Father and sonLook at me
I've got a question and I comming right at you
Try to see
Dont turn your back on me
Dont screm dont play or I will go away
no time for you now
30K ChildrenTitle: 30K Children
Album: Disconnected
You're laying on the ground
with no help without a sign
You're trying to reach for me
but this world just disagree
8 bit Heroa dream you keep inside of you
a dream of love that might come true
Your living to be found someday
But someone fighting all the way
just for you
A world created by japan
Atonic AtrocityI cant reach you anymore
cause you wont open up the door
Yeah I dont know you anymore
It feels like I just died
what you said cannot hide
But you will care when I am gone
For the weakness that we share non disparity
Att tysta en varg 2005Title: Att tysta en varg 2005
Album: Random Old Songs
vargarna skriker om blod än en tid
offret är ensamt vill ej kännas vid
bedjar till djuret men sargas av ord
ödmjuk var människan som vargar förstod
Been trying for youI've been standing alone*
Out in the rain
Hours of pain
I've been sitting alone
I've been watching my past
You made me last
Before You Goface down to the ground
lets gather all around
hands deep in the mud
we wanna see some blood
face down the ground
Im gonna make you drown
Begrav mig nuTitle: Nomy - Begrav mig nu 2005
Album: Random Old Songs
Jag flyger härifrån i vindens kalla hand
livet är till låns begraver mig i sand
Jag sover likt en sten på strandens kalla rygg
Sanden gör mig len där känner jag mig trygg
Beyond all fear
a call from your house but you're not there
you're beyond all fear
Like a fairytail you are living in my head now
you shine like a star
if I could give you time what would that meen
Breathe outTitle: Breathe out
Album: Psychopath
The last one they see
The best side of me
I smother your shout
Breathe out
Breathe with meTitle: Breathe with me
Album: Free fall
I keep you close because you need to
I need you close now to save you
I feel your guilt in you're breathing
It wasn't you that could save him
Bright Blue EyesSo, the things not to be seen, oh, yeah...
As a boy, left in the dream,
Felt my mother`s burning end/and
Felt my father silent land...
Raise to keep my mouth!,
Longing to get out!,
Made me realizing things,
Bring Your GunsTen thousand midgets compressed in to four
Standing behind me and screaming for more
they promiss to kill if I dont step aside
My blood is burning in case we'll colide
I hold my head low like all people do
wating for the show
BurnMy son came in to talk the other day
Say father when will I be on my way
I dream of what I need but what I need is to be heard
Say father what should I be in this world
My son you'll need be the one you are
there's no one out there who knows you'll start a war
Burn The PicturesYou wanna know who I am?
So give me a fucking name, sweetheart! Haha!
Hey you, believe it or not
But I find you pretty attractive, hey!
I guess you don't know who I am
And that's ok, 'cause I don't give a damn,
thats right
By the edge of godYou really tried it now
To stand this life
But now you don't need to
It's really hurting me
When I think of you
I'm waiting for answers
ChaosTitle: Chaos
Album: Psychopath
When I wake up
To a life that I've learned to live
To control every breath I take
To control it before I break
Chasing Ghostsstanding all alone and no one has a clue
all she want to know is what to say and do
she's standing in the hall way when others are outside she's dreaming of a life were she dont have to hide
When darkness falls when she's alone who can she tell it hurts like hell
when darkness falls she wants them back to hold them close she's chasing ghosts
and she close her eyes and in to the dark
Close to lose it allTitle: Close to lose it all
Album: Verity, Denial and Remorse
You're walking on a long road on your own
Don’t know where it ends but you got to go
You’re walking with a broken dream alone
You're walking on a long road on your own
CocainYou are in pain
Take your life, take your life with cocaine!
But I am who I am, so I do what I can when I can
But I can't really do a damn thing!
So fine, this day
All your problems has gone away...
But tomorrow, when you wake up, all your problems are back to stay!
You are in pain
Take your life, take your life with cocaine
But I am who I am
so I do what I can, when I can
but I can't really do a damn thing
Cocaine slowCocaine.
