04 - WolfpackРазгром конвоя ONS-92 в северной Атлантике 11-13 мая 1942 года (во время т.н. "Второй Битвы за Атлантику"). Основные силы эскорта включали в себя американские корабли - эсминец Gleaves, ледокол Ingham и спасательное судно Bury. Немецкие субмарины в ночных атаках потопили 7 союзных транспортов из 41 - достаточно серьезные потери, хоть и не так драматично, как поётся.
(с) iskander_zombie
Wolfpack - "волчья стая"
To their own shore came the world war
Gleaves and Ingham
Leading the bury west
04. WolfpackTo their own shore came the world war
Gleaves and the Ingham leading the Bury west
Took the short way in
The long route back convoy 92
Bury Gleaves and Ingham leading
Tankers to the west
And upon the north Atlantic
07. The Last StandIn the heart of holy see
In the home of Christianity
The seat of power is in danger
There's a foe of a thousand swords
They've been abandoned by their lords
Their fall from grace will pave their path, to damnation
08. Hill 3234Landed on the hilltop, soviet forces are in place
Awaiting orders!
They were only 39
They were told to hold the line
In control
Sent into battle, came from the sky
Trapped on a mountain, and into the fire
Hold your ground
09. ShiroyamaIt's the nature of time
That the old ways must give in
It's the nature of time
That the new ways comes in sin
When the new meets the old
It always ends the ancient ways
And as history told
The old ways go out in a blaze
1 6 4 8 на шведском Europa söker fred, och ingen annan stred
Generaler ifrån norr till verket skred
De plundrar
De våldtar
Se hele Böhmen står i brand
82nd All The WayIn the draft of 1917, a man from Tennessee
Overseas to the trenches he went, from the land of the free
Into war he brought two things along, a rifle and his faith
Joined the ranks as a private, assigned to 338th
There on that day, Alvin York
Entered the fray
Saving the day
A Ghost in the TrenchesMove between the lines, a soldier breaking the confines
A force deployed from overseas
A war in foreign land await the eager recruits
And in their midst, among the men
A soldier with a different past return to his roots
Into battle, the gas has them pinned
Then this soldier invoke the spirits of the wind
A Lifetime Of WarTwo ways to view the world
So similar at times
Two ways to rule the world
To justify their crimes
By kings and queens
Young men are sent
To die in war
A Light In The BlackПесня о миротворцах ООН.
Мы посланы в битву, чтобы помочь чужакам в беде.
Наши войска подарят вам свободу.
Последняя попытка, там, где остальные потерпели поражение.
Наступает час свободы, наш путь уже проложен.
Мы будем помнить поля, где наши танки держали строй.
A Soldier of 3 ArmiesStarted out as a reserve soon promoted well deserved
And the legend has begun
With a bounty on his head the red army wants him dead
Soviet enemy number one
Cross of Mannerheim
Addicted to the war game
Never ending flame
Aces In ExileТекст: Aces in exile
In the skies above the isle, Aces in exile prevail
From near and far they arrived, joined the force
Ready to serve the allied command
Sent into training though they already earned their wings
They were ready fly, they were fit for the fight
Afraid To Shoot StrangerНочь, я лежу без сна,
Вытирая взмокший от пота лоб,
Что вызвано не страхом, ведь
Я бы предпочел умереть прямо сейчас,
Чем представлять картины ужасов,
Что ожидают впереди:
Как этот заброшенный песчаный курган
Превращается в место погребения.
Amphibious battalionUnder this sun no shadows will fall
Piercing our eyes as we charge
An amphibious battalion on course to the east
Closing the end of its march
This time we're here to finish a job
Started months ago
Driving the rebels out of their holes
To bury them 6 feet below
Angels CallingSent to kill, to watch no man's land
Snipers are moving unseen
Fight for land, to lose it again
Shrapnel is filling the air
Hell on earth, the trenches mean death, better keep your head down low
Charge their lines, the ultimate test it's a synchronized (sacrifice)
Back in controlBack In Control
Sent to the islands to secure what is ours
Marching ashore in the cover of night
Hide until dawn and attack in the twilight
Shake them awake with the thunder of guns
Orders from the iron maiden, get the islands back
Birds of WarThe priesthood is trembling
the five knights of light has betrayed mankind
Now known as the dark ones
we strike down on earth with powers from hell
We ride on the wind we ride through the sky
like unholy birds of war we fly
we bring agony and insanity
BismarckFrom the mist a shape, a ship is taking form
And the silence of the sea is about to drift into a storm
Sign of power, show of force
Raise the anchor battleship plotting its course
Pride of a nation a beast made of steel
Bismarck in motion king of the ocean
Blood of BannockburnNow that our time has come to fight
Scotland must unite
We'll make a stand on Stirling ground
To put a challenge to the crown
We are one, we have come
We're here to break and end the occupation
We have our nation's faith in hand
It's time we make our final stand
Burn Your CrossesNo use to pray, there’s no one listening
I will die anyway.
