Escapec 0.33
Trying to leave evil darkness of night
I’m really afraid of seeing sun again,
Feeling the light by my skin.
Taking a step across the threshold
I’ve stood for a moment facing the day,
There where I have never been.
ExplosionWoods were covered with hoarfrost,
Waters were icebound,
Cold sullen moon was gone taking away depression.
An airplane was flying out,
Towards the shining sun,
Gleaming with its navigation lights, melting away in the air.
Ice VoidCan you believe me I can see your face no more,
Can you believe me I can't listen what you say
Can you receive my words, forgive me if you can,
Cause now I feel alone much better than with you
Ice void comes into my brain and devours my mind.
An awful face without name is in front of my eyes.
SomnambulistI see those stars,
I hear the silence of this empty space,
When night comes.
I’m getting up
I’m flying away from Earth to the stars,
Where night reigns.