American Anglophile in the World Turned Upside-DownThe Old Ones are inside the earth and under the sea in a state 'twixt sleep and death. Cosmic races homely alienage England's ungreen, unpleasant bland we speak one tongue Unnative England's Jerusalem making Whitehouse grottoes overlook the ghettos the observer is the observed Colonial architecture She's the best man in Britain supine moaning minnie sticking with nurse for fear of worse uncanny nanny Brittannia rule the waves A right bunch of canutes every country has its Arthurian saviour Sea demons invading England Rhode Islander's aversion to seafood see Cthulhu vomit More vapid vanna white house and less successless Prince Phillip reincarnates as a miniscule microbeast pest in order to present Rapid breeding in lands other than his own queendom kingdom come What do you want the nouveau riche house of Windsor The jaded sentimentality of the uninvaded people person Urchin universities superbabies wombworkout a more perfect union English godman the most magnificent snob I ever knew A meey cur Amerigo Vespucci Christisatanic names only please Sourland of slavery bill of wrongs what kind of state are you in Persons and citizens floundering citherns Boston coffee orgy Whoever has the initiative must willy-nilly go over to the attack It's just their generation -It's always their generation Sickle star hammer stripes stripe sickle stars hammer star corpse Knighthoods lands and refinement for yesterday's bullies derision and Criticism of today's SNAFU coffee house New England Puritan decadent Prude make life an art form we have no red-coats today We require a man of Boney's or Adolph's stature Psychic skyline superior medieval city better than Baghdad Purse owner persona sold out soul doubt Anti anti don't even believe in nihilism anymore The problem of induction The only English pope American pope 123 American pope 123 Speak like a psycho think like an immigrant Cowboys fonetic fanatics and indians Marketing psychedelia marketing punk dubious psychopathology Body slanguage sexlanguage O America we are not a gun-boat for your lack of diplomacy As we were now so shall ye be Government by the people by the people fool the people Shall not perish from this earth Beyond nationalism you have sown the wind now you shall reap the whirlwind Crush the teeth in America's mouth yank rebel rebel yank Blimey limey scurvy Never was a patriot yet but was a fool An American's house is his castle Quiet down, you brats Sorry kid
Arkham Hearsessssssssssssssssssssssss,
arkham hearse sssssssss,
arkham hearse sssssssss,
arkham hearse sssssssss,
arkham hearse sssssssss,
arkham hearse sssssssss,
arkham hearse sssssssss,
arkham hearse sssssssss,
As NothingSet against death
Mere thought is as nothing
Its meaning extinguished
By fear of extinction.
As nothing
As nothing
As nothing
B WardDiscord in b-ward a cliche never bored
Discord in b-ward siggy siggy siggy fraud?
Discord in b-ward a goal that's never scored
Discord in b-ward excreaciating smell hell!
Discord in b-ward just trust in your lord
Discord in b-ward eaten not gnawed
Discord in b-ward good deeds fast flawed
Better Not BornIt seemed like a damn futile business to keep on
living. No more tutors - high school next
September which would probably be a devilish bore,
since one couldn't be as free and easy as one had
been during brief snatches at the neighbourly
Slater Avenue school...Oh hell! Why not slough off
consciousness altogether?...The whole life of man
was a mere cosmic second -so I couldn't be missing
Black on GoldLapiz lazuli
Turquiose and amethyst
Black on gold
Viridian and jasmine
Tan and black
Ruby and cinnabar
Dove grey puke pink
Onyx and bronze
Black PresidentPeanut farmer, b-movie actor
Awakening coughs
Desires for powers
Prime the ministers
Watch them go off
You have to be hardy to rest on your laurels
You have to be hardy, but I'm so intense
Blasphemy Squadblasphemy squad, thriving on hate,
in the warfare state, like piss in a pod.
never forget, never ever forgive,
wash your mouth out with pope.
death love god squad + the babies of christ,
pin you all down, in their burial mound.
Blind DogsThe unseeing eyes of the blinded pupils
Unseeing guidance, the lead of the blind dogs
Token gestures from life-long investors
Questions only for those who question
A vicious circle of passive acceptance
Passive acceptance of a vicious circle
Blissful MythIt's Escapist shit of a feeble kind
a fucked up institution for fucked up minds
Holy Matrimony is a Blissful Myth
Wholly based on tradition, wholly based on bullshit
think you love each other, think youre so in touch
but its the shit institution you love so much
Bloody JelliesThere will be no coffins
When you and I die
No consecrated ground
A sin to end all sins
And angels with scorched wings
And if the thought of this stings
Sorry god there's no coffins
Just bloody jellies
Brown Jenkinwhat!
shall th' aspiring blood of lancaster
sink in the ground
i thought it would have mounted!
see how my sword weeps for the poor king's death.
o, may such purple tears be always shed
from those that wish the downfall of our house!
if any spark of life be yet remaining,
BubbleYou have a bubble of hope you live inside,
you're surrounded by tokens and symbols of hope.
