Evil Slowly Infects Our SoulsThe ghosts from a dark past compose with our souls a sick madness, perverting our spirits...
We vomit our hate, dancing upon saints graves...
Evil slowly infects our souls...
Our spirits are darkening, we let his will be fulfilled...
Infection of evil takes place in our midst...
We'll spread the putrid gangrene of his speech...
Gleam of Forgotten ExistenceHe answers to the deeper grief of his blood and begin
and to the challenges of our time which, in him has found
his prophet, witness and creator
When we all walk across the sea
the misty waves summon us
and maybe the astral emanation revive us
because of what might happen in the infinite dream.
In Desolated Visions As the natural is changing
you see the path with honour.
Let me take you on a trip - Takes me completely
Now feel the unknow - Let me cry and don't say a word
It's just at the top to disappear alone...
Opened heart, bitter visions, incantations
that my heart may once again be fertile.
La Realidad Que Me Tortura...sensación por mis venas siento correr
Sentimientos que yacían ocultos permanecen a flor de piel
Una lágrima que desgarra mi mejilla va ensangrentando mis pies
Lentamente me transporta al portal de su litúrgica oscuridad
Su sonrisa explayandose en mis cinco sentidos vitales
Desterrando de mi mente todo sueño ahi existente
Y en sus alas encominedo mis más íntimos sentimientos
Wisdom of Grief You have been able to cross the dread and oppression river
however, you know that the sun is shining
and the new day has the destiny of causes.
When I see to the red sky
Soon the night will come
Those ancient centuries has listened
my reflected and lost cry.