ApotheosisBlind, I don't want to See the Truth
striping Crust of Time
I knew he hadn't been Right
he must Come to Stone Sky
I will Wait till late at Night
I will Wait for my Faith
in Dream Colours aren't Real
Blood, Milk and SkyThe siren sings a lonly song
Of all the wants and hungers
The lust of love a brute desire
The ledge of life goes under
Divide the dream into the flesh
Kaleidoscope and candle eyes
Empty winds scrape on the soul
Eternal Cry of GloryPope Is the Best among my Friends
with his Help I Finish my Work
building an Idol in the Face of God
and Held he'll be in his Arms
Cry of Glory - I Shout through his Mouth
Cry of Glory - hides Away the Sun
Cry of Glory - hides Away all Sights
Flowers fade awayshe was to Warm my cold Heart
to Love her, to Be for her
i Killed her with my Sight
i was Lost in her Eyes
my Sight makes Flowers fade Away
i'm Waiting for the Rain to Come
for Tears that will Dissolve my Pain
I Would DanceI would get up, get up, my beloved, go to the fields
We'll cut the grass, we'll spread the hay
Now, my love...
I would get up, get up, my beloved, run to the hills
We'll bake the bread, we'll dress our wounds
Come, my love...
I would dance my love
II TSOHG'm the Master of Fears
you are in the Room
i am in Your Head
you're on the Ceremonial Bed
i am a True Ghost
and you're Not the First
i'm the Master of Fears
you are in the Room
Last...Hey, my Pale Moon , my Dear Friend
it´s Last ... , it´s Last ...
Last Night with your Mysterious Beams
with your Cold Silence
I want to See you Again
I want to Hear your Voice
silent Night, your cold Light and my Black Bloody Soul
LonelyLonely at night - dark - bellman and time - snow under feet
Lonely in snow - cold - and under ice - tarrying white fate
Lonely - by day and night - crying in room
Only calm that remains at the end of day
Lonely - golden corn stooks - lightning from sky
And again one more cross at the end of the day
LookWhen you fly – like a bird – like a string – you are
When you tune – like a wood – like a flute – across sky
I‘m playing - and flying – like a bird – like a string
I’m stretching – I’m sounding – like I’m in the wind
Look at me boy when I dance
I’m dancing – blossoming – like a flying leaf
Lovin' on the Earthdo You think about Love ?
so What do You think about ?
do You think about Life ?
so What do You feel within ?
all the Things You see accumulate
the Beauty in Thee fades to gray
nothing Is pure and stays the Same way
OsameliNehybná noc
Za okny sníh
Poutník a dech.
Na cestě sám
Na druhý břeh
PohanskaLežím v trávě
oči se klíží
ranou v hlavě
krev vytéká
Cítím kroky
vím, ona se blíží
věrně čeká
na člověka
Pramen, co viVětříčku, můj větře
Vidíš, mocný pane
Šípy na tvých křídlech
Pole zasypané
Vyslyš naše přání
Upros latyl bílý
Ať z tvých
SamodivaSám, tak sám
Tmou, váben s třemchavou
Sám, tak sám
Tmou, vlhkou tmou se proplétám
Hladina je tělem, touhu v ústech mám
Samodivy zpěv jen, nocí zazníván
Sám bdím
ShadowHey you, I´m watching your steps for a long time
The sun stretches your shadows to me
I know you have no power
Without sight,
without thoughts
With feeling of cold fear
Hey you, you´ve forgotten something on your way
Skryj hlavu do dlaniSkryj Hlavu Do Dlaní
Zrada tvé spasení
Nad přízrak letíš tmou
Slza je z očí prach
Ve větru kvílení
Krev milé na rukou
Zůstal jen pláč a strach (mne nezradí)
SlavaBandura zní z velké dálky
Igricové hrají dost
Zatančeme beze zbraní
Zazpívejme pro radost
Naslouchejme hlasu ohně
Plamen nebe otvírá
Naříká-li, zkáza přijde
Dobrou zprávu zazpívá
SudiceDotkne-li se Bělbog země
Dám ti čaro panen
V těle horký plamen
ti dám
Dotkne-li se Bělbog země
Dám ti strach a sílu
Beznaděj a víru
ti dám
TanczylabymPora już wstać już wstań
miła ma już czeka łan
już trzeba biec i trawę siec
biegnij tam
Pora już wstać już wstań
bo wśród gór czeka stół
Upieczesz chleb opatrzysz rany me
To Face the EndI know - I know this tale
Find out - this is the end
I know - I know this tale
She's alone - with her pain
I see him - see him mad
Indeed I know - this is the end
Ugly JewelDeranged for Strange Ways you Wait for the Sign
every Crossroads are False
Ways are Closed and Cold
you Wait for the Sign hidden with Bloody Hands
Restless as a Stream of mountain River
Imprisoned at Unknown World
Roar of Birds, Whisper of Trees, Depressive
We Shall GoWe shall Go…
no God can Stop the steps
no Hands can Mute Silence
he Lives in Dirty thoughts
he Rapes the Clearest ones
We shall go - so let Bells Ring
Winter QueenBeauty will be taken by Darkness
make Love with her
Dawn comes without Pain unexpected
you'll stay Unstained
don't Trust light Reflection in Tears
then Sin can Stay
Desire kills Invention as casualty
cause Sin will Stay
WizardI'm sitting in front of the blank picture, looking
Old and tired, tired and old, without wings of
I'm alone like pain in me
a thousand years is so long a time, I'm an old
wizard indeed
Bloody tears fall down to the empty hands from the