It's your choice O.K., but I won't follow,
smug in your bubble of hope.
You have a bubble of hope you live inside,
you're surrounded by tokens and symbols of hope.
It's your choice O.K., but I won't follow,
C12 H22 0118 spoonfulls in coffee, please
Candy and chocolate from slavery
Ice cream in every variety
Sweet crystalline substance
C12 H22 O11
White poison
1 2 Fuck U
C12 H22 O elevenaaaaa
Clandestine HaremFascistic selectivity
The clandestine harem.
Elitist exclusivity
The clandestine harem.
Prejudice, apartheid
The clandestine harem.
Fascistic selectivity
Cosmetic PlagueBeing honest is no means of survival,
avoid your inner-feelings like the plague,
This is what it takes to comply
with the images this structure will accomodate,
But things aren't what they seem
when they're partially hidden
behind walls of pretence built for peace of mind.
The barriers between us are forever maintained
Crazed Coupletthat is not dead which can eternal lie,
and with strange aeons even death may die,
dead death,
dead death,
death dead!
death dead!
the sweet rememberance of the just shall flourish
Crazy ChainCrazy crazy chain we're strung up again
Umbilical cord around the neck and pain is sane
Crazy crazy chain gagged & bound inane
Crazy crazy chain label underachieve & plain
Black statue looms in doomsday rooms rap
Fetish worship motivation life-span trap
Defined By AgeThe gap between young and old
Exists because it's what we're told
The older generation or the youth of today
Views and actions defined by age
Defined by age - Defined by age
The complacency of middle age
False dignity, moral outrage
Dream CityThe weedy old spires like veins in marble
The old gold domes were just ancestral homes
The citadels of yore with broken bronze
bells and tottering towers
Shadowy staircases
Spiraling like ammonites
The sartorial shabbiness of Dunsany
denies him a place at the occult coronation
Dutchmen1902 inside a British concentration camp-
where 20,000 Dutchmen, including children die.
Do you feel any pity for these murdered men + women
who died at the hand of the British Empire.
Victims they may have been-
But innocent they were not,
they were murderers just the same-
FarceShe is such a pretty girl,
Her shape fits well into a mould.
Her mind removed, her body's sold,
She does exactly what she's told.
And he is such a brave young man,
If his brain can't then violence can.
His mind was drained since life began
Of the compassion he once had.
Gentlemen Prefer BloodGentlemen prefer blood in this day and age, well really
Cleave you foe from head to hip,
from flesh plucked skull begin to sip
Besemened bed of virus hell,
Dad is dead, Mom's mad as well
Michael Nyman met a pieman
White note music twaddle twaddle
Happy Farmas you walk out of the valium of death,
a sad feeling limps around your brain,
funny farmers sowing seeds of discontent,
pumping nerve gas around unfeeling veins,
war junkies perish in the wreckage, of their brains,
mindward earthlings seek to change our path,
stench crawling over the snow,
HearseE-evil eye beyond sty and sky
E-evil eye beyond sty and sky
E-evil eye beyond sty and sky
E-evil eye beyond sty and sky
Hearse hearse hearse hearse hearse hearse hearse hearse
Hearse hearse hearse hearse hearse hearse hearse hearse
hearse hearse hearse hearse hearse hearse hearse hearse
Him HymnFor fifty-four years he worked hard
On five foul factory flaws
Boredom ranking low on his list of fears
Though they say his tears they cried dry tears
He's no teenager
He's a real neat rager
Imps of the PerverseHoward Phillips Lovecraft, heaven knows,
had a talent for writing which was of no means proportion:
only what he did with this talent was a shame,
and a caution and an eldritch horror.
If he'd only gotten the hell out of his aunties' attic
and obtained a job with the federal writer's project of the WPA,
he could have turned out guidebooks
that would have been classics and joys to read forever.
Insideno longer want to listen to your insane lies,
or call for the blood of those who've died,
or lust for the tears of another to be cried,
no longer want to suffer this pain inside.
no longer feel the need to crush all in sight,
or play any part in a cruel + bitter fight,
to maintain a blood stained curse of pride,
Love Is Notlove is not your parents lies,
it's a myth that they create,
true expression you're denied,
in their "love" it has no place,
love is not your parents lies,
do they really care for you?
why then must they hide behind,
duty + guilt that smothers you.
Lovecraft BabyLovecraft Sonia Haft Lovecraft Susie Lovecraft H. Poe
Lovecraft Winfield Kill em all and bear
Lovecraft's baby Feed it reg'lar how it grows
Everyone wants to kill someone, but they don't
Everyone wants to but they don't
Too many braincells Drowning in inkwells
OK, HPL just cos I don't talk proper
Chronic bucolic Lovecraft baby,
Media PersonGreen to feel blue?
