Accidents Can HappenDon't give up, it takes a while
I have seen this look before
And it's alright
You're not alone
If you don't love this anymore
I hear that you've slipped again
I'm here 'cause I know you'll need a friend
AngelPaint yourself a picture
Of what you wish you looked like
Mayby then they just might
Feel an ounce of your pain
Come into focus
Step out of the shadows
It's a losing battle
Courtesy Call[Dialtone, knocking]
[Female voice:] Housekeeping...
[Female:] Hello, housekeeping?
[Tries, door, knocking]
[Female:] Hello?
Well you found me, but I don't know
Courtesy Call Визит ВежливостиВизит Вежливости
(Courtesy Call)
Ты обнаружил меня. Но я не знаю, что ты хочешь мне сказать.
Господь так добр и всемогущ, но не помог он мне, хотя все было в Его силах.
В медленном танце любовь проплывает мимо. Это просто визит вежливости,
всего лишь тонкий политический вопрос, только дежурная любезность,
дающая понять, что твое время истекло.
Girl with golden eyesShe speaks to me in Persian
Tells me that she loves me
The girl with golden eyes
And though I hardly know her
I let her in my veins
And trust her with my life
I wish I had never kissed her
Heart Failure[Spoken]
When I think back on this life
I guess we were doing the best we could
And to look at us from the outside
I'm sure it seems somewhat romantic
But when you've tasted excess
Everything else tastes bland
Yeah, we had everything to lose
Help Is On The WayHey hey
Well I'm a paralized soul
And I don't know where to go
Well I should open my eyes
Yeah I should open my eyes
I'm a left out only child
The attention gets me high
IntermissionАнтракт (перевод Alex из Керчи)
Когда я впервые взял в руки эти дневники,
Клочки бумаги, где были заметки, каракули и прочая чушь,
Много чувств переполняли меня, но больше всех эти:
Как же, черт возьми, я остался жив?
Это то, о чем я думаю каждый день.
I apologize
That your memory serves you more than I can now
You'll have to make sense of my life somehow
Yeah, somehow
Well, I close my eyes
Pray For MeShe lights a candle, but she doesn't know why.
She wants to save me, but i'm barely alive.
My soul is thirsty. I just wanna get high.
Make her go away.
Now i'm hitting the wall and she begs me to quit,
And she drags me to church but i'm scared to commit,
And i'm loosing my mind 'cause she hides all my shit.
SkinPaint yourself a picture
Of what you wish you looked like
Maybe then they just might
Feel the amounts of your pain
Come into focus
Step out of the shadows
It's a losing bet
SmileAs the light
Washes over the morning rise
You're still asleep
And that's alright
I can be still
'Cause you look so sweet
And beautiful
This is gonna hurt
Такое чувство, будто жизнь окончена,
Будто надежда умерла,
И ты со всем прощаешься.
Может быть... может быть...
Это второе пришествие,
Это призыв к оружию,
Твой звёздный час не должен пройти
TomorrowWhere ya gonna be tomorrow?
How ya gonna face the sorrow?
Where ya gonna be when you die?
'Cause nothing's gonna last forever
And things they change like the weather
They're gone in the blink of an eye
Just look at yourself, can you see where you are?
Van NuysI don't want to die
Out here in the valley
Waiting for my luck to change
And I just want my dad to know
That I finally made it
Everybody gets high
Everybody gets low
We Will Not Go QuietlyIt's like a heart attack, I see the shock when you face it
We couldn't take it so we got a little wasted
I'd really love to see the look on their face
When you open your eyes, when you open your eyes
We run away, but who is gonna save us
The only people that you find are gonna slay us
I'd really love to hear the sound of your voice
X-Mas In Hell25-е декабря 1986 года, Вэн Найс
С Рождеством!
Это то, что люди говорят в Рождество, верно?
Правда, обычно, они это говорят кому-то.
У них есть друзья и семьи,
И они никогда не сидели голыми под рождественской ёлкой
С иглой в руке, словно сумасшедшие, в особняке в Вэн Найс.