All Dr. Trager DialogueHey, you're that little shit priest's guy aren't you? His... witness or whatever. You must be exhausted. Lets take a break, huh, buddy? The old two martini lunch, have a little confab. Blah-blah... blah-blah...
It’s understandable, people get scared, they’re as like to turn to God as anything else. God died with the gold standard. We’re onto more concrete faith now
Little eyesO be careful little eyes what you see
O be careful little eyes what you see
There's a Father up above
And He's looking down in love
So, be careful little eyes what you see
O be careful little hands what you do
O be careful little hands what you do
Step Forwardi'll never understand why you act this way. using fists and starting fights just to have your way. when all is said and done, your reputation, it won't mean shit. i can tell you this right now; we won't stand for it. this scene you "love" so much, you tear it down, bit by bit with your violent actions and need to start some shit. this place i call my home and each of you my brother. this scene lacks unity and tolerance towards each other. nothing will ever change if we never take the steps to live a positive life and forget all of the rest. we have to make a change. we have to start today. regardless of your actions, the youth will always have their say. we have to make a change. we have to start today. regardless of your choices, the youth will have their say. we have to make a change. we have to start today. regardless of your choices, the youth will always have their say.
Wasted Youthlive for the weekend
just to go drink.
abusing your body,
you should just stop and think.
not a single day goes by,
it burns in your head and consumes your life.
stumble and fall.
you look like a fool.
Песня доброго доктораПесня на Евровидение 2012г
Welcome, girl and boy
Take my hand, let’s enjoy
From the bottom of my heart I wish you the best
You can be my guest, guest, you can be my guest
You can be my guest…