Some say I’ve killed, some call me Satan
Now my blood must be spilled
I’m sentenced for crimes I did not commit
I’ll pay with my blood, is this really it?
Creations of God?
CamouflageI was a P.F.C. on a search patrol, huntin' Charlie down
It was the jungle wars of '65
My weapon jammed and I got stuck way out and all alone
And I could hear the enemy movin' in close outside
Just then I heard a twig snap and I grabbed my empty gun
And I dug in scared while I counted down my fate
And then a big marine, with a pair of friendly eyes
Appeared there at my shoulder and said "Wait."
Carolus Rex
All embrace me, it's my time to rule at last.
Fifteen years have I been waiting to sit upon my throne.
No allegiance, I will swear no oath!
Crowned by God, not by the Church, as my power is divine.
They thought I was too young to rule the land.
Carolus Rex SVMin tid nalkas, denna tid går mot sitt slut
Hela Stockholm ser mig krönas
Kanoner skjut salut
Ingen ed lagd, ingen ed jag svär
Kronan kommer ej från kyrkan, Den kom
Direkt från Gud
Jag visar min styrka genom strid
Född att regera, att föra krig Knä om Knä
Carolus Rex на английском языкеAll embrace me. It's my time to rule at last.
Fifteen years have I been waiting to sit upon my throne.
No alligance, I will swear no oath!
Crowned by god not the church as my power is divine.
They thought I was too young to rule the land.
Just as they failed to understand born to rule.
My time has come.
Children of the nightNightchild
In a dream i saw the future,
in a dream i saw the world,
there were madmans lies,
devils point of view,
In a world of hate and anger,
Christmas TruceSilence
Oh, I remember the silence
On a cold winter day
After many months on the battlefield
And we were used to the violence
Then all the cannons went silent
And the snow fell
Voices sang to me from no man's land
Cliffs of GallipoliHear them whisper
voices from the other side
hear them calling
from friends and foes resting side by side
They will never
leave our hearts or fade away
live forever
Coat of ArmsThat dawn envoy arrives, morning of October 28th
No day proven by deed, descendants of Sparta, Athens and Crete
Look north, ready to fight, enemies charge from the hills
To arms facing defeat, there's no surrender, there's no retreat
Time after time, force their enemies back to the line
Call to arms, banners fly in the wind
CounterstrikeТекст: Counterstrike
Kickstart fighter launch
throttle set to full
speed king race to win
afterburners roaring
Ghostlike counterstrike
Devil DogsKill, fight, die
That's what a soldier should do
Top of their game, earning their name
They were the Devil dogs
In a war machine
They were the USA marines
[Verse 1]
Diary Of An Unknown SoldierI remember the Argonne, 1918
The sounds of that battle still haunt me to this day
Machine gun fire from enemy lines
The sickening sound of a bayonet tearing through human flesh
The soldier next to me firing his sidearm in desperation
All these sounds still echo in my mind
And as conducted by death himself it all comes together as music
A rhythm of death
DreadnoughtA shadow moves across the water in pursuit
It splits the waves, commands the sea and defies the wind
Instilling fear among it's prey, feels naught for itself
Ahead the sea lies calm awaiting the storm
Displace the water in it's path
Reveal the cannons, align the guns, unleash their wrath
Unopposed under crimson skies
Immortalized, over time their legend will rise
En livstid I KrigJag ser mig om och ser mitt hem försvinna bort
Min tid där hemma känns nu alldeles för kort
Blott ungdom, knappt en man då plikten kallade mig
Om hag får se mitt hem igen det vet jag ej
Bland fränder från min by så drog jag ut i strid
Och världen brann
För kriget det kan
Endless NightsClouds are gathering in the darkness. Lightning strikes the
Earth. Evil forces celebrate Lucifer's rebirth
Necromancers, sacrifices, he'll be here for sure.
Drained blood from a thousand men, and now he's back for more.
He will rise from a world down under
Bringing fire, plague, death and thunder
Summons creatures unknown to mankind
Ett Slag Fargat RottFruset land
En köldhärjad här
Föds som demoner ur krutrök
Rehnskiölds män
Stormar dess flank
Fruktat hans namn är i strid
En för en flyr Sachsens män hem
Far From The Fame"Far From The Fame"
As the great war is over and lost
He's been wounded in war, he returns with awards
Into battle again far from home
From a far distant land, our Marshal command
Feuer FreiGetadelt wird, wer Schmerzen kennt
Vom Feuer, das die Haut verbrennt
Ich werf ein Licht
In mein Gesicht
Ein heißer Schrei
Feuer frei!
