- Deep Deep Down
The air that night becoming day
The moon, the blue, the deep, deep blue
The stars that wink and fade away
Leaving me, the sea, and you.
On the horizon, two small lights
One green, one red, each a mystery
Passing ships, or luminous fish?
- Nothing in the Middle
Well there's nothing in the middle
Of the flash that gets the cheers
And there's nothing in the middle
Of the way it all appears
And the outside just wears away
After several years
There's nothing in the middle
- Step on Me
You keep your head down
And slip behind things
A silhouette with substance
A black hole tugging at me
And not even my gaze can escape your gravity.
You move in riddles
In opposite directions
- The Ballad of Chico
When I was a guide for the brickworks in Pawling
There was a salad house open 24-7
Good morning
Bad mornings meet for a Bad Mornings Anonymous
You bring the dressing
And I'll bring the nakedness
There is a reason you can get a Caesar to go
Drunker than Rome when
- Исповедь клоуна
Моя жизнь игра
Я играю ее в себе
Всегда клоуном был
И теперь Клоун и есть
Долго лгал и пел
Не заметил ухода сил
Поседел в душе
- Маленький мир
Маленький мир
На задворках вселенной.
Старый диван
Размалеваны стены
В комнате той,
В галактических мерках,
Рай свой творил