ArmageddonThe smell of death is in the air
The sky is dark, there is no sun
And everywhere you see the dead
And everywhere you see the blood
You walk on bones; this pungent stench
You hear them cry but you can't help them
You're paralyzed by your fear
Bitch Like YouI'm living with you but I'm living a life
I wanna go down and you wanna go high
It's not what I want cos I wanna be free
You live in your cage but that's no place for me
I'm on the way
Now I'm on the way
Now I'm on the way to show what I really need
Black Dressed WomanBlack dressed woman
The whip in your hand
Burning desire
You know I can't stand
Your burning eyes
They save my skin
You got a body
Made of sin
Call MeCall me call me what you like
I'm nobody
Tell me tell me what you think
I'm you fool
Call me call me what you like
I'm no body, I don't care about what you say
You can call me crazy
Castles In The Skyyou're laying next to me
I look into your eyes
but everything I see
is what I never wanted
so I have to find
a way out of fear
I want you dead
you destroyed my life
Collective Suicidethere's no place in this fucking world
no place for a fragile heart like mine
I can't hide my insecurity
when madness comes around
I will wake you up at night
prepare for collective suicide
Crack UpI want to sell my soul to you
Please don´t refuse my decision
I can´t deny my addiction
I would give up everything I achieved
just to be with you, baby
forever be with you, baby
Daddy= Terminal Choice - Daddy
Hatten Sie wieder Albtraume?
You lay in your bed
Nightmares in your head
You praying to death
You feel your cold sweat
Deathwish(This isn't for your eyes)
your a victim
a victim of fate
you left the world
the world of pain
you found a solution
esacape from this horror
you left the one
Der Schwarze Mann2002 (версия с гордоном)
Zunächst mal werde ich Dir auf den Kopf schlagen.
Eine Weile. Wenn Du ohnmächtig wirst,
warte ich bis Du wieder zu Dir kommst.
Dann werde ich Dir die Arme und Beine brechen.
Und danach verstümmle ich Dich.
Aber ich weiß noch nicht wie.
Der Todafraid of darkness
afraid of night
afraid of the unknown
unable to fight
you hide yourself from death
you hide yourself from hate
you see unholy beings
Devil Daddy(and we children, we children are born of fear, we are born of fear, that is why we must let the light of god, let the light of god, let the light of god into our hearts children, we are all children of god, but oh we are sinners, we are sinner, we are sinners of the light, so we must take to love of god into our heart or we will burn, burn in hell, burn in eternal damnation!)
sechs sechs sechs
is the number of the beast
dial sechs sechs 7
if you want to go with me
prey prey prey
for absolution
Don't goCame in from the city walked into the door
I turned around when I heard the sound of footsteps on the floor
Love just like addiction now I'm hooked on you
I need some time to get it right
Eiszeita little child is sitting down
by the riverside
everywhere is ice
and the little child cried
with frozen feet and hand so cold
shivering inside
everything lays on the ice
and it?s hard to breeze tonight
Engelstodmeine Kälte lässt dich schweigen
meine Liebe lässt dich einsam sein
mein Glaube lässt dich zweifeln
doch deine Augen sind kalt wie Stein
deine Hoffnung ist meine Angst
dein Ende ist mein Weg
deine Hoffnung ist meine Angst
dein Ende ist mein Weg
Golden DaysСлова песни Golden Days (Song Lyrics)
I feel your presence everywhere I go
I hear your voice when I search for silence
I see your face when I close my eyes
You´re in my mind
You poisoned my soul
Hate MeYou hate me for the things I do
You hate me for the things I say
You hate me for the way that you feel
You hate me cause I run away from you
I know we both want the same
But you know it's not the easy way
I'm confused, I'm not ready for this
I Kissed A GirlThis was never the way I planned, not my intention
I got so brave, drink in hand, lost my discretion
It's not what I'm used to, just wanna try you on
I'm curious for you caught my attention
I kissed a girl and I liked it, the taste of her cherry chapstick
I kissed a girl just to try it, I hope my girlfriend don't mind it
It felt so wrong, it felt so right, don't mean I'm in love tonight
I Kissed HerI'm trapped in a world of illusion and fear
but in my dreams I escape from this place
and in a dark and cold night I met my destiney
I looked into her eyes and I saw a fragile child
and then she fell into me arms
I couldn't resist, I kissed her
and it felt like heaven
I Want 2 KnowThis is the day you went away
I´m sitting here and watch the sky
You say I did something wrong
and you won´t come back again
I can´t get you out of my head
I can´t get you out of my head
I want to know was there nothing inside you?
I'm A MonsterI'm a monster
I'm a freak
I'm so ugly
Like a deamon's
You send me out to destroy all your enemies
You send me out to whip your
You send me out to destroy enemies
Injusticewe are living in a world of hate and fear
is this really our destiny?
is there nothing we can do
to prevent the ultimate end of time
in every human being
exists the seed of evil
and every day some of them try
to keep it down
Invitation To Death"Heut ist ein guter Tag zum sterben"
look your life
it makes no sense
try to make it better
don't let your aggression
take control
be strong
Kaltes HerzВитя АК:
У Любы было два продуктовых магазина,
Аренду бизнес-леди всегда вовремя платила,
Она трудилась и копила чтоб покушать было,
Билася об лёд как живая рыба.
Приходили азеры, предлагали крышу,
Мусора интересуются чем Люба дышит,
А у Любы дочь ещё и муж ушёл,
Keine MachtDu bist wie ein vulkan,
Denn deine worte brennen tief in mir!