Bäng bäng
Fields Of VerdunAs the drum roll started on that day
Heard a hundred miles away
A million shells were fired
And the green fields turned to grey
The bombardment lasted all day long
Yet the forts were standing strong
Heavily defended
Now the trap's been sprung and the battle has begun
finalAbout the Holocaust.
Country in oppression, nation in despair,
one man seeking reasons everywhere
Growing hate and anger,
furious orders what precise – who is to be blame and pay the price
Wicked propaganda turning neighbors into foes,
FirestormBut a kingdom that has once been destroyed can never come back into being nor can the dead ever be brought back to life
Warnings of an airstrike
The sirens scream out loud
Warning on the radio
Of what's coming
Appearing on the radar
A threat from overseas
Fist For FightМне было лень пилить эти альбомы.Вот список песен в альбоме:
3)4:33-9:28-Endless Nights
5)13:53-19:16-Burn Your Crosses
6)19:16-25:06-The Hammer Has Fallen
7)25:06-29:14-Hail To The King
Forty to oneBaptised in fire.
Forty to one
So silent before the storm
Awaiting command
A few has been chosen to stand
As one outnumbered by far
The orders from high command
Fur ImmerBleib Dir treu, niemals auseinander geh'n,
werden immer zueinander steh'n, für immer.
Keine Macht wird uns jemals trennen,
werde wie ein Tier d'rum kämpfen,
du lernst mich kennen.
Denn Freunde gehen mir über alles, immer.
Ich werd' immer für Dich sein, für immer.
GDFast as the wind, the invasion has begun
Shaking the ground with the force of thousand guns
First in the line of fire, first into hostile land
Tanks leading the way, leading the way
Charging the lines with the force of a furious storm
Fast as the lighting phantoms swarm
200 miles at nightfall, taken within a day
Ghost DivisionFast as the wind, the invasion has begun
Shaking the ground with the force of thousand guns
First into line of fire, first in to hostile land
Tanks leading the way, leading the way
Charge into lines with the force of a furious storm
Fast as the lightning, phantom swarm
200 miles at nightfall, taken within a day
Ghost DivisionоВторжение началось со стремительностью ветра
Сотрясая землю мощью тысяч оружий
Первые в линии огня, первые на вражеской земле
Танки идут впереди, идут впереди
Выстроенные в линии, с мощностью яростного урагана
Стая фантомов, быстрых как молния
200 миль в сумерках, и днем у цели
Glorious LandEndless waste,
our patience runs thin.
Here we stand ready.
Let the battle begin!
Hit back! Charge!
As the forces arrive.
Shove! Go! Push!
Glorius LandEndless waste,
Our patience runs thin.
Here we stand ready.
Let the battle begin!
Hit back! Charge!
As the forces arrive.
Shove! Go! Push!
Gott Mit UnsSpent the night in formation,
To the battle we marched in the dawn...
We were ready to die for our king
On the fields of Breitenfeld
Fire at will
Aim for their cannons
Counter attack
Great WarWhere dead men lies I'm paralyzed, my brothers' eyes are gone
And he shall be buried here, nameless marks his grave
Mother home, get a telegram and shed a tear of grief
Mud and blood, in foreign land, trying to understand
Where is this greatness I've been told?
This is the lies that we been sold
Is this a worthy sacrifice?
Hail To The KingOnce we lived in harmony, but it seems so distance now.
Even though it wasn't long ago, were all doomed to plague and death.
Working hard from dawn 'til dusk.
But that ain't enough for him
Product of unholy love, untrue brother of a king.
Know that you'll fail, now hear us hail
Your brother that you killed.
Harley from HellFeel the wind on the road
Freedom on to whizz its me
Got it on my gas so fast
Far away from home
Riding on all alone
Leaving everything behind
Its just me, my bike, the road
Hearts Of IronSee the Reich in flames
Try to save Berlin in vain
It's a road through death and pain
On the other shore, there's the end of the war
Who could ever have believed,
Seems like nothing's been achieved
Just to walk a day, go all the way
HellfightersFrom a land across the ocean
To the western front where they served
Fought with courage and devotion
Preconceptions turned
As the spring offensive kept churning
Where the men would earn their name
See the tides of battle turning
And their foes ignite their flame
HellriderEngines are running our blood burns like oil. Head one by
One down the highway
Tires are screaming leave trails on the road, the sirens of
Death coming our way
We'll always be one step ahead, we'll not fall back
Pedal to metal rock hard and ride free, the philosophy of a
In The Name of GodHide from the public eye, choose to appear when it suits you
Claim you're just, killing women and children
Fight, when you choose to fight, hide in a cave when you're hunted
Like a beast spawned from hell, utilizing fear
Chosen by god or a coward insane?
