Hello Miss HeelsOooo...
I hear it coming but the sound, Isn’t comforting me.
Help me, help me, help me honey, Help me shake your disease.
You’re saving all your loving for the still of the night.
I'll Take the Bullet Widdle me away, Shape my soul,
Run it in the ground, Rattle my bones,
Now the light of day, Too far gone,
Listen to the sound, Driving it home.
You know you missed the point,
You know you missed the mark,
You gotta love me in the light,
What You Wanted Me To DoI got enough bad habits, enough loose strings
Now my hands are tied amongst a number of things
And you, then there's you
And I don't have to look for trouble when it's following me
Despite my vision only you I see
It's you, yeah there was always you.
When A Heart BreaksIf it's all gone
Then it's all gone
You were just fine
I was holding on
Not that it' was right
Not that I'm wrong
But I was holding on tight
Not for long