10'000 SummersTen thousand summers
Ten thousand summers
Ten thousand summers
Ten thousand summers
Hand me that glass
Hold it to your light
There's a crack
AdditionAt 22, I found you and I followed you,
That's why
At 25, we tied the knot, reluctantly,
That's why
At 27, I saw you walking out the door,
You know
That's why
At 32, I left you when you needed me
BreakThey'll tell you not to stray too far
When drifting through the cold black water
Then send you on your way
And tell you don't look back
They want to see you break.
They'll tell you not to stand too tall
When whispering through a choir of fauna
They teach you how to sing
EyeshadowWhen the miracles of mine
Landing on your eyes
It's fragile and your lashes
Don't blink, don't let down
Cause I believe in all you say to me
A dream
My shade onto the black cloud
Grand CentralI don't know anything
My life's an open field
I feel like a paper cup
Dissolving in a stream
The water around me
Comes flooding in my heart
I don't have anyone to bail me out
You can't see anything
I Wanna Be Your GodIs it too much to want to hold the sun?
To flip a switch and take the light from
Is it too bold to want to crush a soul?
To be the weight bearing down upon your
heart of hearts?
Let's not go too far
I want to be your God
Night DriveNight drives fly by
Black cross white lines
Wheat fields in the passing distance
We light dark tunnels with our eyes
Where the cities drift right through us
And the bridges instantly align
Keep marking the time
Mile after mile after mile after mile...
Permanent SunlightYou want to break apart, wide-eyed
To try to let some light inside
You want to kiss the ground to find it out
There's a thousand ways to fall down
And you say,
Because, because, because,
It's getting old,
Because, because, because,
Stay Wake up, wake up
Wake up, wake up
Wake up, get dressed
Don't park your things
Don't call your friends
Be quick, she said
Leave your glass by our bed