Glass House Glass House
It’s just about to break will it wait for us
It’s almost way too late to save us
There are days it gets too hot
Then there are days it gets too cold
I can see through all these walls
But I can’t see us
Something BiggerSomething Bigger
You can sit there on your own
You can walk thru life alone
But there’s other ways to spend your days
It’s not the things that you don’t say
It’s what you keep away
Can you hear me, what I’m trying to say
Drip DrapDrip Drop
You are my man
You are my half
Tell me what’s happening
I know something’s wrong
I can tell when you lie
I can tell you stopped trying
Drip DroDrip-Drop
Verse 1
You are my man
You are my half
Tell me what's happening
I know something's wrong
I can tell when you lie
Drip DropYou are my man,
You are my half
Tell me what's happening
I know something's wrong
I can tell when you lie
I can tell you stopped trying
And these last three weeks passed and we barely talk
drip-dropYou are my man,
You are my half
Tell me what’s happening
I know something’s wrong
I can tell when you lie
I can tell you stopped trying And these last three weeks passed and we barely talk
I think I know and it’s breaking my heart
Am I in or am I out? Can I love you forever through this?
Dulu sayang kini benci" Dulu Sayang Kini Benci "
Jika aku terpaksa sehidup memendam rasa
Tentu engkau pun tahu sebabnya hatiku terluka
Cubalah kau fikirkan kesilapan dirimu
Tanpa belas kasihan menyiksa di batinku
Dulu aku kau sayang
From Her, From LoveShe's the one
That never sleeps
she's the one that never weeps
She's the one that's in too deep
Her body heat
Warmer than the sun
But when she's cold
You'll come undone
March On•March On•
The battle has begun
And we must move as one
Despite what we’ve done
We can achieve
And yes we bleed
Sari gelinSaçın ucun hörməzlər
Gülü sulu dərməzlər
Sarı gəlin
Bu sevda nə sevdadır
Səni mənə verməzlər
Neynim aman, aman
Neynim aman, aman
Sarı gəlin
SoullessTell me, don't lie to me, even if it kills me.
I know you're cheating on me boy
Believe me, you'll see, I'm gonna make you tell me.
Seeing you cry I will enjoy.
You and I we got it wrong
You don't belong
This is your song
Soz VerSəndən sonra, o səni anlarım
Gemli bir kölgə tək, izləyir məni
Bundan sonra, nə deyim, ağlayam
Bu dərdli könlümə nə deyim
Söz ver, nə olar söz ver,
Sonra geri dön bir ümüd ver
Söz ver, nə olar söz ver,