At GizaRise aviator - sun will follow.
Aperture on door the wave form school.
Sentient ground of the light shrine shining.
Aperture on door the lind-hymm stone.
Sentient ground of the light shrine shining.
Aperture on door the lind-hymm stone.
The orbits arms oscillate to freedom.
Flight of the EagleAscend. A light skyward to the field rise claimant to freedom.
Rise the erudite and penitent to sky and to send.
To send - Retainer soalesced a vision boards the skybarge to freedom.
Somnolescent rays emit now from the origin-known.
And remember Lebanon - hreem veils to scenic frees the photonic dove.
And descend - as ambulant propels up through anteveludian sky.
To send - Onward to terminus triumphal flight sheds object form.
Orbitainer eyes the absolute and freed - walk alone.
Haqq al-YaqinBlue orb on the spine's horizon
From the mosque of the silent mind
Mendicant vows to walk the field
Guiding light of the nerves cremation
Through the port of seventh shrine
The adept integrates upon the single eye
Meditation is the Practice of DeathThe pranayamic ground litmus. Ascetic brace the will ascend.
Converge onto the death ground - Advance the Rinponche.
Negates now illusorics - ascendant to the cleric school.
Stands upon ground of flight and claim's freedom. Destroyer of the ghost void.
Hail vespers - shield from the demonsphere.
Effulgent recitation - white light ambassador.
O John the Baptist - triumphant beam release.
OmЧеловек улавливающий голос Вселенной ("Нада")слышит музыку флейты,пение водопадов,птиц,именно так описывают это те, кто медитирует на этот звук.Наделяет светлыми мыслями,здоровьем,сверхспособностями,независимостью от вещей.
SonicЗализываю раны, улыбаюсь каждой суке,
Ты не сделаешь мне больно, посмотри на мои руки,
Найн оф эйт в этой шалаве она крутит эти трюки,
Суки бабки гуччи тапки, звон монет иду на звуки,
Big smoke, big dope, big drop, nonstop,
Big flex на коленях big ass, big cash,
Sharki флэш big bro, сучка айс, леброн,
Mай тайм мой трон пошёл нахуй гондон,
State of Non-ReturnTraveler now reach the stream. The astral flight adapter.
From the pain-sheath life ascends - the Non-returner sees.
Empathy release me - and the phoenix rise triumphant.
And walks onto the certitude ground - the soul's submergence ends.
From the rounds of rebirth - he arrives onto the deathless.
Light bores through the adjunct worlds - the soul-galleon prevails.
Liberates in wisdom to complete state of negation.
Unitive Knowledge of the GodheadBeseech choir through a grey veiled - arrival light.
And weeps no more onto the setting sun where efforts fade.
Suffuse the stream of memories and broken rays as dark recedes.
Transmute now remainder. Old Abydos. Forward the acolyte.
Summits ascendant traveler bows to celestial.
Disembodied legions salute the pilgrim seeker.
Reverentials to Lazarus echoes forth Osiric obelisk.
To leave the reborn form. Rise to freedom.
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