You are in pain
Take your life, take your life with cocaine
But I am who I am
so I do what I can, when I can
but I can't really do a damn thing
Cola lightYou lying fucking whore
I don't want you anymore
I don't need your fucking lies and that's for shure
No matter if you cry
I don't care if you would die
So fuck yourself you bitch cause you're the glitch
Crucified By Loveerase my name, from the past
so many years have gone so fast
So Take this life and be gone
You are no longer my number one
You made me live hoped you'de stay
never knew what she was about to say
Dead man walkingIn the silence on the street
In a town of concrete
There’s a man all alone in the gutter
So sail away through
the oceans of people
The river of blood has dried out
DemonsI don't get it anymore
I am feeling insecure
Like I'm not alone
Like I'm not alone
It's so hard to clarify
Like a sickness deep inside
I'm not a murderer
But still I'm watching her
EssenMeierTitle: EssenMeier
Album: Free fall
Because you always had a broken heart
That I know because you always cry
Everybody knows you often walk alone at night
And return with the perfect lie
Every time you fallTitle: Every time you fall
Album: Verity, Denial and Remorse
I said no dont you worry
Because life is up and down and that’s they way life goes around
I said go Make it your way
Because what you feel right now will go away and you know how
FieldsTitle: Fields
Album: Verity, Denial and Remorse
I’m running over fields of freedom
Running from the morning to come
And I am running all alone
And In the dark the grass is glowing
Finally without youTitle: Finally without you
Album: Verity, Denial and Remorse
You lying fucking whore
I don’t want you anymore
I don’t need your fucking lies that for sure
No matter if you cry
FootprintsTitle: Footprints
Album: Free fall
You were nothing but a shadow
You were always the forgotten one
You were standing in a dark place trying to be left alone
You've been sleeping in the gutter
Freakshow Part 1Would you hold me if I'm empty
Would you care if I was lost
Would you love me if I'm guilty
No matter what it cost
Would you use your knife against me
Would you cut me just to see
If I would go to heaven
Freakshow Part 2Incredible creations
Of our human race
Take with you a friend or foe
Welcome to my freakshow
One, two, three
What you really wanna see
Is people liberates
Freakshow Part 3Title: Freakshow Part 3
Album: Free fall
All of you dragging me down
Lying on the floor with a loaded gun
Same voice talking to me
Wondering what my next move is going to be
Freakshow, Part 1Would you hold me if I'm empty
Would you care if I was lost
Would you love me if I'm guilty
No matter for what cause
Would you use your knife against me
Would you cut me just to see
If I would go to heaven
Free fallTitle: Free fall
Album: Free fall
When I was a boy
Somebody said
They’ll spit on your corpse
If you play dead
Fuck you all goodnightFaces are standing in front of me
laughing making fun out of me
This is my last song
Thank you all this is about no one
Fuck you all good night
I've been just fine
can someone kill the light
Go nowseparate them confrontate them
You could laugh but please dont hate them
Let them grow up let them stay
dont let shadows stand in your way
and all the things they have done
sentence for everyone
Gold diggerHave you ever thought of me
I’m living as we use to
Now everyone is doing you
Have you ever thought of why
You're never on their mind
Because everybody knows your kind
Goodbye DianeI hate to leave now
But I really dont know how
I could stay here
And look at you tomorrow
All I ever did was try
But its time to say goodbye
And I promise
Head for the moneyNomy started working on this song in August 2011. However, he stopped working on it since he believed that the song was a "crap song", and the song ended up being a memory. His fans, me included, wanted him to release it. Unfortunately, he had lost the song as he could not find it anymore on his computer. (Perhaps he deleted it because he hated it so much, that remains unclear.) Ironically, I was the only one who still had it left, and he therefore approved me to upload the song on YouTube. So here it is!
I've made it abit longer so that everything of his work could be included :)
Please support free music by buying his albums so that he can continue making songs and eventually play live! Visit: www.nomy.nu
/ Adam, 28th of July 2012
Heart Of IceAs I pray, for what I am
To my God, that made me down
I see myself, in front of me
A man I never choose to be
I turn my face, against the sun
And I wish my heart could burn
I force my eyes, to open wide
Hey monkeyHey,little monkey,
I have a monkey on my back today,
And you telling me the way,
You're my shelter if It getting wet,
You're not broken yet,
Sweet,sweet,just like you always should,
Love me,just like I know, you good.