Stand up and show me your face!
Inm. 4859The dawn of century a boy born by a lake
Resettled from Karelia’s plains
Go to a man in exile as the Great War came
Unleashed a shadow on his world
Witold, Witold, who knows his name?
Inmate in hell or a hero in prison?
Inmate 4859The dawn of century, a boy born by a lake
Resettled from Karelia's plains
Grown to a man in exile as the great war came
Unleashed it's shadow on his world
Oh, no
Oh, no
Who knows his name?
Into The FireSent from home overseas
And into the unknown
Barely landed in the jungle
Sent on first patrol
Sundown darkness falls
Dig in for the night
Ambushed in the dawn they came
Karolinens BonBortom Svea rikes gränser
Hörs ett kall från ovan jord
Följer kristendomens regler
Offensivens man soldat i Jesu namn
För fränder fosterland och konung
Genom elden skall han gå
Opåverkad inför ödet
Lady of the DarkWho shall be remembered
In the ancient house of war?
All the medals, all those stories
In the alley of the greats
Celebrated hero, who has wandered through the dark
She stands before you, all that metal shining bright
Lost in time, returning to the light
Bow before, this lady fights for life (so sister)
Langa Bollar Pa BengtJag tänker tillbaks på min korta sejour
Som tolvårig grabb i fotbollsskor
Jag fick instruktioner, jag skulle gå
Som back till vänster och tänka på
Att kämpa och springa och bara slå
Långa bollar på Bengt
Bengt, han var påläggskalv
Light In The BlackSent into battle, to aid strangers in need
Gain independence, our forces will lead
Final solution, when all others have failed
Liberation is coming, our path has been laid
We remember the fields, where our tanks held the line
We remember our brothers in arms
LivgardetÄrat livgardet står
Grundat av landsfader vår
Hängiven tjänst i 500 år
Från tåget över Bält
Stred vid Lund, på Narvas fält
De följa uti hjältars spår
Smitt av eld och dalablod
Long Live The KingDreams are seldom shattered, by a bullet in the dark
Rulers come and rulers go, will our kingdom fall apart?
Who shall we now turn to, when our leaders lost their heart?
Lives are lost but at what cost, will the grand dream fall apart?
Killed by his own or by his foes, turned the tide
300 years still no one knows, the secret remains
Man of WarMasters of the wind
Metal warriors number one
Sleipnir met the king of kings
We're all men play on ten
It's wrath of Thor, they are men at war
The sign of a hammers are guide
It's a metal days as the outlaw's ways
Return from the war at last
Master of the WorldWe are a small crowd left to rotten, theres not many hard souls left
As the pop is growing stronger, will metal fade away?
Will we be broken, will we go down?
No! We? ll never fall were the masters of the world
Get up lets break those chains now and party all night long
No! We? ll never fall were the masters of the world
Masters of the WorldWe're a small crowd left to rotten
There's many answers left
As the pop is growing stronger
Will metal fade away?
Will we be broken?
Will we go down?
Metal CrueTake some venom and accept
That you won't see nazareth
The rainbow leads you home
Warrior sent to milky way
Ufo shooting gamma ray
A riot of destruction
Metal MachinI have a phobia
A fear of the dark
Afraid to shoot strangers
The animal talks
Guns scare me shitless
But love gun's my friend
Metal MedleyI have a phobia
A fear of the dark
Afraid to shoot strangers
The animal talks
Guns scare me shitless
But love gun's my friend
Metal RipperYou're in for surprise, you're in for a shock
In London town streets when there's darkness and fog
I'm going down, all the way down
I'm on the highway to hell from here
Blessed by the night, holy and bright
Called by the toll of the bell
Oh Mr. Crowley did you talk to the dead
Metal TrilogyYou're in for surprise, you're in for a shock
In London town streets when there's darkness and fog
I'm going down, all the way down
I'm on the highway to hell from here
Blessed by the night, holy and bright
Called by the toll of the bell
Oh Mr. Crowley did you talk to the dead
Sleep with the devil and then you must pay
MidwaySend them over the waves our sentinels
They report in the news
Position of our foes
This battlefield's been chosen tactically in advance
Time to alert our fighters
We're soon in range
We'll meet at midway, Naval war
Mother RussiaInto the Motherland the German army march!