Is your vision purely golden?
Is your humour black or olden?
Do you find you're getting yellow?
'Though you know you're in the red dread
Red dread red dread red dread red dread red dread red
I'm your media friend
Memento Moridie bugger,
die bugger,
die bugger,
bugger die,
die bugger die.
Ziolus Archibald Mainwaring
Augustus T.
Mice RaceDawn breaks but it isn't a new day
Men like sheep, women like mice
All caught in the rat race
Take a closer look at what's going on today
Are you really justified in having nothing to say?
Are you really justified in having nothing to say?
Are you not aware of a feeling of humiliation?
Don't you have to sell yourself and keep on saying "Sir"
Nightgauntshairy flesh impinges from all directions,
somnambulistic ramble around the room huddle in a corner,
giant pink fleshly worm wolf's head round the door,
dark petalled sensitive plants scuttle over carpets,
black statuettes animate square heads firestokers,
skewer me in flame, paradise lost dore aient no rowboat,
nightgaunt nightgaunt,
hellish barb bifid,
Nothing But A Nightmarewhat's the point of living in your mindless life?
what's the point of living in your mindless life?
what's the point of dying in your mindless death?
what's the point of living in your lifeless mind?
have you ever even had the thought of thinking?
or is it you're just ignorant + ignorant?
have you ever even had the thought of thinking?
pathetic fool trapped inside your skull.
Only HumanHey you! Yeah you!
You're the only human eveyone's an alien
Save you, save you
We're malevolent malignant tumours sucking on your body
Preying on your mind never mind, never mind
Preying on your mind never mind, never mind
Dissecting your soul, spirit being or whatever
Pig In A Blanketi tell you about the animals
how they suffer how they die,
you try to hide guilty doubt
from me with an appeasing smile,
you never want responsibility
for this murderous cruelty,
the wasteful piles of blood-soaked bodies
you won't let your conscience see.
Play(Rock and Roll beast is dead,
but your hunger must be fed)
Come on everybody join your hands
Come in everybrain clap new bands
Come in everybody clap your hands
Come on everybrain join new bands
Radio SchizoTransatlantic titanic freakshout, radio schizo, new empire's devouring old, radio schizo, the one's called sane wanna self destruct, radio schizo, peoples caught in poison webs, radio schizo, chains their brains to the media mains, radio schizo, fabel + label make your tower of babel, radio schizo.
SacrificeGod is nothing more than an obsessive lie.
While sunday school children are brainwashed into the line,
And presented with as truth what's really just a lie,
Another childs' self-belief is sacrificed.
In the eyes of the lord, men are his servants,
In the eyes of the lord, women are mens' servants,
In the eyes of the lord, we're authority's servants,
Shardcall of cthulhu
as i'm recording here in this studio
this shard will surely reach someone,
someone who'll know
but all these messages
have been in vain
from the little glass bottle
Slimy Membergrind your bones to make their bombs.
nothing so slimy as a member,
or obscene as the prime cut,
the real chaos merchant,
severed head of state.
masters of disasters.
with jingo + jargon,
juggling with our jugulers,
Soniawe'd all like to kiss pretty girls all day,
unkissed since infancy,
waste your affection on cats,
i find myself singing all the while,
senile old shuffler weds sonia haft green baby,
you wouldn't think that he was a gentile,
oh bedelia ella o,
i've made up my mind to steal you my dear,
St James Church London - 16-01-82Cosmetic Plague /
Play /
Teenage Time Killer x 2 /
Zero Again /
Media Person /
Subdued Violence /
Tower Of Strength /
Mice Race /
Subdued ViolenceLet's find someone we can blame it all on
Someone so stupid they can't see
Pull out each hair one by one
By three sick old frail worm, claustraphobia
Suck suck suck, suck the puss holes dry
Hate noise, hate you, agrophobia
Punch kapow now, how bang down the door
Mediocre idiocy, harlequin acting girl
Teenage Time KillerTeenage time killer,
When it gets old it can wish it was young
Teenage time killer,
Skull of James Dean haunts the dream of the teen
Teenage time killer,
Youth of nausea, youthanasia
Teenage time killer,
The Cloud SongThe Black Cloud gathers smothers my Brain
As i cry another tear in this struggle of Pain
Another hurdle to clear is it all the same
Is the conquest of pain my only Aim?