Hjaltar, sagan om hur det sket sig - DJ Bernt RemixЧеловек-паук не имеет много друзей, оставшихся
он сшил себе костюм, который был совершенным
он парит среди домов в герои
торопятся на съемки, который взял чистый отток
Он забыл заполнить
огонь что может пойти
А теперь смерть где о стучится
Тарзан был вне города, но был джунгли ребенка
Hold your head up highYou said you're just one in the crowd
But your laughter is way too loud
You filled the darkest room with light
Your life has complicated you
But you know just what to do
The light you give is not in you
I am GodDont blame me baby when you cant see
who I am what can do you understand
you just cant stand up this party's gonna pop
Critize me if you think you can
I dont give a damn if you're not my fan
Laughter fills the air
speek now if you dare
I died by youI gave my slef some time today
Sat down and criticized my way
The pain was born when I could see
That love is not inside of me
Cant handle this pain
This life is so hollow
And I cant make the rain to drown my own sorrow
I HateI HATE... (indeed)
Something is wrong with this pain
Cause I got it back again
Never new from the start
That I allways had a heart
Cause you made me who I am
I hate you DianeTitle: I hate you Diane
Album: Psychopath
I beg you to love me For all that I’ve done
Yeah love me and we’ll become one
I beg you to hold me And care for me now
Because jack he disappeared some how
I killed you a thousand timesTitle: I killed you a thousand times
Album: Psychopath
I heard a thousand lies
When it was you and me
I killed you thousand times
In my fantasy
I Love You DianaI Love You, Diane
When I saw you today on the news far away
You were talking about war it was hard to ignore
Your blonde shiny hair like an angel I swear
Your eyes shimmered blue then I ran home to you
So I got in your house like a quiet little mouse
I love you DianeWhen I saw you today
On the news far away
You were talking about war
It was hard to ignore
Your blonde shiny hair
Like an angel I swear
Your eyes shimmered blue
I love you DineTitle: I love you Diane
Album: Psychopath
When I saw you today on the news far away
You were talking about war it was hard to ignore
Your blonde shiny hair like an angel I swear
Your eyes shimmered blue then I ran home to you
I miss youYou've been gone now to long, to long
But I miss you
There's no one to save me now
I'm standing on the edge
and still I wonder how
God I miss you. God I miss you
I'm broken deep inside
I miss you 2008You've been gone now to long, to long
But I miss you
There's no one to save me now
I'm standing on the edge
and still I wonder how
God I miss you. God I miss you
I'm broken deep inside
I will die in your placeВсё из ..обязательств,
Держи на дистанции,если мо-жешь.
Зачем, твои глаза так голубы?
Мне видно боль,
Бегущую из тебя.
Она родилась в мире пустом ,
If you can hear thisHave you ever felt the rain
when you're standing all alone
When it's cold and pouring down
When it makes you feel at home
It's like you're standing on a road
With a silence within you
Hating what is left
In Jesus CityЯ чувствую, что мои колени трясутся
Солнце на моем лице
Я чувствую, что мое сердце бьется
На сцене и волнуюсь.
У меня кружится голова,
А мой пот на полу,
на сцене в городе Иисуса !
Jag tarNomy - Jag tar
Jag tror på kärlek å på dig, en vacker söt berusad tjej. Ger dig kärlek för en kväll då känner jag mig snäll, jag tar vad jag vill ha.
Inga blommor och choklad en bit för mig att ta. När morgon går till gryr, i sängen då jag flyr, måste hem å vattna kon.
Jäklar jag glömde ena skon, så jag springer hem till hon å där sitter hon å ler å frågar mer å mer men nu får det vara nog.
Tills jag kom till nästa krog i baren där hon stod, det va kärlek än en gång, ja, natten den blev lång. Jag lovar stanna kvaaaaaar!
jag vet att jag tar sätter på dig å drar, för jag vill vara fri när natten är förbi.
