...Unto The Dimensional ComplexitySham ecstasy or aggressive apathy
Forsaken space or ungodly garce
Star-ashen depravity or the lack of gravity
Futile malevolence or sick coherence
Seductive immortality or heartless subnormality
Vicious purity or envenomed obscurity
Chthonian dawn or hesperus' throne
216Today I introduced myself ot a new world
This unimaginable agony
Silent though so painful!
After all these years it still speaks to me
Eventually, my inner sanctum fell torn apart
Once it's here and once it's there
A picture so common that it is in no need of deion
Blind Eye And Muted MindWalking on a broken glass of one's tortured soul
These shadows tell me of a pale forgotten age
Exploring new horizons of exhaustion
I lip my tongue, lip with bleeding thorns
And they do sparkle, they do shine
With a light of their own, a light you cannot see
I leather phantoms with a bloody cream
Elemental ArchitectureI am
Your miserable deity
Solemn stigma of a stubborn god
I was
Your fake adversary
Adolescent euphony for you to hear
I am
Imperium TenebrarumHollow voices surround the space around the cromlech
In evil tongues they speak, grim are their aims
The storm rages near, ruthless in it's anger
The prophecy once spoken now should be fulfilled
The altar of invocation awaits it's victim
Whispering once forgotten prayers, forbidden and concealed
Abyssic spirits haunt the hellish winds among the solitary virtue
Me, The MisanthropeHere I stand and behold the masses
Would you consider perfect the horde of worms?
Nor do I, roaming high above their domains
Would you ever see me passing through the centuries?
I know not
My spirit always doubts, exploring the controversy
Futile being, the beginning and the instant end
Mists Of EternityAlgol, to Thee I sing my song
Oh star of Evil and obscene light,
Perpetual in your seductive nothingness
Grant me thy power, grant me thy all-devouring might...
For I am a feeble human soul
Itching for the planetary rule
To become one with the Elements...
MoscowMoscow (The Sanguine Reign of Terror)
Easening, fore come the
Dreary images of gorgeous past.
Hectically they do breathe
... spitting blood.
Sobbing incontrollably
Obscurity In ProgressThe instinct of survival's laid to rest
The lives of those we loved'd burnt down the spiral
The world we knew's no longer a world for us
Emptiness of a living thing
Hate in oblivion, charity in stress
All exits open
The Forlorn Existence of Soul DivineAlone and sorrowful, the divine essense crawls
Along the dying remains of heavenly kingdom
Once adorned and now forlorn,
Questioning anything, but meaningless and painful
Bitter memories of past apocryphal superiority,
Flesh and soul now departed in more than racking way...
Necromantic lust for vital pleasures and devilish desires,
The Fragile Shades Of GraySee him, who ariseth from these dreary waters
What doth thy imagination tell thee?
Those pale dim lights make all eternity end
And who laugheth now?
Sleep... It leads you right unto dimensions never seen
Illusive dreamvisions, aeoms passing in a moment
They all dwell therein, there where your second
The Moon, The Sun, The StarsDeep inside the woods, whose sight's embraced with
Wintry fluid
The wolves come forth the sacred fire, whose flame's enshrouded in
My deep passion and anxiety
Memories of pride, memories of hunger
The lust forsaken, the hate bereft
Bitterness and strength, they all come into one
The Spectral Prophecy«The Old Ones were, the Old Ones are and the Old Ones shall be
From the dark stars They came before man was born
Unseen and loathsome They descended to primal earth»
What's Your Universe Built UponWe're Born Alone
And We Must Face Death Alone
Everyone must die
Whether in pain or at peace
Destruction and demise
What a charming view
Красота должна умеретьСквозь древ столетних мглу, навстречу солнцу
Срывая плоть о длани ссохшихся ветвей
Незримый путь свой не изведав
Ломая страх идти скорей
Навстречу свету сжирая тьму
Ростком колючим сквозь палую траву
На мертвой почве без тепла
Презревшим смерть навеки…
Крест без верыТвой бог требует внимания - дай все, что забрал у других.
Есть цепь взаимопонимания: бог, посредние и, конечно, ты.
Постой, потолще свечу зажги. Запомни, твой бог не отпускает грехи.
Бог, посредник, потом только ты. За большие награды отпустят грехи.
Цепь счастья держит у основания крест без веры, висящий на груди.
В глазах твоих - пустое понимание. В действиях - прости тире заплати.
РагнарекНочь ослепив светом пожаров
Смрадом гниения воздух отравлен
Земля захлебнется потоками крови
Крик побежденных, страх виноватых
Сделай мир лучше!
Сделай мир краше!
Верни ему то, что отобрали
Дай ему жизнь, очисти от скверны
Я не верю в анархиюВсё, что не анархия — то фашизм!
Всё, что не анархия — то фашизм!
Всё, что не анархия — то фашизм!
Всё, что не анархия — то фашизм!
Но ты хочешь быть фюрером,
Он хочет быть фюрером,
Я хочу быть фюрером,
Мы все хотим быть фюрером!