A Dream Within A Dreamthe road stretches on from unknown destination
across open streams
through fields of carnations
it enters a city, a building
it stretches ahead
it stops at the feet
the feet of his bed
a quarter past wonderfulToo late, somehow
It's a quarter past wonderful now
And I say
"What have we done to ourselves
I mean, what have we done?"
Got nothing new
Telling me, telling you
A short goodbyeSweet melodies
Breaking on a sullen ear
Will endear
And bring memories
Sweet melodies
Sweet melodies
Cross an ancient battlefield
Blue smileBlack clouds in battleships
Are covering the sky
The sky a purple cry
The philharmonic sigh
The sky would disappear
The sky would disappear
You know it's somewhere near
Don't Let Your Hair Grow Too Long
Don't let your hair grow too long
Leave your yellow raincoat on
Don't get wet
But don't get warm
Don't change the time on your watch
Always reach, but never touch
Stay a picture on the wall
don't rhymeIf you only had been physical
but you're synical
and you won't let as much
as a touch be observed (?)
If you only had been lyrical
but you're logical
and it's make us sore
when you talk metaphore
Her Morning EleganceSun been down for days
A pretty flower in a vase
A slipper by the fireplace
A cello lying in its case
Soon she’s down the stairs
Her morning elegance she, wears
The sound of water makes her dream
Her Morning Elegance-Её утренняя свежестьДля тебя .... девочка Мария КУЛЫШЕВА Солнца не было уже несколько дней.
Чудесный цветок стоит в вазе,
Тапочки валяются рядом с камином,
Виолончель лежит в своем футляре.
Сейчас она спустится вниз по лестнице,
Полная утренней свежести.
Звук бегущей воды усыпляет,
Her morning elegance. Солнце забыло взойти. Раз в сотый. и я одна.Солнце забыло взойти. Раз в сотый.
Вазой схвачен цветок лотоса.
У камина замер тапок стоптанный.
Спит в футляре виолончель.
Закутавшись в простынь, несмело она
Скользит по ступенькам, ведущим из сна
И запотевшее зеркало в душе
Locked in a roomLocked in a room with a sink and a broom
And the walls are all white
But you think it's alright
'Cause a wonderful picture of a bridge
Which is covered in frost
And a man comes a cross
Locked in a room that is nothing but walls
quarter past twoToo late somehow
It's quarter past wonderful now
And I say
What have we done to ourselves
I mean, what have we done?
Got nothing new
Telling me, telling you
Ruby risesRuby rises at dawn
With a sigh and a yawn
And a dream lingers on
In her dream she’s a swan
With a cloud over head
Ruby swims out of bed
She removes from her hair
She Hears a noise behind the gateSun been down for days
A pretty flower in a vase
A slipper by the fireplace
A cello lying in its case
Soon she's down the stairs
Her morning elegance she wears
The sound of water makes her dream
The man who isn't thereLook at the sky
It belonged to a guy
That I know
And I thought I forgot
Long ago
Look at the trees
Didn’t stop at the top
The Man Who Isnt ThereLook at the sky
It belonged to a guy
That I know
And I thought I forgot
Long ago
Look at the trees
Didn't stop at the top
The opposite side of the seaOn the opposite side of the sea
The opposite side of the day
The colors are brighter and glee
The people unusually gray
On the opposite side of the sun
The ground is too hot to stand on
Too hot to stand on so they run
А dream within a dream The road stretches on from unknown destination
Across open streams
Through fields of carnations
It enters a city, a building
It stretches ahead
It stops at the feet
The feet of his bed