In the Midst of Trepidation, HopeWe fought so hard to find the truth but everywhere we looked was just another dead end waiting to be found. We turned our backs on love, the only thing that we could trust, but Love was still pursuing us, until we just gave up (Far from everything we once held dear, now all we have is You). Give up on ourselves. Give up on our need to be anything but portraits of You. And round and round we go, this battle for truth will be waged as long as our hearts are beating. Time will tell the victory is not for us to claim. We did it for the glory of Your name. In the past, I thought this war was just a game, but now I see these battles raging, and finally realize that even though my hands may fail, Your Love, it still remains. We march to battle forsaking everything we once held dear, and holding on to You, for this will pass.