Johnny I Hardly Knew YaWhen on the road to sweet Athy, (Hurroo! Hurroo!)
A stick in the hand, a drop in the eye,
A doleful damsel I heard cry:
"Johnny, I hardly knew ya!"
"Where are the eyes that looked so mild? (Hurroo! Hurroo!)
When my poor heart you first beguiled?
Why did you run from me and the child?
Spanish LadiesFarewell and adieu to you, Spanish ladies,
Farewell and adieu to you, ladies of Spain;
For we have received orders for to sail to old England,
And we may ne'er see you fair ladies again.
We'll rant and we'll roar, like true British sailors,
We'll rant and we'll roar all on the salt seas;
Until we strike soundings in the Channel of old England,
The Burning of AuchindounAs I cam’ in by Fiddichside, on a May morning
I spied Willie MacIntosh an hour before the dawning
Turn again, turn again, turn again, I bid ye
If ye burn Auchindoun, Huntly he will heid ye
Heid me or hang me, that shall never fear me
I'll burn Auchindoun tho' the life leaves me
As I cam’ in by Auchindoun on a May morning
Стареющий вагантБыл я молод, был я знатен,
Был я девушкам приятен,
Был силён, что твой Ахилл,
А теперь я стар и хил.
Был богатым, стал я нищим,
Стал весь мир моим жилищем,
Горбясь, по миру брожу,