The Pain has got to Stop, it's eating into me,
My apathy upholds this misery,
this hatred for myself will Destroy me
The Crime of the CenturyYuppiecide disposing of the bodies difficulty -the evidence impossible ripe for a coffin The dolled up figurine Impossible to hide the secret from the world dirty blood Death's blood on head nationless annihilation and the Christman's religion? Suffer now for the paradise that is to come Chosen Aryan myth birthed and perished in Poland Polish pope Popeish Anti-Semite ripe for a coffin Venice stinks cos Venice invented the ghetto Africa 150,000 years ago modern-looking man Homo erectus Peking man Java man Archaic Homo sapiens Neanderthal unchanged Strong brow-ridge cave man cranium prognathism Variations of modern People in classical morphological interbreeding Bad blood Neanderthals unchanged Mummified mitochondrial DNA Organelles, cytoplasm egg conceptus sequencing Vietnam man skullhole Origins unknown out of Africa skin change psychesame fresh prejudice Collapsing cosmoses dreaming of adrenalin deathrush cosmology Early earth atmosphere ancient death atmosphere happenstance Beyond the magma smegma skywomb microfossils strimatolites on rocky Coasts antrotrophs heterotrophs consuming the products and degradation of the higher levels Slime on rocks Probing the microbes Little Lord Fauntleroy and Lord Foppington were in the bath Press darkly there's pitch and toss. Heavy swell thro' the eyes of a storm secret motions and agitations of the oceans we loll. How does your conscience smell five miles downwind of a slaver The mist rolls back a stick of bombs fall a seismograph depicts the siren's call as we cover our ears flaying of satyrs by firelight Soon, not late many moons well I know struck the horses Head the aristocratic state of the Eighteenth century had reached an advanced form decomposition enfeebled and effete inarticulateness Pilasters niches multicoloured tiles lord whore farted Discolouring the fillings in your teeth that the archeologists unearthed bleak corrective furnishing self with solemn grandeur Statuary marvelous intoxicating to the fancy sick and sad Send her to Bedlam obnoxious to strangers a loud din of voices among the multitudes the strongest emotions I have ever known It is a great vexation for me to stop me vitals playing the giddy Goat out of season perquisite lichen the age of tombs foolishfashion Yonder issue to the top 'tis a pity the design was not conducted by a better judgement
to tread on a peni guitar is death,
to tread on a peni drum is instant death.
The Dead Lovedthe dead loved you and the dead loved me,
the dead loved you and the dead loved me,
the dead loved you, the dead loved me,
the dead loved you, the dead loved me,
the dead loved you, the dead loved you,
the dead loved you, the dead loved me.
they've taken lovecrafts lantern jaw off
The Evil Clergymanhello and welcome to inconclusive arguments
in today's conference we have a psychologist,
a guru, an athlete, a freak, a scientist,
a dictator, an anarchist, a mass murderer,
a composer, a human vegetable, and a complete outsider.
let's open the discussion with you,
er huh what gives?
that look of revelation on the athelete's face
The Horrors in the MuseumA muse musing in a museum.
What's the use of looking if you don't see 'em?
Always just that bit behind glass,
Always just that bit behind glass
Fondling the master's skull,
fondling the master's skull as a child.
One of his coffin nails for one hundred dollars
The Old Man Is Not So Terribly Misanthropicyou do not realise how much
i appreciate you,
new deal now
a new deal now,
new deal now
a new deal,
ultra-tory to quasi rad,
at least it's original,
The Pope With No Nameit's such a shame the pope with no name
she doesn't know what she's called
closure confusion it's so sad,
delusions of grandeur she must be mad
one day my head will grow
into a mighty papal dome shape
i shall awake old mitre man mitre man
(pope joan in the 7th century
Tower Of StrengthTower of strength takes to the sea
Scours ocean via quay
Same old story muscle bound and gorey
Brand new story death without glory
Infinite story so new, so hoary
Build a tower of strength and watch it weaken
Construct high hopes as the brightest beacon
Watch the seagulls eat the trash
UnchangedSealed within thought
Thwarted and flawed
The fantasy.
Beyond the brain
Mundane, unchanged
Mundane, unchanged
WIlfred Owen the ChancesI mind as 'ow the night afore that show
Us five got talking, - we was in the know,
"Over the top to-morrer; boys, we're for it,
First wave we are, first ruddy wave; that's tore it."
"Ah well," says Jimmy, - an' 'e's seen some scrappin' -
"There ain't more nor five things as can 'appen;
Ye get knocked out; else wounded - bad or cushy;
Scuppered; or nowt except yer feeling mushy."
ZenophobiaWe are gathered here today to pour scorn
on inhumanity's weaknesses and foibles
A fear of cellars, crypts, and caves
Underground hollow
evacuated lecture theatre
Shadow strewn interior
Abandoned gas house
Topomaniac genophobia
Zero AgainThe end of the line where zero's the sign
A hole in the mind, deaf, dumb and blind
Nothing to cry not even an eye
Zero again the end of no end
A vacant space lacks a familiar face
An unknown face finds a vacant space
The memory killed by a hole soon filled