Lay death upon meI have a picture on you
its hanging over my bed
Im on your picture to
in your waredrobe instead
laying right next to me
and i dont know what to say
wonder how it would be
Let The Sun DieLet the sun die
So scared of this my god I miss
what I could see where damned to be
like saints we act we're dogs and thats a fact
Lets die for everything we done
Level 1Rise all my soldiers the Lich king is here
* Gather your "chars" to set some fear
We're all level one and we fight with our hands
See you in Bad Lands
But now when we're here they say that we're wrong
They're leaving my raid now I'm standing alone
I'm walking in Bad Lands with my wooden sword
Life is a bitchBring me my machine bring me gasoline
That is all I need
When I wake up in the morning just to see
another day at work awaits me
But I dont wanna go
No I dont wanna go
Dont you fucking make me go
So bring me more gasolin
Little by littleJimmy went out with the boat one day
he was all alone cause liked it that way
the city was asleep as he saw the sun awake
tell me why you're all alone
jimmy tell me what you done
tell me why you're all alone
Long way downTitle: Long way down
Album: Psychopath
It’s a long way down
And nobody wants to join you
And it’s a lonely sound when you're on the ground
But you can stop it if you want to
Looking backTitle: Looking back
Album: Psychopath
Everything is quite
when you're all alone
stare in to the fire
when no one's comming home
no one to admire
Monkey BoyYou're a monkey boy monkey boy
Living on the edge and the kids are screaming louder
You're a monkey boy monkey boy
Standing on the edge inside you're getting prouder
You're a monkey boy monkey boy
Living on the edge and the kids are screaming louder
My religionShow me how, How can I ever change what I am today
so God please hear my pray
And how can I ever be what I wanna be
Show me how
Am I to hatefull to be saved
How can you let me fade
Never aloneTitle: Never alone
Album: Free fall
You are far from me now
Think about what we said
You can make it around
Because it’s all in your head
Noctoriuseveryone is gonna` be leaving this story
when we got only you gonna`be on your own
Everyone is gonna be dying for glory
When i get all around going to suffer alone
my name is...NOCTORIUS! my name is...NOCTORIUS!
The one and glorious
I think i`m gonna be the last of us!
We fall victirious
On my grave
There will be no flag on my grave
They'll say I missbehaved
They'll dig me down for good
oh yeah
There will be no flag on my grave
cause I was not that brave
One last songI try to live another day
I find it hard to waste
it all and walk away
We imagined we were fine
and now we're standing alone
remembering our time
PsychopathTitle: Psychopath
Album: Psychopath
I’m standing in a silent room
And everyone is holding hands
I'll make it to crowded tomb
If anybody takes a chance
Put him outTitle: Put him out
Album: Free fall
Open your eyes
Blood on your shirt
Don’t make this nice
Just make it hurt
Radio clean2.Radio Clean -Чистое радио.
Пожалуйста,поставь мою песню, я сделал её лишь для тебя,
Рифмы тоже в ней есть.
Она не слишком длинная, это прекрасно подойдёт,
Продаюсь за авации
Я стараюсь удержать энергию ,
Radio trashI can’t stand up on my own
It’s hard to raise my voice
I don’t like that choice
I was not the one to praise
A little boy of war
A little something more
Set your anger on fireТак что, ты хочешь, чтобы я нуждался в тебе,
Ты хочешь, чтобы я увидел тебя,
Ты хочешь, чтобы ты понравилась мне,
Вещи, которые я не могу сделать.
Я хочу быть камень ,падающим на тебя,
Я хочу быть твои гневом, твоим огнём !
She reminds me of youI've been bleeding for years and I'm dry
I cannot change anything, god I tried
The picture I had of us to
I gave it to her 'cus she reminds me of you
And she's asking me things all the time
Why you're not around and if you're doing fine
She has my picture of you
ShorelineWe gotta live a little longer
But it's hard to smell the roses while you run
It's hard to live when you are getting older
But it's easier to die when you are young
This where I go and this is where I leave
I'm standing at the end of everything that you achieved
I leave it all behind, and all that you have done
Smells goodand I meet this girl
on a saturday
my heart was bouncing and I didnt know what to say
mm But she tooked my hand
she said she understand
And your eyes makes me drown inside baby take a ride
Solitary ManNomy - Solitary Man....Nomys cover on Johnny Cash - Solitary Man
Belinda was mine 'til the time that I found her
Holdin' Jim
And lovin' him
Then Sue came along, loved me strong, that's what I thought
But me and Sue,
Then died, too.
