I will bleed for youWell I see you all around me,
I see apathy in your eyes
Knowing not what it means to be free
Watching as the white flame dies
It means nothing to you,
Pride is an unknown trait
Tell me what are you gonnda do?
Run and hide of face the hate?
Mr. MediaHave you turned on you TV, lately
Or listen to the radio?
Always the same media friendly,
Oh, what a way to go.
Just like the blind leading the blind,
You're gonna follow just lie sheep.
While you believe them and their kind,
They ain't losing any sleep
Rain down on meI feel the drop lets soaking my skinn,
Feel the blood pumping from within
Standing out in the pouring rain
Purging my boy, the Gods steal my pain
Rain, raine down on me
Blood of the Gods, set me free
The GuardianAs the bright sun slowly sinks, at the end of another day
I turn for home, but I can't find my way.
Lost in a jungle of ignorance and hate.
Somebow this darkness tells me I'm too late.
Then on the breeze, I hear you voice and it say.
The warrior peace, the warrior deathCalling to me in the heat of the night
Voices of the fallen, those who fell in flight
They spur me on, the wind beneath my wings.
Showing me the way and the gory in brings.
The crystal vision, when I close my eyes,
Working like a dogTring to work myself outt this mess,
Working for a boss who don't care less,
I'm just a number ain't got no name
To him I'm just a pawn in his power game.
Yeah, I'm working like a dog
Can't see no way outta this dead end job.