In the Soviet Union, Summer 1943,
Tanks line up in thousands, as far the eye can see.
Ready for the onslaught, ready for the fight,
Waiting for the Axis, to march into the trap.
Mines are placed in darkness,
Night WitchesFrom the depths of Hell in silence
Cast their spells, explosive violence
Russian night time flight perfected
Flawless vision, undetected
Pushing on and on, their planes are going strong
Air force's number one
Somewhere down below they're looking for the foe
Nightcore To Hell And BackA short man from Texas a man of the wild
Thrown into combat where bodies lie piled
Hides his emotions his blood is running cold
Just like his victories, his story unfolds
Bright a white light
If there'd be, any glory in war
Let it rest on men like him
No Bullets FlyFrom down below an enemy spotted
So hurry up rearm and refuel
But through the bomber's damaged airframe
See wounded men scared to the bone
Look to the right and then look again
And see the enemy in the eye
No bullets fly spared by his mercy
Nuclear AttackDropped from Enola, a city erased,
threat of the future displayed
A power unheard of a power unseen
Flash out of nowhere, the sky is burning
At 8:16 AM Tokyo control realized
something was wrong
Reports of explosions, destruction and pain
Panzer BatallionUnder this sun no shadows will fall
Piercing our eyes as we charge
An armoured battalion on course to the east
Closing the end of it's march
This time we're here to finish a job
Started a decade ago
Driving the animals out of their holes
Panzer BattalionUnder this sun no shadows will fall
piercing our eyes as we charge
an armoured battalion on course to the east
closing the end of it’s march
This time we’re here to finish a job
started a decade ago
driving the animals out of their holes
PanzerkampfKanashimiga ima Sailor Smile...
Kisekiwo okosuno Sailor Wing;
Daredatte kagayaku hoshi wo motsu.
Makenai! Ashita e Sailor Yell
Zettai! Tsukamaeru! Sailor Star!
Kono chikai todoke ginga made!
Anata ga kieta sono toki kara
Panzerkampf песня о Битве на Курской дугеInto the motherland
The German army march
In the Soviet Union summer 1943
Tanks line up in thousands as far the eye can see
Ready for the onslaught
Ready for the fight
Waiting for the axis to march into a trap
PoltavaTime has worn the soldiers down
Marched for many miles
In the eastern lands so cursed
Time to make a stand
Tsar has scorched his nation's land
Nothing to be found
Hunger grasp the soliders heart
Poltava на шведскомTiden tärt den här som gått
Vandrat många mil
Knektar tröttna slitna var
20 000 man
Tsaren bränt sin egna jord
Ingenting fanns kvar
Hungern rev och döden stod
Primo VictoriaThrough the gates of hell
as we make our way to heaven through the nazi lines
Primo Victoria
We’ve been training for years
now we’re ready to strike
as the great operation begins
we’re the first wave on shore
Purple HeartWhen we signed up for the army
to a rangers company
armed with M16’s
straight into the war
Then we served under the banner
clad in US stars an stripes
and on moonless nights
Race to the SeaWe're keeping the kingdom free
As an archduke falls and the battle horn calls
Our lives would never be the same
We were looking down barrel of a gun
Now the war has come and the battle's begun
We are desperate and overrun
To the war drum we'll be marching till it's done
Lead the way, we will follow into the fray
Reign Of TerrorThe sky is on fire, burning black gold
Eyes of the west turn to east
Driven by greed and an urge to destroy
Merciless killing your own
Slave to the power a slave to the gold
Ruthlessly ruling the east
Your reign of terror must come to an end
Resist And BiteWar is coming swiftly
The borders closing in
We're a company of soldiers
Mere 40 rifles strong
All alone
Stand alone
Resist And Bite - Сопротивляться до последнегоСопротивляться до последнего
Война идет стремительно,
Границы сближаются все быстрее.
Мы — рота солдат
В сорок винтовок величиной.
