Behold The Pale HorseHail!
The Fourth seal screams
The beast is holding
The veil at bay
And it all
Seems surreal
To war and conquer
Life from all man
Dead Men WalkingIn the face of suffering and pain
(The Lord, our justice is one)
As h**l postures itself like it still reigns
(the peace of heaven will come)
I am a child of God. i see all these things- I’m broken.
(The Lord, our justice is one)
I bow my head to the king in submission
As His words are spoken.
Descending Into HellI'm rigged to Fire, and I'm set to blow - I cannot live in this state, break down the doors smash every window, to help the orphans escape - What would Jesus do? I think illuminate - You know what's \"unbiblical?\" - That's Jesus sitting in some blackened room - These people live so violated and we're concerned with church agendas
Oh My God - Pure religion says I fight this war - The hidden millions own back yard, exploited masses.
These kids are all alone, waiting for someone - I tell you what's \"biblical\" the master came to set the captive free and we should be like him, we will worship and pray, then instigate their release! - I can't see Jesus in this Pollutes my trust, it fills my heart with hate - I hear their muffled screams, these children terrified - God what is right, I can't stand by and...I refuse to stand by in this house of fear, its innocent kids who pay the real price, in the House of Fear - Take back every throw away life from the house of Fear - Cant live for myself as innocence dies, in the House of Fear! Holy God Where are you in the dark and hidden place? - How can I sleep when children live as slaves, these are your people Oh God - I'll pray and I'll move, Father say the Word! Cause this is unspeakable, slithering darkness but I'll bring the light - And by the morning they'll all be gone, given the chance to lead a different life - Descending into Hell - Cause these Kids are for sale, we walk into Hell - For those locked in a cell, we walk into Hell - Some can't speak for themselves, we walk into Hell - Even Jesus himself has walked into Hell
EnthronedIn the midst of this crushing pain, when it's too dark to see.
Can Your hand reach down to this pit i've made?
Can You save me?
Please save me.
When I realize the life You gave, bringing me to light, like the scales have finally dropped off from my eyes.
You restored my sight.
Now I can find.
We are chosen, we are called.
He Will ReignIn my mind I know how to sing this
But I need your light, God there's no other way
He says I try, the words all come jumbling out
As I rest in your light, I hear your spirit say, you say
I don't know why it was that I hated you so
It was before I really knew you
Before I touched your heart and it became unto me, the very substance of my life
Jehova ShalomYou are glory
You are pain
You are master
You are the servants
You are fire
You are rain
You are justice
You are returning again
Morning StarStomp the devil, Lord
Jesus Come
Kingdom Come
Jesus Come
Cause you are worthy of every human life
Kingdom Come
Narrow RoadIt's ride or die
on this rocky road
the crowds no prize
and I feel so alone
empty burdens and lies
amidst the demons of woe
Sons of ThunderThis conflict burns in my veins, I feel injustice surround, stopping my movement in Hope - The stinging words of the crowd, they speak of me like I've lost my mind, like I am some kind of joke - I see the enemies rage, I hear the sickening voice taunt, I feel his wicked eyes shine - Simply no longer afraid I throw my head back and laugh, and take a drink of new wine - The fight is over your souls - Sons of Thunder - Calling the fire down - Burning with hope - Sons of Thunder - My only weapon is truth, hatred's more powerful or so it would seem, sapping my belief in all the things you have shown in the secret - My friends and family just scream, angry at you and they cry out to me They speak sincere unbelief and inside them they mean it - Sons of Thunder - Calling the Fire Down - Bringing Me Home - Sons of Thunder Overcome this world with love - Is there no one who understands, has everyone turned aside, is anyone listening, someone hear me - Does anyone understand, has everyone turned their own way Father help me, return! - In that moment I have felt my life slip from my hands - Becoming heaven's weapon In that instant felt your spirit enter mortal man - See you at Armageddon - Bringing me home
This Calls For Patient Endurance On The Part Of The SaintsWarned Be Warned One day the underground will be the only option War Destruction Comes to the Shores of America. One Day the price you’ll pay the Brutal price to pray will be the blood of your firstborn sons. NO what will you do will you remain true to his name though the Antichrist reigns and this nation rolls over bones of believers and they sing "The Saints Are Dead" But we’ll keep on truckin'. Though this nation rolls I say Keep Rollin.
TithemiAll fear, all pain, all hurt, all grief, all lies, must bow to Jesus' name.
All kings, all thrones, everything that breathes life, must bow to Jesus' name.
The earth, the sea, the sun, the stars, the sky, must bow to Jesus' name.
Kings, crowns, thrones - bow down.
Fall face down - bow down.
Kiss the ground - bow down.