Someone Told me that you're comming HomeTitle: Someone Told me that you're comming Home 2000
Album: Random Old Songs
Someone told me that you're comming home
And I will drive all night if you want me to
and if you're comming home I'll help you pack
And I wont let you down
Something differentAlbum:My Darkest Hour
Сегодня,я нашёл что-то ещё ,в моей жизни.
Сегодня я увидел,что -то новое для заметки.
Сегодня я увидел Я увидел,ты умираешь совсем одна.
Но солнце не посветит,когда тебя нет рядом, это - знак,
И месяц не улыбнётся,если ты закроешь свои глаза.
Spank My Assooo guten tag mine younge frau ohhohoho
benten sie over oooooo
ooo beste sie eine bratwurst hohohohoo
i can never be alone
i dont think i`m wrong
when i laid my eyes on you
Straight aheadWe are not here to live this way*
Take this time to realize
How we live is not ok
Every year is just the same
I can't remember yesterday
I'm in a movie with one frame
Sweet Jose Kills Me
Real love thrills me
Sweet Jose kills me
Silent song I did try
understand her but then to die
Silent song silent Jose
love is only a dying rose
Take what you canShe's getting close to what is true
She's getting close to what’s in you
Everyday have been a strife
How to live inside your lies
Every time she's been at home
Every time you've been away
She’s been sitting all alone
You never made her feel ok
The KillersTitle: The killers (Bonus track)
Album: Free fall
They didn’t raise you
They didn’t love you like I do
You claim you never really had another choice
So I gave you a shotgun
And I gave you the whole world in your hands
The PianoTitle: The Piano
Album: Verity, Denial and Remorse
There were one girl always sitting inside
Watching out her window even during summer times
Always playing the piano playing what’s inside of her
Playing in a empty room
The way you flyTitle: The way you fly
Album: Psychopath
I can see it in your eyes
The suffer and your lies
What you see when you die
Your thoughts before you fly
TimeBurn this room down
place me on a chair for all i care
You're telling me I'm crazy
But I will call it lazy
Let the room (let the room burn) down
Blow my heart up high
You don't give a shit if I live or die
Wait One DayYour eyes can not smile
awake just for a while
You're someone else
Those eyes you once had
they are fading away
to some where else
Walk In SilenceHave you noticed that we're dancing all alone
I dont mind it But everyone seems to bee laughing at us
Have you been noticed they are gone They did mind it
Everyone just disappear when this song came on
Dance away now close to me in enternity
Dance away now, my only one
When You Are DeadAll this time its in my mind
who I am and how to shine
But Im ready to forget
when you're dead
I found you again inside of me
A friend that betrayed what we could be
For all that I am believe me its true
World in firethere's a chaos in the world and I love the sound
the guilty and the damned are going down
and everyone is running from the past
politicians really do run fast
and someone is crying and all the brats are dying
and all the rich girls are running the sky is falling in
You And MeWhen I'm awake when I don’t live*
There’s no one here no one to give
You're sitting here you try to see
I'm somewhere else what’s wrong with me
I really want to know where we’re gonna be
When I can live when I can see
You Better Die YoungHey little girl on your way to class
Loved by all cause you got that ass
cutest eyes and the greatest smile
for a year for a time for a little while
Somebody told me that you got old
looking for someone thats made of gold
Hey little girl on your way to class
You call at nightTitle: You call at night
Album: Verity, Denial and Remorse
She dont need you anymore
what you did makes you a whore
what you say and what you claim wont bite nomore
All the shit you spread around
Your heart in my handsTitle: Your heart in my hands
Album: Psychopath
I hold your hand I tell you lies
I give you words Your last goodbye
I see you go I see you die
Your last breathWWW.NOMY.NU
I've been walking alone
down by the waves
hours and days
I've been sitting alone