В одиночку,
Rise of EvilA nation in despair, weakened by war, defeated
Lost their pride in Versailles
A former prisoner, with a vision or a grand delusion
Rise to power in the reich
Rebuilding an army
Make the nation proud
Disregarding the treaty
Ruina ImperiiBudet kom på en kall vinternatt
Carolus finns ej mer
Hemåt fränder
Över fjäll, genom bitande köld går marschen
De går med sänkta huvuden
Sabaton - 1648Europa söker fred, och ingen annan stred
Generaler ifrån norr till verket skred
De plundrar
De våldtar
Se hele Böhmen står i brand
Sabaton - Lejonet Fran NordenEn tid styrd av mörker och krig,
En legend beskriver ett lejon
Den besten tar form av en man
Med en dröm att den skall bli sann
För alla som står i hans väg,
Väntar död, för han ger ingen nåd
Med en mäktig armé ifrån norr,
SaboteursТекст: Saboteurs
Dropped onto a world of ice, a plateau of frozen lakes
A nazi place of doom in their sights
Trained in camps on scottish heights, to commando
The mission of their lives lies ahead
Screaming EaglesCrack of the lightning splitting the ground
Thunder is sounding, artillery pounding
Wrath of the nazis cast on Bastogne
Facing their forces alone
Sent from the skies jumped into the unknown
Seven Pillars Of WisdomFar from home, a man with a mission
In the heat of the glistening sun
In the heart of ancient tradition
This man's journey has only begun
(Lead the charge)
A raider has entered the battlefield
The game is about to unfold
ShadowsFacing the wind as they ride trough the sky
Shadows of Mordor black horses they fly
Black Shadow King: Find the Ring
Search for the halfling you Lords of the Dark
The Hobbit with Sauron's Ring he is your mark
Unholy light in the night
ShotgunThe dark compulse me everyday
The countdown has begun
I am your master, number one
Realizing pain
I was [holy?]... in the underworld
To live by Satan's will
A creature of unholy pain
Vengeance is my name
Six days of fireKickstart, fighter launch
Throttle set to full!
Speed king race to win,
Afterburners roaring
Ghostlike counterstrike
Takes them by surprise,
Smoking Snakes
We remember, no surrender
Мы помним – вы не сдались,
Heroes of our century
Герои нашего века!
3 men stood strong, and they held out for long
Три человека стояли насмерть, они долго продержались против врага.
Soldier of Three ArmiesStarted out as a reserve,
Soon promoted when deserved
And the legend has begun!
With a bounty on his head,
The Red Army wants him dead
Soviet enemy number one!
Cross of Mannerheim
Soviet armyНачинал службу в резерве,
Но вскоре получил повышение.
И легенда началась!
За его голову назначена награда,
Красная армия желает его смерти.
Враг Советского Союза номер один!
Крест Маннергейма1,
SpartaMany many years ago, when Persia came ashore
Heeding Leonidas' call the Spartans went to war
Joined by their brothers, a few against the fateful horde
Hellenic hearts are set aflame, the hot gates calls their name
A final stand, stop the Persians, spear in hand
Form a wall, live to fall, and live forever
SpeederBorn with a heart of a lion, raving to space on your own.
Into the belt of Orion, g-forces bite to the bone
Speed makes your heart burn like fire
Speed makes your heart burn with lust
Challenges taking you higher
Ride fast and do what you want
StalingradFresh from Moscow
Over Volga came to comrades aid
City in despair
Almost crushed by the führers army
Oh it's colder than hell
Hitlers forces advancing
StormtroopersNow there's a standstill in the war, repeating what's been done before
It must come to an end, a few will transcend
They were under twenty five, and under fire they would thrive
The Sturmmann is born, their enemies scorn
A glimpse of the future, new tactics in war
New doctrine in combat explored
As fast as lightning, there's no time to mourn
A glimpse of the future and Blitzkrieg is born
Swedish PagansWohoho (intro)
The wise woman said;
''Once you're hardened in battle there's no coming back''.
(Fight or fall)
And before the attack
Feel your blood starts to boil in your veins as you charge.
(Hundreds fallen)
TalvisotaRise of nations pride
Russians on a route to ruin
Kreml is more then certain to win
Sent away an army to the west
Blizzard reigned the ground were chosen
Snow was deep and hell were frozen
The Art Of War"If you know the enemy, and know yourself
You need not fear the result of a hundred battles
If you know yourself, but not the enemy
For every victory gained, you will also suffer a defeat
If you know neither the enemy nor yourself
You will succumb in every battle"
I stand alone and gaze upon the battlefield
The Art Of War 2008The Art Of War-2008
1. Sun Tzu Says (00:23)
02. Ghost Division (03:51)
03. The Art Of War (05:08)
04. 40:1 (04:10)
05. Unbreakable (05:58)
06. The Nature Of Warfare (01:18)
The Attack of the Dead Men NightcoreTurmoil at the front
Wilhelms forces on the hunt
There's a thunder in the east
It's an attack of the deceased
They've been facing poison gas
7,000 charge en masse
Turn the tide of the attack
And force the enemy to turn back
The Ballad Of Bull"The Ballad Of Bull"
Sometimes war is killing, sometimes it's saving lives
It's the judgement of fate, it's nothing that man can dictate
Corporal Leslie Allen carried them from Tambu
Saved his brothers in arms, went out and followed through
There and back again, Bull just carried on
The Carolean's PrayerFar beyond their nations' borders
There's an army on the march
For religion king and glory
In the name of Christ their enemies chastise
Taking orders from the heavens
Through hostile fire they will march
Unaffected by the volleys
The end of the Third Reich draws nearПо нашей родине идёт немецкий зверь...
