows and Suffering of an Abysmal Humankind...
I Dare Not Again Surrender to the Deep Sleep Which Ever Beckons Me.
Lest I in Dread Shudder at the Nameless Things,
That May at this Very Moment Be Crawling and Lurking
What Can Be Safely WrittenGreat Cthulhu
Ever the warrior God
Of all the old ones
He is the most terrible
For it is his delight
To slay and lay waste to everything that lies beneath his taloned feet
And the very lust to conquer
What was once free
What May Safely Be WrittenGreat Cthulhu
Ever the warrior God
Of all the old ones
He is the most terrible
For it is his delight
To slay and lay waste to everything that lies beneath his taloned feet
And the very lust to conquer
What was once free
Where Is the Wrathful SkyAn Hour of Great Contempt is upon us
The Hour in Which even our own Lives
Have become Abhorrent Unto us
The Gods we Yet Worship
Long Since Dead
Mock our Servile Existence
Wind Of HorusAshu Give us Power
To Oppose this Legion of Shrikes
They hath Defiled our Monuments and Graves
For their Greed of Treasure
Ashu Sehu Neferui Skhenn
We Are the Breath of Horns
Hot as the Desert Wind
We are Slayers and Reapers of Men
WroughtNanna Father of the Zonei
Eldest of the Wanderers
A Shadow out of Time
The Moon is calling Me
The Breath of the Old Ones
Whispers in my Ear
With inhuman Impatience
They Beckon to Me