Alles was du sagst, macht keinen sinn!
Was willst du noch von mir?
Stoss den dolch noch tiefer in mein fleisch,
Du geniesst es, wenn ich leiden muss!
Du bist nur eine schlampe und
Kill Them AllSchwarze Wesen in dunkler Nacht
Tödlicher Fehler
Du hast nicht die Macht
Blutige Gesichter starren Dich an
Du willst fliehen
Aus magischem Bann
Zerfetzte Leiber liegen im Gras
Offene Gräber, blinder Hass
KillerI'm walking through the city
Got a plan inside my head
I'm going to your house and maybe
I will shoot you dead
Cos you're a fucking loser
and your head is full of shit
I think this is my mention
KommerzFour sounds are better than three
Why don't you spend all your money for TC?
Alles was du noch erreichen willst in deinem Leben,
ist ein Star zu sein; du wärst gern populär
Ein Produzent muss her; dein Image noch neu aufpoliert
Wenn dich die Masse liebt, gehört die Bühne nur noch dir
Little SeventeenYou're staring at me with this tender look,
You're smiling at me, promise me everything,
I don't like the way you talk,
I don't like the way you walk,
I don't like what you do,
I'm falling away from you.
Your love's not what I'm looking for
Menschenbrecher"Das Grauen hat ein Gesicht,
und man muss sich das Grauen
zum Freund machen.
Das Grauen und der moralische Terror
sind deine Freunde.
Falls es nicht so ist,
sind sie deine gefarchteten Feinde.
Sie sind deine wirklichen Feinde!"
Necromantic LoverYour rottin body lays in my bed
Your hands are cold
You eyes are closed
I touch your cold skin
It makes me hot
Your crumbing face
Makes me shiver inside
On The Battlefieldwe gotta fight
to survive this life
we gotta run
runaway from this injury
we gotta pray
to the gods of war
we gotta kill
express once on your mind
Out Of The Darkich krieg' von dir niemals genug
du bist in jedem Atemzug
alles dreht sich nur um dich
warum ausgerechnet ich
zähl die Stunden, die Sekunden
doch die Zeit scheint still zu steh'n
hab' mich geschunden, gewunden
laß' mich geh'n
Perverted LoveYou say I´m the only one for you
So why are you trying to banish me?
You say I´m the only love for you
So why are you doing the things you do?
I can´t stand it anymore
I have to go before it tears me down
I can´t stand it anymore
There´s nothing left to stay
PsychopathYou try to force me, in your direction
but I'm not the one who wants to play your game
I want to live, my own life
and I dont want you to be a part of it
You drive me crazy, with your orders
I just want to do whats best for me
I want to kill, all your sceptics
The time will come I'll show you my success
Pull The Triggeryou try to break me with your violent words
you know everything you do hurts
you can never change my point of you
I have to denied everything you do
and I am waiting for the moment
when I look into your eyes
I pull the trigger
Sehnsuchtoutside my window
everything is dark
I'm sitting in my room
it's darker than the night
the walls are coming closer
try to reach my skin
they want to break my bones
but I don't care
She's the devilshe looks like an angel from heaven sent
her beauty paralyzed your mind
her body is perfect
she smiles at you
you are trapped in your own dream
she gives you everything you need
but she hurts you all the time
Someoneyou go to bed like every night
but there is fear inside your mind
you are afraid to close your eyes
inside your body your small heart cries
he says girl my love is true
don't tell your mom things we do
but you can't stand it anymore
it is to late he opens the door
Stay with MeI am walking on this endless road
I try it to follow your footsteps
I am searching for you in the night
And I always ask me why
Why did you leave me?
Why did you say no silent words?
Why did you try to find your way alone?
Why don't you leave me anymore?
The ForestDarkness falls through
The trees in the forest
It's the forest of sadness
No light will ever shine here
Everlasting silence
Nothing is here
Loneliness is your best friend
The SicknessСлова песни The Sickness (Song Lyrics)
I hear you when you scream
I´m with you in your dreams
I know what´s on your mind
I pray for you
Deep inside you there´s a pain
The Sons Of DoomDas Licht das doppelt so hell brennt
Brennt eben nur halb so lange
Du hast fУМr kurze Zeit unglaublich
hell gebrannt.
believe me my friend
our time has come
now we are here
To AmericaWir leben hier in good old Deutschland
und niemand weiß, wie's weitergeht
In einem Land voll Egoismus
Wo niemand uns mehr versteht
Jeder hier ist gegen uns
Niemand versteht, was wir tun
Es ist Zeit für einen Ausbruch
Keine Zeit sich auszuruhen
Totes Fleisch"eine weitere entsetzliche Prophezeihung
sollte sich erfullen
der Wind des Todes
wird uber die Erde fegen
die Kontinente werden in einem Ozean
voll Blut versinken"
Zerfetzte Karper liegen am Boden
Victim Of Lifeall I really feel is death and pain, death and pain, death and pain
all i really want is to kill myself, kill myself, kill myself
i'm a psychopathic killer kill myself, kill myself, kill myself
i'm a victim of life condemned to die, condemned to die
all I really feel is death and pain, death and pain, death and pain
all i really want is to kill myself, kill myself, kill myself
i'm a psychopathic killer kill myself, kill myself, kill myself
Warriors from Outa SpaceWe had a motor crash
On our crummy flight
We made a forced landing
On planet earth
And we were so impressed
By the type of nature
We have never seen
Anything like that