В Советском Союзе лето сорок третий год,
Танковые армии готовятся в поход.
Готовы к обороне, и к наступлению,
В миг они фашистов загонят в западню.
Мины установлены средь ночных глубин,
Ждут своего часа, сигнал для всех один.
The End Of The War To End All WarsDeath, hard to ignore
One million lost five months into the war
Pain, fell one by one
Three years remained, it had only begun
Unable to restore
A map redrawn
The Final SolutionThe Final Solution
Country in depression
Nation in despair
One man seeking reasons everywhere
Growing hate and anger
The Fuhrer's orders were precise
Who was to be blamed and pay the price!
The Future Of WarfareStanding in the line of fire
32 will lead the way
Coming over trench and wire
Going through the endless grey
A desolate wasteland
Infernal depiction of Hell
The birth of a new way
The Great War 201901. The Future of Warfare (3:26)
02. Seven Pillars of Wisdom (3:02)
03. 82nd All the Way (3:31)
04. The Attack of the Dead Men (3:55)
05. Devil Dogs (3:17)
06. The Red Baron (3:22)
07. Great War (4:28)
08. A Ghost in the Trenches (3:25)
The Hammer Has FallenHere I am standing, darkness all around.
Thinking of past, taken my last breath, the air is cold as ice.
No one close to hear my voice,
Did not leave me with a choice.
Heaven will you wait for me?
Will I find a way, will I find a place,
Will you let me go in peace?
The Last Battle5th of May, V day is just around the corner
1945 the Fuhrer reign is at its end
Jenny at the gates, as the SS open fire
There's no time to waste, the final battle has begun
After the downfall, a castle besieged
Facing the Nazis awaiting relief
The Last Dying BreathWar begun, the Kaiser has come
Day or night, the shells keep falling
Overrun, but never outdone
Street to street, denying defeat
Soldiers of the Serbian Army
Keep your heads held high
Overrun, you fall one by one
The Lion From The NorthA time of religion and war,
Legends tell the tale of a lion
This beast in the shape of a man,
With a dream to rule sea and land
And all those who stand in his way,
Will die, by God and victorious arms
With the righteous that follows him south,
The Lost BattalionFar from their land as they made their stand
They stood strong and the legend still lives on
1918 the Great War rages on
A battalion is lost in the Argonne
Under fire there's nothing they can do
There's no way they can get a message through
The Price Of A MileHear the sound of a machinegun
Hear it echo in the night
Mortals firing rains the scene
Scars the fields
that once were green
It's a stalemate at the frontline
where the soldiers rest in mud
The Red BaronMan and machine and nothing there in between
The flying circus and a man from Prussia
The sky and a plane, this man commands his domain
The western front and all the way to Russia
Death from above, you're under fire
Stained red as blood, he's roaming higher
Born a soldier from the horseback to the skies
That's where the legend will arise
The Reich will riseA nation in despair, weakened by war, defeated
Lost their pride in Versailles
A former prisoner, with a vision or a grand delusion
Rise to power in the reich
Rebuilding an army
Make the nation proud
Disregarding the treaty
The Royal GuardFrom the frozen north they came
Fought for founding father’s claim
It was then, their tale, began
Trace their roots from 16 strong
By the king where they belong
En tid
The Unkillable SoldierInto the fire through trenches and mud
Son of Belgium and Ireland with war in his blood
Leading the charge into hostile barrage
By design, he was made for the frontline
Studied law, with a thirst for war
Fought in Africa, wanted more
Back in Europe then straight to France
He's joining the allied advance
The Valley of DeathDug in deep, equipped for attack
Outnumbered, determined to win
Double trench lines that won't give in
They're prepared, let the battle begin
Here again, they've done this before
A lesson that they should have learned by now
Reinforced with new men and guns
Who are ready for death when it comes
ThundergodsHear the rolling sound of thunder
As the battle rages on
We will tear this world us under
Feel our power
Through a darkened sky we riding
Pierce the night with bolts of light
ThunderstormCrack in the distance, a flash in the sky
It’s getting dark, clouds gather power
You heard it coming from over the hill
It’s time to run, time to seek cover.
