Bad SeedYou thought that you could never love again, but then I opened your =
Heart, abusive man he terrorized I've seen the hardness in your eyes, =
Your trust has been ripped apart, beaten down with no defense, another =
Bad experience, could you just give me a chance? 'Cause he is only one =
Bad seed, in all our humanity... Don't let him block our romance, he =
Created walls made of mistrust, if you let us we'll crush them into =
Dust, leave his image to die in the past, so you can love at last. Your =
Face is etched the strain, from long years of constant pain, let my love =
ExplorerTake me away
From this cold and baron landscape
Let me stay
The tide is pushing you away
Swim to the light
You're drowning in the warmth of the night
Take my hand
A lost explorer on
Meleklerimi IndirdimSevdim ben her gece ışığımdan geçen kördüğümler ucunda
Sardım ellerini her korktuğumda
Sakindim kendimi içimde kaybetmeden
Usul usul sokuldum sana tüm benliğimle
Bir solukta seni anmaya gücüm kalmadı artık son sayfa
Tükendi sonsuzluğa akan her damla
Sordum yüreğime aklıma sığmayan onlarca cümle ile
Yalnız senin için meleklerimi indirdim ağlasınlar
Past the PointAlmost to the point where in the past I've given up, but this time =
Something keeps on telling me I've got to go on, so now I will try to =
Get the lead out of my blood and lose the paralyzing lies, that shower =
From above. I must strengthen my constitution, I must gather my resolve, =
I've got to muster every ounce of my resistance. Self inflicted doom has =
Left me open and exposed, to every sickness, every fallacy that's going =
Around, I will not succumb to the belief that others hold that there is =
No defense against infection, as I've been told. We're tolerant to the =
War RoomI did not get out of the trenches unscathed,
This lingering damage I'll take to my grave,
Like nerve gas poison and agent orange
The wages of high risk are part of my story
What kind of madness took a hold of me to shoot another's blood
Into my willing veins no I could never do that voluntarily
I heard a demon tell me to and I obeyed but
weave and unravelHere I am still intact,
and I should give myself credit for that,
but I have cast a stone deep into my throat,
I squat on land my feet won't reach,
the smell of blood and bile and bleach,
I need a square foot and a rope.
We can weave, we can unravel,