Now there is no hideaway
And you have no chance
Thor and his hammer are riding his chariots of storm
To Hell And BackA short man from Texas,
A man of the wild
Thrown into combat,
Where bodies lie piled
Fights his emotions,
His blood's running cold,
Just like his victories,
Twilight Of The Thunder GodThere comes Fenris grim
His jaws are open wide
The serpent rises from the waves
Jormundgandr twists and turns
Mighty in his wrath
The eyes are full of primal hate
UnbreakableIt’s under crimson skies hell’s horizon
Our trap will spring
Unaware of our presence they’ll be marching
Straight to their doom
We are prepared for war ready for fire
Stand by to charge
Counting down as they march into destruction
UnionRegard your soliders as as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest battles, Look upon them as your own beloved sons and they will stand by with you even until death.
As the turn of the tide it is our turn to rise
The force of a union at war
March over mountains on our way to the north
On the road that will lead us to Rome
Our way will not be easy, it will take us through hardship and pain
(песня о Варшавском восстании в 1944 году)
Warsaw Rise!
Do you remember when,
When the Nazis forced their rule on Poland
VermahtНачать войну ради мечты, которая продлится тысячу лет...
Машины встанут на ноги и снесут врага, как солнце - первый снег.
Вы были жертвы времени,
или же гордостью страны?
Пропаганда не нужна,
Когда сердце рвётся в бой
VersaillesThe war had been raging and ravaging for four years
Leaving millions of casualties from all sides
In the trenches of the frontlines
People have asked the question
What is the price of peace?
How many more must die?
Exactly five years after
The assassination of Franz Ferdinand
We BurnТекст: We burn
I’ve had a vision its clear to me now
I know what has to be done
Different religions cannot share a land
A plague and I have the cure
Pulled into war to serve a vision that's supposed to last a thousand years
Part of a machine unstoppable, as merciless as tidal waves
Were they the victims of the time, or proud parts of larger goals?
Propaganda of the reich masterful machine
Time and again the battle rages on beyond the gates of misery
White DeathAlmost night, a crimson horizon
Painting thousand lakes red
As your army approach in the east
A hunter is switching his prey
All alone, a man with his gun
Wanders into the wild
Track you down, you can't hide
Winged HussarsWhen the winged hussars arrived
A cry for help in time of need, await relief from holy league
60 days of siege, outnumbered and weak
Sent a message to the sky, wounded soldiers left to die
Will they hold the wall or will the city fall
Winged Hussars SabatonWhen the winged hussars arrived
A cry for help in time of need, await relief from holy league
60 days of siege, outnumbered and weak
Sent a message to the sky, wounded soldiers left to die
Will they hold the wall or will the city fall
Нет летящим пулямFrom down below one enemy's spotted
So hurry up, rearm and refuel
But through the bomber's damaged air frame
See wounded men scattered and burned
Look to the right and then look again
And see the enemy in the eye
No bullets fly, spared by his mercy
Первая победаThrough the gates of hellAs we make our way to heavenThrough the nazi linesPrimo victoriaWe've been training for yearsNow we're ready to strikeAs the great operation beginsWe're the first wave on the shoreWe're the first ones to fallYet soldiers have fallen beforeIn the dawn they will payWith their lives as the priceHistory's written todayIn this burning infernoKnow that nothing remainsAs our forces advance on the beachAiming for heaven though serving in hellVictory is ours their forces will fallThrough the gates of hellAs we make our way to heavenThrough the nazi linesPrimo victoriaOn the 6th of juneOn the shores of western europe 1944D-day upon usWe've been here beforeUsed to this kind of warCrossfire grind through the sandOur orders were easyIt's kill or be killedBlood on both sides will be spilledIn the dawn they will payWith their lives as the priceHistory's written todayNow that we are at warWith the axis againThis time we know what will comeAiming for heaven though serving in hellVictory is ours their forces will fallThrough the gates of hellAs we make our way to heavenThrough the nazi linesPrimo victoriaOn the 6th of juneOn the shores of western europe 1944D-day upon us6th of June 1944Allies are turning the warNormandy state of anarchyOverlordAiming for heaven though serving in hellVictory is ours their forces will fallThrough the gates of hellAs we make our way to heavenThrough the nazi linesPrimo victoriaOn the 6th of juneOn the shores of western europe 1944D-day upon us
Сожги свои кресты.No use to pray, there’s no one listening
I will die anyway.
Some say I’ve killed, some call me Satan
Now my blood must be spilled
I’m sentenced for crimes I did not commit
I’ll pay with my blood, is this really it?
Creations of God?
я люблю БАТОН"If you know the enemy, and know yourself
You need not fear the result of a hundred battles
If you know yourself, but not the enemy
For every victory gained, you will also suffer a defeat
If you know neither the enemy nor yourself
You will succumb in every battle"
I stand alone and gaze upon the battlefield